Mini Countries is a level-based strategy puzzle game where a resource transport network must be built for a country.
Each level stands for a country that has different resources and characteristics. An ever increasing number of cities requires skill and good planning to meet the global demand for resources for all cities. Points can be earned by transports and generated knowledge, which in turn can be invested in the transportation network to keep your country's demand up.
The most important functions in summary:Trade buildingsThese can be placed in resource areas to produce that resource.
Unlocking new resourcesResources are not available for each level as usual, but must be unlocked by knowledge points. Unlocking a resource increases the cost for the next resource to unlock. For this reason, it is important to think carefully about which resources you should unlock and which you should not for the moment, even though they might have other advantages.
Construction of storage buildingsThe production of resources can quickly bring commercial buildings to their capacity. If the own storage is full, no more resources will be produced and you have to wait for the next production cycle. To optimize supply chains and avoid supply bottlenecks, the construction of warehouses is essential. Their large storage ensures the transport of resources even across several cities.
SeasonsEven in Mini Countries not only the sun shines. In view of the four seasons, the resource production must be planned to avoid bottlenecks. Not every resource can be produced in every season so without planning a winter onset can quickly lead to a loss of level.
City upgradingAs the number of inhabitants in the cities increases, they demand an upgrade to the next level. It is now possible to distinguish whether a city is a workers' city or a science city. Here one can choose between production advantages compared to the production of knowledge.
IndustryAs cities get bigger, the demand for better resources also increases. These cannot be produced in trade buildings but require new industry buildings. These are available in different stages of construction to create a new one from one or more resources.
MarketplaceThe marketplace is an additional building that allows the quick exchange of points. So here you can exchange transport for knowledge points (and vice versa).
PortNot every resource that is demanded in a level can be produced with the available resources. Therefore, the port offers the possibility to import missing resources and - if necessary - to export excess resources in order to gain transport and knowledge points.
...and much more.
Mini Countries is inspired by games like Mini Metro and Anno 1800.