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[ 2018-11-21 17:40:48Z ]👍 4
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[ 2018-11-22 14:29:38Z ] 👍 0
Jep have the same problem, in linux it takes so much memory and giving any kind of startup option to limit it does not work (not like windoes) even turning of the sky does not work in linux.
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[ 2018-11-22 07:52:40Z ] 👍 0
@JaysonSR if you mean -lowmemory flag then, that doesnt work on linux client. if you set all to minimum and say 720p or even lower then it still doesnt work with just 8GB of memory on your system, you also need swap. They say on the store page that 4GB is minimum, which is epic lie about this. Linux client has its assets compressed so it loads them into memory, client size in return is quite a bit smaller thanks to this. I dunno if theres a way to uncompress the files on linux client though.
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[ 2018-11-21 18:03:02Z ]👍 6
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[ 2018-11-22 07:28:25Z ]👍 0
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[ 2018-11-22 08:02:04Z ] 👍 0
@@silentwalrus5223 Yeah some days ago when i checked the nvidia-vulkan-dkms drivers it didn't have 4.19 kernel patches yet. That was my concern. But im using testing repos also so i got 4.19 kernel quite some weeks ago already.
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[ 2018-11-22 07:54:32Z ] 👍 0
@@xpander69 That was the one I assumed would be best as it's been updated fairly recently. I imagine Nvidia's not updating it themselves because they want to add it to the 410 mainline soon.
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[ 2018-11-22 07:43:40Z ] 👍 0
@@silentwalrus5223 there are several, but some arent compatible with 4.19 kernel, you need to patch those drivers. i prefered the way to just make the packages named as regular arch repo ones, so i can easily upgrade when better ones come out. Atm i have nvidia drivers in the pacman ignore list so they wont upgrade to newer version. Just checked nvidia-vulkan-dkms from aur, seems its now finally compatibile with 4.19 kernel as i see a patch for it there, so i think thats the best driver to go if you dont like to fiddle with the packages yourself
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[ 2018-11-22 07:38:08Z ] 👍 0
@@xpander69 Ah, thanks for the clarity, I've seen a bunch of 396 drivers floating around the repos and was wondering which one to get.
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[ 2018-11-22 07:31:34Z ] 👍 0
none of those. i built my own packages.
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[ 2018-11-22 12:59:17Z ]👍 4
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[ 2018-11-22 14:33:21Z ] 👍 0
i can try maybe, but linux version doesnt have all the graphical options. Adding to my todo list though, would be nice to check
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[ 2018-11-22 15:24:52Z ]👍 0
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[ 2018-11-22 16:19:28Z ] 👍 0
no, that just doesn't work.
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[ 2018-11-23 08:33:50Z ]👍 1
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[ 2018-11-23 09:18:06Z ] 👍 0
CPU or GPU? native version runs cooler on both CPU and GPU wise for me, but its just like 2° C, might as well be just a room temp difference or similar. but im on 1440p, so my GPU gets near 90% GPU load on DXVK and 70-80% on the Linux client. CPU load is 11-14% on native and 12-18% on DXVK
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[ 2018-12-06 16:57:15Z ]👍 0
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[ 2018-12-06 17:03:00Z ] 👍 0
With native client? particle flashes when coming out of water are still there, flashes when leaving inventory are still there. physics things wont happen, caves are accessible (no clitches there - except bright daylight when its a day outside). Thats with native client
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[ 2018-12-14 09:07:26Z ]👍 0
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[ 2018-12-26 23:01:12Z ] 👍 0
no, buy a 580 its much cheaper and the 590 only performs a little better
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[ 2019-09-18 16:43:42Z ]👍 0
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