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Avalon Lords: Dawn Rises Roadmap – Where Are We Going From Here?

Good day my friends!

The staff here at Animus has been pretty busy behind the scenes thanks to all the great feedback and suggestions we have been given. It is all really appreciated, please keep it coming. We wanted to give you a peek at where we are looking to take Avalon Lords: Dawn Rises, so this post here will serve as a sort of “roadmap” for the future. To be clear, any of this may be changed, added to, subtracted from, etc., as we go through the Early Access phase. Your thoughts and suggestions on all this are valued, so please share them and comment on our forums!

Empire Mode/Matchmaking

We know that Empire mode doesn't really do all that much at the moment and we have received some excellent suggestions as to how it can be improved. Since we are a very small team of less than 10 people, we need to prioritize our energies. As such, we will temporarily be disabling the Empire mode and instead replace it with a more straightforward matchmaking system that will allow people to get to the action quickly. Don't fear though, Empire mode will return when we can get it to a point where it is a lot more fun. [STATUS: On Hold]

Battle Mode

In a similar vein as above, Battle mode will be disabled. [STATUS: On Hold]

Practice Mode

For the same reasons of being able to concentrate our efforts, Practice mode will be disabled until we can get a proper Tutorial level going. [STATUS: On Hold]


Since Empire mode is taking a back seat for a bit, we are also going to remove the concept of the Factions. There was some confusion as to the differences between them, and outside of Empire mode they don't serve a game purpose. They were meant to be sub-factions of the same group of people, more like a Greek city-state, but they kept being confused with the idea of a “faction” in a more traditional sense. To avoid that confusion, we will simply remove them. Which leads me to what we will replace them with… [STATUS: Removed]

New Factions/Orders

For anybody who has read about the game world history, you will see that we have in mind three Great Orders, being Dawn, Darkness and Divine. These are “factions” in the more proper sense (different troops types, building types, etc). The Order of Dawn is the “poster boy” faction, while they do have some magical ability they concentrate more on martial aspects coupled with speed and agility. The Order of Darkness values brute strength combined with advanced (medieval) technology to give them the edge over others. Finally the Order of Divine favors magical power over all other things, even their basic foot soldiers have some very basic talent. Currently the troops/buildings in the game are from the Order of Dawn and for the moment it will remain that way as we develop things. The other two Orders will be added later on. [STATUS: Upcoming]


We are pleased and honored to say that we have a world-famous composer currently working on the soundtrack for the game. I can’t quite say just yet who that person is (stay tuned for an upcoming announcement on that!), but I can say this person has done the soundtracks for a couple other games you have all heard of and the soundtracks for those games are so good that professional orchestras perform them around the world. [STATUS: Under Development]


We have recently expanded our team to include a new artist. We will announce him more formally soon (Peter wants to get some more concept art completed first). He comes as a personal recommendation by the Art Director of another very well-known game I am sure you have all heard of. The general art direction will be updated graphics to be more in line with other modern games people are playing. First we are starting with the buildings and then our thought is to redo terrain followed by the various troops themselves. [STATUS: Under Development]


Our Game Designer has been hard at work retooling the way the GUI is set up. We are going to do a complete overhaul of the whole thing, including the General Lobby, the Match Lobby as well as the in game HUD. We have been getting a lot of great suggestions on how this should be set up and I think people will be pleased by what they see. [STATUS: Under Development]

Gameplay Features

We have a lot of exciting stuff coming for general game play. Besides improving the overall performance of the game itself we will be improving the AI of the troops so they also perform better. Additionally, a proper tutorial will go in that should help new players who are just learning the game and may even help skilled players become just that much better at things. Also on the list is proper formations so that it is easier for players to control their armies and add that next layer of battlefield strategy. [STATUS - Upcoming]


We plan on introducing another popular suggestion made by many people - Heroes! These will be special troops with various abilities and not just your run-of-the-mill footsoldiers. I can’t go into much detail just yet, but know they are on the books. [STATUS - Upcoming]

