tuxDB - linux gaming aggregate





New Twitch streamer aggregation implemented (#FuckTwitch) due to Twitch's API issues (more info on my Discord )


You are a frog, who lives with your friend Fred in a pond. A band of pesky humans continuously plagues your existence, a fact you complain about often to Fred. One day he has a suggestion; maybe you should try to learn to speak Human? 

A ridiculous notion to be sure.

And yet . . . 

Attempt to understand the human story by translating their dialogue in a color-based mini game.

Chat with your two friends, Fred and Gary, in your small pond home.

A Tutorial and all Controls can be found by hitting Escape

Unreliable Narrator

The game has multiple stories depending on how seriously the unnamed frog decides to take their human language studies. Each color (except yellow) represents a different level of comprehension of any given exchange. It's possible to play the whole game and have no idea what's going on with the humans, or your two friends. The choice is yours.

It is highly recommended to stick to one color per playthrough or else the dialogue might not make sense.

Known Bugs

There are some animation/collision glitches in the pond if you jump between lily pads without landing in the water first, or between water without landing on a lily pad. If you get stuck, just jump to get free!

When you open your Notes on a new day, you may need to click between pages to get it to update.

Some texts may have a word that is the same in different colors. It should automatically set it to the color that matches the one you have the most other words set to, but if it doesn't work just wait for it to cycle around and find the right color version.