tuxDB - linux gaming aggregate





New Twitch streamer aggregation implemented (#FuckTwitch) due to Twitch's API issues (more info on my Discord )


This was a jam entry for Ludum Dare 37 (link to entry). This is far from finished and is not much of a game right now, but I'm submitting it anyway since it's at least not as unplayable as some of my other unfinished projects.

Had a web build, but it freezes my browser, so I guess that's a no-go! :( I know at least the Windows build works for me. Let me know if I broke anything else.


Smash some buggers, see them driven from their hiding places, and mop up their corpses.

There is currently no winning or losing. Bring the bugger counter down to 0 if you want, but nothing will happen.


WASD - Move
Left click - Attack
Left click+hold - Mop
Right click+hold - Lift object (must be within range to do so)
Q/E - Move camera left/right


Buggers take 2 hits to kill.
Once a bugger has been hit once, it will move faster.
Mopping up a dead bugger will bring the bugger counter down by 1.
You can still move around while mopping/attacking.

Right now I just have it so a random number of buggers (between 5 and 500) will spawn whenever you relaunch the game. Did not have time for proper game states. Regrets. :( Also, 500 may be a bit laggy, but I also found that I enjoyed something about just sitting back and watching the crawling chaos.