HackShot is a puzzle game with a mix of physics, logic and crafting
Analyze the environment, craft your solution, and hack the system! Immerse yourself into open-ended puzzles where you breach security, destroy viruses, and battle black hats.
Analyze => Craft => Hack
Hundreds of twists, mix-ups, and interactions
> Gameplay();
Over 20 hours of puzzles
Feel like a real hacker with an optional command console and scripts
Open-ended puzzles, with multiple solutions
Craft over 7000 unique cyberballs to use
Security systems: Anti-virus, Anti-malware, Firewalls, and more
Viruses: Trojans, Ransomware, Worms, and more
Hackers will hack your solutions, so plan ahead
Annoy the developers and solve puzzles in your own way, you have all the necessary tools
> Story();
Learn hacking, meet others in the Murky web, and earn your place on the top
Meet hackers, security specialists and cyber maniacs, through a mysterious, light-hearted and fun story
Dynamic narrative: other characters dialogue and reactions are affected by your actions
View the files you hack, and uncover information and secrets
> Accessibility and game settings(still in development);
There is a quit button in the game, and a quit button in pause menu
Supports both windowed and fullscreen, and also support widescreen resolutions
Button remapping, and support for keyboard and mouse, keyboard-only, mouse-only and controllers
Full support for touch screens both in gameplay and menus
Full audio controls, and separate audio settings for main menu, gameplay and cutscenes
The ability to turn off visuals that have repeated patterns
Color blind mode
Interface size options
Color contrast control
--Hackshot Documentation--
Who reads the documentation?! Try the web demo, no download required (the link is provided above in the page), and have fun