After being betrayed by the Shadow Agency and learning the truth about their evil ways, Killer Bean has made it his life goal to destroy them. Yet this is easier said than done, as Killer Bean will face armies of enemies, and mysterious Shadow Beans who are better trained and more powerful than him. This is a third person, roguelike shooter. Every time you start a new single player campaign, everything changes. The locations change, the missions change, the characters change, the bosses change, and most of all, the story changes. Characters who you trusted before, may turn against you. Enemies who tried to kill you, may end up helping you. Simple missions can turn into deadly traps. No two campaigns are the same.
Key Features
Totally procedurally generated missions and story, packed with plot twists and surprises
Level up Skill Trees for your style of play: Stealth, Melee Combat, Parkour, Guns Blazing
Different factions of enemies who all dislike each other
Ragdolls and physics combat galore
Lots of vehicles to drive, and lots of weapons to try
Main characters that roam the map, who will either help you or hurt you
Design your own Shadow Beans that will hunt down Killer Bean