Online Store

Since Dawn Rises is a free to play game, we will be implementing a cash shop. However, this will NOT be a pay-to-win shop. Nothing offered there will benefit one player’s game balance over another simply because one spent some money while the other did not. General things that will be available includes Troop/Building models, various skins for those models, different unit icons, expanded Taunts and sounds, etc. [STATUS - Upcoming]


We have the goal to eventually turn this game into an eSport. We know that in it’s current form Dawn Rises needs a little reworking to gear things more in the direction of a competitive game. Plans are to speed up the overall game play so that things happen faster and average match time is cut down. Communication between players and especially team members is important for this of course, so we will also be improving those aspects as well. In the near future we will be announcing some details on plans for having actual tournaments for people to compete in as well as the company we have partnered with to provide some quality prizes. [STATUS - Upcoming]

Player Stats

As part of the eSports thing, we will be adding in a whole bunch more game statistics. This will make it so that you can easily see where you stand on a variety of different aspects and also how you stack up against other players. [STATUS - Upcoming] I hope that all gives a general look at the direction that we will be heading. Again, any, all or none of this is subject to change as time goes on and we will continue to update people as things get altered. More specific information will come as each thing goes into development so please keep on the lookout for that. Specifically look for some announcements about the art and music coming up in the weeks ahead. Thanks once again for all the excellent feedback we have been getting from you. We really do listen and carefully consider it all and many of you have already changed things in the game based upon your ideas. Please, keep those coming! For Avalon! Chris Schoolcraft (aka “Knightmare”) Community Manager, Animus Interactive

[ 2016-06-09 17:24:58 CET ] [ Original post ]

Avalon Lords: Dawn Rises Roadmap Where Are We Going From Here?

Good day my friends!

The staff here at Animus has been pretty busy behind the scenes thanks to all the great feedback and suggestions we have been given. It is all really appreciated, please keep it coming. We wanted to give you a peek at where we are looking to take Avalon Lords: Dawn Rises, so this post here will serve as a sort of roadmap for the future. To be clear, any of this may be changed, added to, subtracted from, etc., as we go through the Early Access phase. Your thoughts and suggestions on all this are valued, so please share them and comment on our forums!

Empire Mode/Matchmaking

We know that Empire mode doesn't really do all that much at the moment and we have received some excellent suggestions as to how it can be improved. Since we are a very small team of less than 10 people, we need to prioritize our energies. As such, we will temporarily be disabling the Empire mode and instead replace it with a more straightforward matchmaking system that will allow people to get to the action quickly. Don't fear though, Empire mode will return when we can get it to a point where it is a lot more fun. [STATUS: On Hold]

Battle Mode

In a similar vein as above, Battle mode will be disabled. [STATUS: On Hold]

Practice Mode

For the same reasons of being able to concentrate our efforts, Practice mode will be disabled until we can get a proper Tutorial level going. [STATUS: On Hold]


Since Empire mode is taking a back seat for a bit, we are also going to remove the concept of the Factions. There was some confusion as to the differences between them, and outside of Empire mode they don't serve a game purpose. They were meant to be sub-factions of the same group of people, more like a Greek city-state, but they kept being confused with the idea of a faction in a more traditional sense. To avoid that confusion, we will simply remove them. Which leads me to what we will replace them with [STATUS: Removed]

New Factions/Orders

For anybody who has read about the game world history, you will see that we have in mind three Great Orders, being Dawn, Darkness and Divine. These are factions in the more proper sense (different troops types, building types, etc). The Order of Dawn is the poster boy faction, while they do have some magical ability they concentrate more on martial aspects coupled with speed and agility. The Order of Darkness values brute strength combined with advanced (medieval) technology to give them the edge over others. Finally the Order of Divine favors magical power over all other things, even their basic foot soldiers have some very basic talent. Currently the troops/buildings in the game are from the Order of Dawn and for the moment it will remain that way as we develop things. The other two Orders will be added later on. [STATUS: Upcoming]


