To Bring Her Back is all about solving riddles. Unravel mystic poems to discover the correct combination of symbols to draw, and summon demonic creatures that can aid two friends in their dark quest.
Lydia and Darine are two friends who have decided to attempt what even they deem crazy. But attempt it they shall.
They must.Using two ancient tomes they need to figure out the correct combination of symbols to draw in their summoning circle. Lydia holds the Tome of Riddles, where each line secretly refers to a symbol. One which can be found in the Tome of Symbols, held by Darine.
Will they succeed in their dark quest, or will they learn to not mess with the supernatural?
Features:- Multiple sets of unique riddles for replayability of the entire game.
- An emotional story about loss and regret.
- A level editor to create your own riddles and symbols.