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[ 2022-07-10 18:38:22Z ]👍 0
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[ 2022-07-22 23:33:47Z ] 👍 1
@@PRiMETECHAU They can ban you for just about anything they want. Having a modified DXVK that sometimes might let you see behind objects like walls might be grounds for a ban. That is the problem with the async hack people have been sharing.
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[ 2022-07-14 23:16:00Z ] 👍 1
@@okay4634 well that's what I remember the developers of such patch saying once but I could be wrong.
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[ 2022-07-14 18:16:38Z ] 👍 2
@@PRiMETECHAU No it can’t.
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[ 2022-07-11 01:52:35Z ] 👍 1
@@xpander69 async can also possibly get you banned so avoid using it with these types of anticheat games!
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[ 2022-07-10 18:45:41Z ] 👍 0
async is unofficial hack that violates the spec afaik. it can have weird problems like having things appear on screen later than they should etc...This pipeline library is official by DXVK team and not some hack.
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[ 2022-07-14 20:45:25Z ]👍 1
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[ 2022-07-23 06:40:13Z ] 👍 0
@@richardyao9012 I didn't say anywhere that DXVK master doesn't work with RADV :) . Master isn't on proton yet, so you need to replace files. proton i think is on DXVK 1.10.2 atm. And i doubt they will update it before graphics pipeline work is done for RADV also.
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[ 2022-07-22 23:22:38Z ] 👍 0
@@xpander69 The documentation suggests that the latest DXVK master builds will work with RADV, except without the graphics pipeline library feature that eliminates stutter.
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[ 2022-07-14 20:53:28Z ] 👍 0
yes, until it gets pulled into proton-experimental officially, which will take a bit time i guess since RADV still doesnt support it
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[ 2022-07-21 05:42:23Z ]👍 0
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[ 2022-07-21 06:11:16Z ] 👍 0
Haven't tried, but should be similar way. Just navigate to the proton GE folders and find where dxvk files are and replace them
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[ 2022-07-30 02:51:43Z ]👍 0
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[ 2022-07-30 06:51:08Z ] 👍 2
It was a bug. Steam pre-caching works again now. You will still need it for smoother gameplay experience for many games. Specially UE4. But pipeline library makes things work mostly like on windows, but many games do have shader related stutters under windows also, mostly UE4 games. so shader pre-cache still helps.
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[ 2022-09-07 04:19:25Z ]👍 0
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[ 2022-09-07 17:13:23Z ] 👍 1
@@jonathan.singer If you run with DXVK_HUD=full do you see Graphics Piplines: entry there with numbers going up? if you see that then pipelines are enabled.
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[ 2022-09-07 13:49:38Z ] 👍 0
@@xpander69 Yeah, it's baffling. Guess I'll just wait for new versions, or until it gets merged into the main driver. I appreciate the help anyway!
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[ 2022-09-07 13:40:17Z ] 👍 1
@@jonathan.singer Hmm. Very strange. works for me with 515.49.15 just fine. v1.10.3 doesnt have it. Only the master builds after 1.10.3 have and proton-experimental has master build from some time ago which includes it, unless something changed very recently (1-2 days ago). I think using dxvk_hud still reports master builds as 1.10.1 though My proton log shows and i have zero stutters in game... info: Memory type mask for sparse resources: 0x2 info: DXVK: Read 3 valid state cache entries info: DXVK: Graphics pipeline libraries supported Honestly i have no idea whats wrong with it with your setup then :(
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[ 2022-09-07 09:06:55Z ] 👍 0
@@xpander69 I'm using Steam from Pop repos, not flathub. This line is in proton log: "DXVK: Graphics pipeline libraries supported" and "VK_EXT_graphics_pipeline_library" is under "Enabled device extensions" and "Device features", but only when using v1.10.1 that comes packaged with proton. If I use manually installed v1.10.3 or latest master, that line is missing from log. It doesn't work, either way, though. Same thing happens with proton 7.0-4, which ships with v1.10.3. Thanks for helping me out, btw! EDIT: I also tried with vulkan beta driver 515.49.10 but no difference.
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[ 2022-09-07 07:06:28Z ] 👍 1
Maybe your steam is flatpak? Afaik flatpak has different driver runtime. Try with distro packaged steam if you can. Other than that add PROTON_LOG=1 %command% to launch options and check the log if graphics pipeline gets enabled.