We are pleased and honored to say that we have a world-famous composer currently working on the soundtrack for the game. I cant quite say just yet who that person is (stay tuned for an upcoming announcement on that!), but I can say this person has done the soundtracks for a couple other games you have all heard of and the soundtracks for those games are so good that professional orchestras perform them around the world. [STATUS: Under Development]


We have recently expanded our team to include a new artist. We will announce him more formally soon (Peter wants to get some more concept art completed first). He comes as a personal recommendation by the Art Director of another very well-known game I am sure you have all heard of. The general art direction will be updated graphics to be more in line with other modern games people are playing. First we are starting with the buildings and then our thought is to redo terrain followed by the various troops themselves. [STATUS: Under Development]


Our Game Designer has been hard at work retooling the way the GUI is set up. We are going to do a complete overhaul of the whole thing, including the General Lobby, the Match Lobby as well as the in game HUD. We have been getting a lot of great suggestions on how this should be set up and I think people will be pleased by what they see. [STATUS: Under Development]

Gameplay Features

We have a lot of exciting stuff coming for general game play. Besides improving the overall performance of the game itself we will be improving the AI of the troops so they also perform better. Additionally, a proper tutorial will go in that should help new players who are just learning the game and may even help skilled players become just that much better at things. Also on the list is proper formations so that it is easier for players to control their armies and add that next layer of battlefield strategy. [STATUS - Upcoming]


We plan on introducing another popular suggestion made by many people - Heroes! These will be special troops with various abilities and not just your run-of-the-mill footsoldiers. I cant go into much detail just yet, but know they are on the books. [STATUS - Upcoming]

Online Store

Since Dawn Rises is a free to play game, we will be implementing a cash shop. However, this will NOT be a pay-to-win shop. Nothing offered there will benefit one players game balance over another simply because one spent some money while the other did not. General things that will be available includes Troop/Building models, various skins for those models, different unit icons, expanded Taunts and sounds, etc. [STATUS - Upcoming]


We have the goal to eventually turn this game into an eSport. We know that in its current form Dawn Rises needs a little reworking to gear things more in the direction of a competitive game. Plans are to speed up the overall game play so that things happen faster and average match time is cut down. Communication between players and especially team members is important for this of course, so we will also be improving those aspects as well. In the near future we will be announcing some details on plans for having actual tournaments for people to compete in as well as the company we have partnered with to provide some quality prizes. [STATUS - Upcoming]

Player Stats

As part of the eSports thing, we will be adding in a whole bunch more game statistics. This will make it so that you can easily see where you stand on a variety of different aspects and also how you stack up against other players. [STATUS - Upcoming] I hope that all gives a general look at the direction that we will be heading. Again, any, all or none of this is subject to change as time goes on and we will continue to update people as things get altered. More specific information will come as each thing goes into development so please keep on the lookout for that. Specifically look for some announcements about the art and music coming up in the weeks ahead. Thanks once again for all the excellent feedback we have been getting from you. We really do listen and carefully consider it all and many of you have already changed things in the game based upon your ideas. Please, keep those coming! For Avalon! Chris Schoolcraft (aka Knightmare) Community Manager, Animus Interactive

[ 2016-06-09 17:24:58 CET ] [ Original post ]

Avalon Lords: Dawn Rises
Animus Interactive Inc
  • Developer

  • Animus Interactive Inc
  • Publisher

  • Apr 2016
  • Release

  • Strategy Singleplayer Multiplayer Coop EA
  • Tags

  • Game News Posts 70  
    Keyboard ⬛ Mouse
  • Controls

  • Mixed

    (19 reviews)

  • Review Score

  • https://www.avalonlords.om
  • Website

  • https://store.steampowered.com/app/329280 
  • Steam Store

  • The Game includes VR Support

    Avalon Lords LINUX [1.01 G]

  • Public Linux depots

  • *** PLEASE NOTE - this game is currently in Early Access. Expect there to be some bugs and incomplete content. We are working hard to fix things as well as add in more stuff. We value your feedback and invite you to give us your thoughts in the Community Hub.

