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[ 2013-03-06 13:11:48Z ]👍 0
great stuff.
What are the dots on the screen supposed to resemble when you pull arrows out of a animal?

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[ 2013-03-06 13:19:57Z ]👍 0
i think its blood splashes..little weird coloured or so yeah:D.. but i checked some other videos from windows and xbox360 gameplay and it seems to be same there, so no bug in wine :)

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[ 2013-03-06 15:13:07Z ]👍 0
okay, cool :)
Would you call this a must buy?

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[ 2013-03-06 15:16:49Z ]👍 0
you have to decide yourself:)..if you are older tombraiders games hardcore fan then thisone might not be for you.
its more like uncharted 2. i only hate those quicktime events in the cutscenes where you have to smash some buttons. other than that its really solid game, with good story, nice graphics and enjoyable gameplay.
its worth the 25€ from the link in my video description..wouldnt pay full price for it...but thats all my opinion.

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[ 2013-03-06 22:43:16Z ]👍 0
depends how many CPU cores you have. recording takes quite a lot. i have 4 cores and when some game takes 3 cores then recording suffers a lot. if game takes 2 cores then recorder can pull another 2 and its mostly fine.

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[ 2013-03-06 22:47:01Z ]👍 0
you can try to lower the CRF in the script, so cpu will do less encoding then, but harddrive will have harder work to do since files become bigger.

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[ 2013-03-06 23:31:04Z ]👍 0

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[ 2013-03-07 08:40:47Z ]👍 0
shaodws were causing graphical glitches. so yes i turned them off. allthough environmental shadows are still there like you can see from the video.

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[ 2013-03-07 20:16:19Z ]👍 0
Hi, I've got copied wine 1.5.9-raw3 in /usr but wine always crashs, it says "Internal errors - invalid parameters recieved" - Ubuntu 12.04 LTS

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[ 2013-04-23 23:02:46Z ]👍 0
Hello friend, hears a super Please can you tell me how to install ubuntu 2013 Tomb Raider, step by step, is that rather than attempt to tell me, "tomb raider.exe program was a mistake and needs to close to solve the problem "and, and, and followed in the footsteps of others and nothing just shows the launcher to start the game and ahy that problem you mention.
Please can you tell me how to install step by step x Please, is that TR is the maximum.
NOTE: I'm using PlayOnLinux

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[ 2013-04-23 23:45:33Z ]👍 0
there is now playonlinux script to install it i think.
i did it manually. just installed the game, directx9 and vcrun2005 and changed the wine version to 1.5.9-raw3 and thats it.

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[ 2013-07-05 13:04:32Z ]👍 0
what about the new hair effect ?, can you turn it on ?

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[ 2013-07-05 14:08:30Z ]👍 0
no. its directx11 feature and wine doesnt support it

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[ 2013-07-05 16:02:16Z ]👍 0
Makes yeah wonder whats going to happen to gaming on Linux after next gen games get released, most are dropping direcx-9 for version 11

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[ 2013-07-05 16:09:04Z ]👍 0
steambox should take care of it..at least a little. we should get some triple A native titles then.
and the wine side.. i think at some point there will be dx11 compatibility also.

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[ 2013-07-05 16:34:19Z ]👍 0
not really , steam can only port games in which they have souce-code to or own.
so games like left4dead will get linux versions but other games would not.
steam4linux has been under July 2012, no big company's have decided to work with them, well not fully true assassin creed was on the list but after the first month of the official release it was decided that there was not a market and there and so it was dropped.

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[ 2013-07-05 16:55:09Z ]👍 0
well, thats because steambox hasnt been released yet. linux itself is too small market atm for big companies. but like valve announced. they are doing their own steambox with linux installed on it by default (which can be changed to other OS). anyway most people dont change the default stuff and from that point i think Big ones will start to support it aswell. Cause its coming out to challege the consoles afaik. and im sure valve has contacted the big publishers already.

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[ 2013-07-05 17:00:07Z ]👍 0
we will see when it comes, but according to what we know so far its more expensive then the ps4(low version cost more) , and it has low-mid-high versions.
developers will have their hands-full with the ps4 and xbox one, there won't be much room less for steambox.
it would be great if linux got more games but Franky with linux its the same old thing each year "this year will be a gaming linux year" and it still has not happened, they have said this for over 10 years each year.

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[ 2013-07-05 17:02:35Z ]👍 0
we dont know the price yet.. the price was for piston console, which was $1000 i think..and valve announced that this has nothing to do with steambox.. anyway..we are speculating much..there is not much info other than valve is planning to release their won box with linux installed on it by default :)
but i agree..every year is linux gaming/desktop year...and things like that wont happen overnight anyway..it needs some big companies to start pulling the strings to make it change really

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[ 2013-07-05 17:27:03Z ]👍 0
I hope they don't over price it , at the moment we just use estimations like we did the consoles and we was not that far off, I must say sony has done one heck of a good job at £349 uk price.
I think it would be a better idea if linux did a money rising event to improve wine with directx11 support, its on the roadmap but development could be greatly boosted with more funds.
playonlinux is amazing software that is a clean easy method of using wine to play games smooth, worked for crysis2 for me.

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[ 2013-07-05 19:28:44Z ]👍 0
sony has always had quite a cheap console, because they sell it cheaper than the hardware really costs. Games cost a little more than for pc though, from there they gain some ground to back it up...later in the lifetime of the console the hardware will get cheaper anyway.
playonlinux is quite a nice yes. about money rising for dx11 in wine.. i doubt. linux users generally quite against the wineproject, they want drm free and native stuff :)

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[ 2013-07-20 17:11:31Z ]👍 0
As a gamer and a linux user what do you recommend to buy when building a pc meant for using linux and also be able(at least hardware wise) to smash the latest games. Intel vs AMD as a processor? pro/cons
and Nvidia vs ATI, pro/cons

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[ 2013-09-27 12:41:04Z ]👍 0
It seems really smooth. Can't wait for SteamOS. :D

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[ 2014-04-28 17:52:17Z ]👍 0
Is this DX11 on linux? how did you manage to do that?

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[ 2014-04-28 18:01:10Z ] 👍 1
no its not dx11 on linux.. tomb raider 2013 has dx9 mode also.. wine supports only up to dx9 .. dx10 support is partial and dx11 isnt supported at all

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[ 2014-07-10 05:08:45Z ]👍 0
so i got to looking at every possible setting in playonlinux and in the "Manage wine versions section there is a wne version 1.5 something tombraider with the -tombraider added to it ima check it out and see it that one works