The stupid elves have captured you, the most powerful sorcerer in the kingdom, and locked you in a tower!
Transform into a Tiger-Snake to create a path to the exit, and your minions will follow it. You can't be hurt in Tiger-Snake form, but you also cannot pick up items. Create a path that will allow your minions to collect treasure while keeping them safe from harm.
Unlike other snakes, a Tiger-Snake can loop back on itself just fine, and won't be hurt by running into walls.
To exit the level, you will need to collect keys. If none of your minions make it to the exit alive, you will lose a life. Multiple waves will be required to collect enough keys.
Spend money between waves to grow your cadre of monsters. Before you begin Tiger-Snake mode, click and drag their cards to rearrange their deployment order.
- Improved minion management
- Snake movement tweaks
- Defender special abilities
- New themed levels
- More power-ups
- Steam page