    Good day traveler! I see that you are new to the lands of Spero, located within the Western realm of Avalon. Please allow me to be your humble guide as you take your first steps towards taming these lands and conquering your foes!

    Did they hand you a brochure at the gate when you first came in? No? Well then, my sincerest apologies, please let my good friend Steam Guide help you get up to speed. In just a few minutes he can certainly aid you with information on our Game Controls, the various Building Types you can construct, as well as the Troop Types that can be found within our great land.

    Now then, if you would just step this way, we can continue with the tour...

    Avalon Lords: Dawn Rises is a medieval real-time-strategy game set in the lands of Spero during the Order of Dawn’s rise to power. During its Early Access launch, the game will feature three multiplayer combat modes, and post-launch, we will be adding single-player campaign modes.

    Our story begins in the Plains of Spero, where five great City States rule over the land. Tensions have risen to boiling point, and several powerful City Lords wish to take control of the region and name themselves king. Peaceful negotiations have descended into to all-out war, plunging the region into chaos. Lords fight against each other to gain power and land - each one hoping to claim the throne...

    You start as a minor general in the City of Avon, one of Spero’s five City States. Lord Avon has sent you out to form a new city in a strategically desirable part of the realm and defeat anyone seeking to claim those lands for themselves. Along the way you will meet a rising leader who seeks to unite the warring Lords under one order – the Order of Dawn.

    Avalon Lords: Dawn Rises features three different multiplayer game modes played out within a beautifully sculpted 3-dimensional environment. In Conflict Mode you will need to gather resources, construct buildings and recruit soldiers in order to defeat your foes. Combat Mode puts you straight into the action; you can recruit your forces in the Army Builder and deploy them in battle without the need for gathering or building. Finally, join your faction allies in Empire Mode to help conquer locations across the land.

    Game Features

    • Strategic gameplay! Simply having the most troops does not guarantee a win; it's how you use those forces that counts.
    • Large scale epic battles! Watch as hundreds, perhaps thousands, of soldiers engage in massive conflicts.
    • Construct your cities in open sandbox fashion. There are no grid lines to follow here; place buildings anywhere you wish.
    • Construct over a dozen different types of buildings, each with their own unique purpose. Many buildings can be upgraded to make them better, stronger - yes, we have the technology!
    • Troops each have their own abilities and are effective in different ways. With over a dozen different types of troops, you can mix and match them to create an unstoppable force.
    • Siege weapons - so awesome they need a listing all their own! They are capable of doing great damage from a distance, destroying buildings and devastating troops.
    • Work your way through the Technology Research tree to upgrade your forces and create more durable buildings.
    • Persistent player accounts - with every battle, you gain experience to level up your account. Use the Honor points you acquire to buy permanent Specialization perks, which will follow you no matter where you go in the world of Avalon.
    • Online multi-player modes include a choice of both Free-For-All or Team Combat, with up to six players at a time. Feeling especially tough? Take on others in a 1 versus 2 or 1 versus 3 match and show them all who is the real Lord of Avalon!
    • Single-player practice matches - not yet ready to venture forth against live players? Try your hand against the CPU AI, which features four difficulty levels ranging from “Easy” to the dreaded “Knightmare” mode.
    • Just feel like watching the carnage for a while? Check out a live match using the custom Spectator Mode, which is designed to include all the information you would need for an eSports shoutcast!
    • Free camera movement - move your camera any way you wish. Zoom way out to get an overall sense of the battlefield or way in to watch the bloodshed up close and personal!
    • OS: Linux TBC
    • Processor: Intel Core2Duo or equivalent.Memory: 4 GB RAM
    • Memory: 4 GB RAM
    • Graphics: Intel HD3000Network: Broadband Internet connection
    • Storage: 1 GB available space
    • OS: Linux TBC
    • Processor: Core I5 or betterMemory: 8 GB RAM
    • Memory: 8 GB RAM
    • Graphics: NVidia 750 or betterNetwork: Broadband Internet connection
    • Storage: 1 GB available space
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