The year is 1248.
The magical kingdom of Thrungia is at war against a demonic army of orcs.
To its people, only doom is in store for them.
However, hope has now appeared.
Or has it?"Ashunnor's Game" is a visual novel which allows you to step into the magical kingdom of Thrungia and watch unfold a story more than two years in the making. It aims to seamlessly blend Fantasy and Sci-Fi, two genres which are mainly seen as complete opposites. Follow the story of Prince Mahwell of Royaleen, and see how Thrungia is liberated from the iron grasp of a malicious artificial intelligence.
It has everything you would want from a good story:
- Fully hand-drawn characters and backgrounds (of which there are over 300, all individually drawn)
- A wide cast of characters.
- An exciting plot, full of twists and turns
- Entire constructed languages, spoken by numerous characters throughout the story
- A... small robot?
The first game by Morning Herb Studios.