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[ 2022-10-15 11:16:41Z ]👍 0
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[ 2022-10-16 20:08:38Z ] 👍 0
Thats strange. Works perfectly for me. You just need the 520.x drivers and proton experimental. All the rest is working out of box these days
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[ 2022-10-16 18:49:53Z ] 👍 0
didn't work for me i switched to 520.56.06 done all the steps in the video but no luck i can't figure it out
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[ 2022-10-16 18:33:44Z ] 👍 0
@@xpander69 ok i will try that thanks
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[ 2022-10-15 11:27:33Z ] 👍 0
515.65.01 doesnt support it. You need either 520.56.06 drivers or one of the 515.49.xx vulkan dev drivers for it to work. It also only works with proton-experimental. Not included on stable yet
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[ 2022-11-13 08:25:21Z ]👍 0
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[ 2022-11-13 12:00:14Z ] 👍 0
no idea about windows situation. but if the drivers support graphics pipeline library and you copy the dx11 dlls into the game directory, it might work there also.
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[ 2023-01-15 19:44:11Z ]👍 2
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[ 2023-03-07 03:22:37Z ]👍 1
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[ 2023-03-14 00:03:57Z ] 👍 0
@@xpander69 My shader cache is at about 300 mb. I disabled it since it seem to be stuck on 90% all the time.
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[ 2023-03-13 07:22:42Z ] 👍 0
@@stuffenjoyer2223 That is really strange. It has worked for me with 515.xx vulkan dev drivers. 520.x stable, 525.xx multiple versions and now also with 530 betas. Dont need to do anything except just use proton-experimental. Zero stutters. Maybe something else is wrong in your system. I dont need to play extensive sessions. I can just start playing without any stuttering at all. Maybe you have shader cache filled and no space anymore? strange anyway.
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[ 2023-03-13 02:25:47Z ] 👍 0
@@xpander69 Yeah it does once I got the 520 driver. Pop OS came with 525 which is why it wasn't working despite being "up to date" according to the pop shop, but I manually installed 520. But it's still stuttering a lot though I haven't tried to play extensive sessions to say if it gets better.
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[ 2023-03-10 08:17:06Z ] 👍 0
You don't need to replace anything (anymore) if you are using proton-experimental and have the 520.xx+ drivers. It just works out of box then.
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[ 2023-05-07 09:27:06Z ]👍 0
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[ 2024-06-22 16:16:27Z ] 👍 0
Ok since day one of apex legends I’m suffering from stutter issue. @xpander69.. I need a step by step guide to install Linux and play apex legends! Please help
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[ 2023-05-08 06:53:37Z ] 👍 1
@@ping1xx Hmm yeah i honestly don't know how the Easy Anti Cheat on windows will deal with the DXVK files inside the game folder. I haven't used Windows personally since 2007. On linux the DXVK files are provided by steam/proton for Apex Legends and the game is Steam Deck verified. Have over 200 hours played without any issues and haven't been banned for that as its supported on steam, but yeah maybe just dropping the dlls into game folder will trigger anti cheat. Maybe try googling if other windows users are doing this first or so. Or try it out on Linux if you can. edit: Im not even sure if windows AMD drivers have the graphics pipeline library support to smooth out the shader stutter. Linux opensource drivers do, as well as nvidia drivers. but yeah.
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[ 2023-05-07 18:41:52Z ] 👍 0
@@xpander69 i have rx580 i think i have bad fps drops because of dx11, my old gtx 1050 had smoother performance. i've tested dx12 today and am satisfied with it compared to dx11 just curious to try dxvk on apex because it boosted my fps on an old dx9 game, but i've only seen people do this on linux so the risk of getting banned scares me
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[ 2023-05-07 12:46:36Z ] 👍 0
Use what on Windows? DXVK? DXVK should be fine in theory, but who knows. The question is, why do you even need that on Windows? does the native directx11 renderer have stutter problems or something?
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[ 2023-05-27 12:31:51Z ]👍 1
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[ 2022-07-14 19:11:31Z ]👍 8
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[ 2022-08-28 20:40:40Z ] 👍 0
@@xpander69 thanks
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[ 2022-08-28 14:59:13Z ] 👍 1
@@gurdit11 git clone cd nvidia-all makepkg -si and it will let you pick the drivers you want.
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[ 2022-08-28 14:51:38Z ] 👍 0
Noob question: How do you go about installing the vulkan beta drivers on Arch Linux?
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