"Steam Dark Days Ahead..."Plot
The game is set in near-future New England after a catastrophic event killed most of the human population and spawned various monsters and hazards. Prior to the cataclysm, bionics were available to the wealthy population, robots were widespread in workplaces such as hospitals, police stations, and mines. Though the cataclysm is predominantly a zombie apocalypse, many other disastrous events are going on, including invasions from Triffids, Lovecraftian monsters, fungi and caves containing sewer rats and a rat king.
Extreme crafting
Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead focuses heavily on crafting with many basic necessities such as clothing and food being craftable from raw items. For crafting to be successful the player needs the necessary raw materials and equipment. The player also needs to learn the recipe of the object to be crafted which can be unlocked by reading books from libraries. Crafting can be hampered by player conditions such as low morale or other external game conditions like insufficient light or the presence of monsters nearby.
The farming season usually extends from late spring to early autumn and depends on external temperature. The player can farm land and grow grains, vegetables, fruits and other shrubs (e.g. cotton) provided that they find the respective seeds. Every plant type has different growing rates and growth can be accelerated using commercial or home-made fertilizers.
The world has cities, towns, rivers, forests, bridges and other landmarks. Exotic locations such as military bases, missile silos and labs can be found in remote places throughout the whole world. The world can be persistent between games. When starting a new character after the death of a previous character, the new game can be set in the same game world as the last. The world has support for seasons and dynamic weather conditions and the season lengths can be modified during world generation.
The game manages numerous other mechanics about the player including drug addiction, mutations, broken limbs, and bionic implants. The player is free to explore the procedurally generated map, clear areas of monsters, work with NPCs, and build shelters and vehicles. The gameplay is mainly based on day-to-day survival, and the game tracks parameters like hunger, thirst, morale, illness and temperature which the player must manage to stay alive.