New Twitch streamer aggregation implemented (#FuckTwitch) due to Twitch's API issues (more info on my Discord )


 Flock of Dogs 



 Max Clark 



 Max Clark 













 Early Access March 2022 



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 Full Controller Support 


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  [1.86 G] 


One Week of Early Access Down

Ok, so. Fixed big issue withi joining via entering a room name! And some other big issues, like trying to put on a hat freezing your character. Anyway, there's plenty more bugs where those came from :)

This is what Early Access is all about woo hoo. If you have you more bugs to report or would like to participate in play testing, join the Discord.

It's crazy to me that there's people finally playing my game. It messed up some of my debugging routines that auto-joined rooms, because I never thought to check for more than 1 room existing! Anyway, I've been working long hours, but I'm like more into it than ever, which is sorta surprising, sorta not. I figured I'd be motivated by having actual players.

I'm hoping that after another week of really hammering on network code bugs, I will be able to pour my full attention to the Flight to the Festival.

Patch notes:
- Better trove visuals
- No more petting while on car back (so tool rack and trove are more easily accessed)
- Better trove controls and instructions
- Fixed sliding key/items thru gate via whale by putting gate top blocker on tilemap layer
- Teaching how to trove
- Better local menuers handling, separating off network menuing (flower powering, should use different icons)
- Better UX for hosting/joining rooms that are still at main menu
- Added radiance to other UI elements
- Improved trove instructions canvases
- Fixed regression from dogs launching on blocked side of whale (able to bridge oob)
- Fixing menu dots to be all local players (unless flower powers menu)
- Ensuring treehouse tree bares fruit upon return
- Fixed sliding key/items thru gate via whale by putting gate top blocker on tilemap layer
- Teaching how to trove
- Better local menuers handling, separating off network menuing (flower powering, should use different icons)
- Better UX for hosting/joining rooms that are still at main menu
- Added radiance to other UI elements
- Improved trove instructions canvases
- Fixed regression from dogs launching on blocked side of whale (able to bridge oob)
- Fixing menu dots to be all local players (unless flower powers menu)
- Ensuring treehouse tree bares fruit upon return
- Debug joining will use persona name now
- Hinting how to open trove better
- Reworking syncing player handles
- Fixed making goldfish clickable
- improved naming on BAP
- zooming if all locals on island
- pods release near dogs
- Better mailbox button prompt
- Players start with no names
- Dynamic zooming at rossmoor
- Fixed some flower sorting on rossmoor
- Reset flock also resets player names
- Made sure stage cleanups return to stretch follow locals
- Redid thorny vine munching
- Redid thorny den munching
- Fork synamic stretching
- Dogs eat bones unless you're holding dog food bag
- Removed whale nose
- Fixed some rossmoor camera behavior
- Fixed landing on destroyed thorny dens
- Better loading screen
- Fixed clicking letting people try to lerp away to join unstarted room
- Fixed CornerUI correctly displays version on title screen when not online
- Fixed joining room by entering room name!!!!!!!
- Fixed turning invisible when climbing in/out of treehouse windows
- Better loading screen image
- Fixed corner ui ver
- hat null ref fixed
- DogFoodBag auto shelving issue fixed
- Fixed syncing vines hp as float not int
- Fixed player manning nest while there was still a launcher!!!
- Fixed feeding from whaleback (item matching holder layer)
- Spawning players better place
- Twaeked whale cam pos
- Added dead check in all item droppedrpc
- Masterclient can override blockbuffet game length
- Fixed kite syncing, fixed kites not dying (items not dying)
- Saving/loading preferred whale position
- Added UI element on browse rooms list for when waiting for rooms to update
- Fixed not clearning dead items between areas
- Lowered target frame rate to 60
- Removed auto opening popup menu for plyers with unknown glyphs

[ 2022-12-07 08:53:28 CET ] [ Original post ]