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[ 2017-03-27 18:47:23Z ]👍 2
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[ 2017-03-28 04:43:26Z ] 👍 0
Thank you so much for allowing the use of some of your video content! =)
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[ 2017-03-27 21:21:36Z ]👍 2
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[ 2017-03-28 09:06:08Z ] 👍 0
Absolutely agreed!
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[ 2017-03-28 08:37:37Z ] 👍 4
It wouldn't be so frustrating if not for the fact that this game is not cheap plus the expensive expansion... for this kind of money they should feel obliged to fix huge issues like this... there might not be a lot of Linux ARK players but it should not matter. They chose to release a Linux version so they should keep it playable.
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[ 2017-03-28 08:01:55Z ] 👍 0
yeah. I wouldnt really mind those differences if we didnt have those glitches. But yeah, i never understood why they chose opengl3.2 instead of opengl4, because what i remember opengl4 has been in the UE4 engine since its launch.
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[ 2017-03-28 04:38:43Z ] 👍 2
Yeah, it's kind of nasty to be honest. The worst part is that the look of the linux version and its glitches are all due to the renderer API being so old and not supporting the features currently used. They could resolve all the glitches and the look issues with a proper API like Vulkan... or if they really wish to keep OpenGL, then with upgrading to OGL4. Oh well, dreams. =3
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[ 2017-03-27 21:29:12Z ]👍 6
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[ 2017-03-28 18:02:00Z ] 👍 1
I know :(
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[ 2017-03-28 14:40:12Z ] 👍 1
I will still play it. Sadly Linux community is so small that we could all request for a refund and make no other Linux user buy it and still get no fixes on this platform. We are just too small to make a huge difference.
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[ 2017-03-28 08:38:33Z ] 👍 0
woox2k it makes me not want to play it anymore :(
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[ 2017-06-28 17:17:49Z ]👍 1
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[ 2017-06-29 17:57:30Z ] 👍 0
Photon Doh absolutely agreed with you!
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[ 2017-07-04 10:58:51Z ]👍 0
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[ 2018-05-02 20:44:14Z ] 👍 1
Armitige Shanks gamers want games, regardless of what system they use...a user shouldnt have to have 2 pcs or run a vm just to play a game...also linux has alot of games, just not as many as windows...the linux community is growing, and we demand that we can play our games, as support grows, more developers may start making more linux games....linux isnt just antiquated free technology, its a bad ass OS and in many ways better than windows...i personally own linux and windows pcs, after using primarily windows for about 20 years or so, ive switched to primarily linux, because it has the features and interface that i prefer....but its a major pain having to boot up windows or run wine to play a windows game...also id like to piint out, it is not the fault of linux that alot of games wont work, its due to the fact that the developers chose not to make the game for linux.
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[ 2018-02-17 07:26:06Z ]👍 1
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[ 2018-05-02 21:27:14Z ] 👍 0
are you moron? don't you know subjects in sentences?
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[ 2018-05-02 21:17:39Z ] 👍 1
Jeremy u can make a guest account on linux, but notsure why u would...having a guest account makes u less secure, also hackers are less likely to havk your linux box than they are to hack a windows pc...oh and linux is a community....there are organizations within the community, but most are non profit organizations, that arent spying on windows does
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[ 2018-05-02 21:00:16Z ] 👍 0
also does steam on ubuntu makes temp guest account? whatever it is I've decided not to play ark in linux cause I found out there are always hackers to break into my computer when playing ark. server, company itself, or other stupid enemy I don't know. I won't risk my linux system to any of organization, they are all the same.
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[ 2018-05-02 20:49:14Z ] 👍 1
Kallestofeles i booted ark for the first time in months on linux last night, happy to say that the gameplay itself was good, despite lower than windows framerates, also the title screen menu seems buggy, and text in chat looks bugged, but had no glitches that were really bad or game breaking... was playing on epic settings in ragnarok, with a ryzen 1600x based pc running an r9290, cpu and gpu both custom liquid cooled...despite 30-50 fps the game felt very smooth, as if it were playing at 60fps or above...turning off motion blur helped alot to fix graphical glad to say it looks like wildcard is fixing some stuff
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[ 2018-02-17 08:26:05Z ] 👍 2
Hi! Absolutely! Steam is fully supported on Ubuntu and ARK works just fine via Steam. Regarding specific ubuntu settings - I don't think changes to the desktop matter that much in linux in terms of smoother gameplay. ARK has been, and probably will always be, a pretty bad performer on linux in general, but thanks to the latest updates, it has become playable.
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[ 2018-02-17 17:39:05Z ]👍 0
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[ 2018-08-01 06:02:12Z ]👍 2
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[ 2019-04-25 01:03:35Z ]👍 1
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[ 2019-09-18 16:46:12Z ]👍 1
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[ 2021-11-11 21:56:21Z ]👍 1
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[ 2021-11-18 05:46:38Z ] 👍 1
@@kallestofeles 👍
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[ 2021-11-17 21:10:09Z ] 👍 1
Theodor, I salute you. Thank you for commenting on this old video! Now I have a strong desire to re-visit that awful piece of technological marvel and see the amount of "progress" that they have "patched in" so far. 😅
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