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[ 2012-11-10 02:46:44Z ]👍 0
so epic. cant wait to try this out. a little discouraged by my ati card through

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[ 2012-11-10 03:23:13Z ]👍 0
OH SHI~, its so great))

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[ 2012-11-10 09:31:59Z ]👍 0
Graphics look sweet as. Kinda puts to bed any of those fears that OpenGL could look worse.
Great vid :) and nice shooting by the way

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[ 2012-11-11 01:23:10Z ]👍 0
What problems are you having with your ATi card?

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[ 2012-11-11 15:48:07Z ]👍 0
ok, after looking at his specs again, i guess his video card is quite a bit better, as is his processor

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[ 2012-11-12 13:20:01Z ]👍 0
finally! A decent game for linux :)
This move from steam is gonna change the gaming world!

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[ 2012-11-13 22:48:04Z ]👍 0
Gibs¹⁰! OMG xD To image I've played Serious Sam, with my brother in LAN, as I was 7 (of course, he enabled the Fruit Mod for me :P)
Make sure you aren't using the non-propietary ones. Also I think the performance is quite good for native Linux games (even better than on Windows).

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[ 2012-11-13 22:48:39Z ]👍 0

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[ 2012-12-11 15:52:12Z ]👍 0
but why it's fkn laggin

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[ 2012-12-11 15:53:49Z ]👍 0
recorder issue...
take a look at ubuntuxtreme . com there u will find 17 gfx cards tested with serious sam 3 in linux

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[ 2012-12-12 06:53:02Z ]👍 0
Can you play fullscreen?

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[ 2012-12-12 10:53:02Z ]👍 0
why not? ofc u can play fullscreen

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[ 2012-12-21 05:48:53Z ]👍 0
Hey, you need to make sure you turn off video stabilization when you upload the videos like this to Youtube. It's used for fixing videos that have a serious shakiness, which usually happens when people record videos with their phones. This is what's causing that really weird janky/stretchy/laggy look on this video.

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[ 2012-12-21 10:22:17Z ]👍 0
hmm, u are right, i dont even know how that got enabled. and i dont see the way to undo this :(

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[ 2013-01-03 11:41:12Z ]👍 0
Nice, I have been playing Trine 2 on my Linux box, it is about time real games started to show up on Linux!

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[ 2013-01-19 23:35:43Z ]👍 0
How are you getting the FPS to display in game. I have tried multiple commands such at "/hud_iStats=1" with and without the "/" but I am unable to get it to display. What should I try?

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[ 2013-01-19 23:36:34Z ]👍 0
theres an option ingame for show fps. under gameplay settings i think or somewhere there

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[ 2013-03-03 22:13:31Z ]👍 0
7770 isnt the highest card on the market, its quite low-mid end. and ofc AMD drivers for linux just suck also. so that explains your poor framerate.

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[ 2013-03-04 15:31:31Z ]👍 0
PEOPLE EXPLODING!!!! This is like Fallout 3 with Bloody Mess on Steriod and crack and meth and various other hallucinogens. And it runs Linux!!!!

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[ 2013-03-06 22:49:06Z ]👍 0
probably something wrong with your system. try to install jupiter applet and force your CPU into perfromance so it wont switch between idle and performance clocks. also try to turn off bloom cause it has some issues in OpenGL.
i run TF2 around 120 FPS on maxed settings except bloom.

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[ 2013-03-07 00:39:24Z ]👍 0
ohh ATI videocard..that explains your poor performance..
ATI drivers under linux are shit...cant help you with that case...its know fact about their drivers.
some drivers might do better though ..13.2 beta7 is the latest catalyst i think..but i have no idea which of their drivers is little better...in general stay away from ATI cards if you want to game under linux ...sad but thats the way it is :(

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[ 2013-03-07 00:40:24Z ]👍 0
you can try fiddle with mouse settings though and there are some links in google about specific mouse tweaking...might help

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[ 2013-03-19 21:46:53Z ]👍 0
weird. i dont have such issues

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[ 2013-03-24 14:45:09Z ]👍 0
@LordErrorprone42 ive had seen that this problem can change a programm called "bumblebee" search it, maybe u will find the problem :)

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[ 2013-03-24 14:46:53Z ]👍 0
@HeartandSoulDev search in web about ur problem with the programm "bumblebee"

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[ 2013-03-26 13:31:23Z ]👍 0
cant see your new post somehow which showed up in my email so i reply here.
try 13.3 beta drivers which improved perf in TF2 and SS3 according to AMD. and also select publicbeta from SS3 properties in steam, which has some performance tweaks.
But usually ...if you want to get good perf under linux then get a nvidia card as your next.. ati drivers just plain suck.

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[ 2013-04-11 16:59:19Z ]👍 0
OpenGL ??

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[ 2013-04-11 17:46:44Z ]👍 0
opengl yeah

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[ 2013-04-27 04:39:29Z ]👍 0

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[ 2013-06-23 16:17:40Z ]👍 0
Hey xpander, I have windows 7 but don't want to pay the money for windows 8/8.1 so I was considering switching to Linux which I've been looking at for a while now. My only problem is that I want to play games like Bf3 and other ea titles like them, I want to know if its possible Linux wine or other windows compatibility programs to play these games.

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[ 2013-06-24 00:23:51Z ]👍 0
you wont be able to play games that are dx10 or dx11 as minimum.
so Bf3 is not possible. but there are many that can be played.,

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[ 2013-06-30 06:57:45Z ]👍 0
i like ur desktop, i too run the Linux mint, and i love it

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[ 2013-06-30 15:41:41Z ]👍 0
i dont run linux mint anymore :) wanted to get systemd and aur ..so switched to archlinux back in january.

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[ 2013-07-09 16:36:20Z ]👍 0
lagggyyy as shitttt

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[ 2013-07-09 17:15:21Z ]👍 0
yes..due recording software on linux and the earlier beta version.
it now does run a lot better on ultra settings.. 40-70 fps.. mostly around 55-60 on my shitty 560TI

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[ 2013-07-17 18:46:40Z ]👍 0
and? BF3 is completely different game and doesnt even have native linux port and doesnt work in wine either.

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[ 2013-07-18 03:06:37Z ]👍 0
i do get around 60 also. if you look when this video was uploaded you can clearly see.
this was one of the earlier beta builds of ss3 which wasnt that good. also recording software kills about 20 fps at least

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[ 2013-07-20 12:47:50Z ]👍 0

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[ 2014-05-14 19:15:46Z ]👍 0
How do you get the bottom bar in Mate? i really like it.

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[ 2014-08-01 19:47:32Z ] 👍 0
Xpander69 Also available as xfce panel plugin

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[ 2014-05-15 03:16:11Z ] 👍 0
Manuel López Pérez i dunno if i remember thatone.. but it might be atolm as controls and hope for border..but im not 100% sure.. currently i have something similar with BleuFear as control and hope as border

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[ 2014-05-14 20:39:05Z ] 👍 0
Sorry, another question, what gtk theme is it?

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[ 2014-05-14 20:00:09Z ] 👍 0
Xpander69 Thankyou its great¡¡¡¡

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[ 2014-05-14 19:21:14Z ] 👍 1
back in the days when this was recorded..there was a plugin for mate called dockbarx ...it doesnt work anymore since the move to gsettings.. but you can get the same result with dockbarx standalone now, which im using atm, Just not the workspaces.

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[ 2015-10-05 06:54:34Z ]👍 0
It's good to see Linux getting some games hopefully soon I can go fully Linux instead of duel booting

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[ 2016-01-10 08:50:29Z ]👍 0