The two huntress had thought they would get the better of the monster, but he had captured them before they could use their weapons or their skills. Was there really only one way for them to escape the maze with their lives? And in the end, would they really want to escape when they experienced what pleasures lay in wait for them with the Minotaur as their lover?
Key Features
• Quad HD (2560x1440 pixels) resolution graphics • Exciting porn story written by a nymphomaniac woman • Animated and 100% uncensored sex scenes • Girls' and Monster's hot moans and the environmental ambiance sounds • Name your characters to make this story your personal one • LOVENSE sex toys support for unforgettable pleasure & satisfaction
The Labyrinth of Lust adult visual novel is inspired by the myths of the Labyrinth and the Minotaur. In Greek mythology, the Minotaur was a monster with the head of a bull and the body of a man who was imprisoned in a dark underground labyrinth at Knossos on the Aegean island of Crete.
OS: Ubuntu 12.04+ or Kernel 3.x+ based distributions