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I don't support the ideas or practices of any "celebrity." They are people. They are flawed. They will eventually let their fans down in some form or fashion. I don't condone celebrity worship at all for this reason. Anyone who becomes the spokesman for Linux will become a ticking social time-bomb. Let's speak less about the people and their personal lives and more about the technology they've created, as that is the reason they are known in the first place.
Also (for those who care), please protect, teach, and guide your children. Give them strength and awareness so that they can avoid the ideas, desires, and practices of wicked and people.
I hope this video was helpful to you! Give thanks for watching!
---System Specs---
Intel Core i7 8700k
EVGA nVidia GTX 1080
16gb RAM
Xubuntu 18.04
Warning: file_get_contents(https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/commentThreads?part=snippet,replies&videoId=WJ_e0ks4rAU&key=AIzaSyACY5898RIPG0jQjx4IIq9C3juOIiyh3qA&maxResults=100): Failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found in /var/www/html/base_creator.php on line 39
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