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Wonky Pizza Delivery

* This is still in alpha so there will be some bugs. After spending a lot of time developing, I wanted to get this up and get some feedback and thoughts. So please leave a comment!


Alpha 0.2 release:

  • Added driver
  • Added smokes to tires and screeching
  • Trees fall over now when hit


Welcome to Wonky Pizza Delivery! - The game where for some reason you are driving a wonky car and delivering pizza to a city where there are no other cars or people on the streets (maybe I'll add some of those later on).

The game is simple - Drive to the start location to pick up the pizza and deliver it to the destination within the time limit. OR you can just drive around for fun in a more normal car and look around in free drive. Select "START" for delivery mode or "FREE DRIVE" to explore. I find free driving quite relaxing and fun, and delivery mode is more of a challenge (and a good laugh at times!).



I highly recommend a controller. (WORKS IN BROWSER too)

If you use the keyboard, TAP the arrows, and don’t hold them down too long!! Remember the car is wonky, so start off slow!

Basic Controls:

Accelerate - Arrow up, controller left stick up 

Brake - arrow down, controller left stick down

Steering - left/right arrows, controller left stick X axis

View Map - M key, PS style controller button 2/X, Xbox style button A

Pause - P key, controller start button (If in browser, you will need to press P when resuming to get the mouse cursor to be captured again.)

If you fall over, fret not! You can…

Reset Car (turn back over) - Backspace, PS style controller button 1/Square, Xbox style button X


Reset Car To Road (turn over and go back to the last road) - R key, PS style controller button 1/Triangle, Xbox style button Y

Map Controls:

Press M key, PS style controller button 2/X, Xbox style button A to view the map.This will show you the green pickup location and the red drop off locations.

Map navigation: 

Keyboard/Mouse: Hold down middle mouse button and drag to move the map. The 'I' and 'O' keys control the zoom.

Controller: Right stick to move the map and 'L2'/'Xbox LT' and 'R2'/'Xbox RT' to zoom.


The cursor will be captured on start, but if it is released for some reason, you can recapture it by pressing P to pause and then P to resume.


How To Play! 

Delivery Mode:

Select START

The arrow on top of the car will point you to the pickup location. Drive there to pick up your delicious pizza. This will start a timer!!

After you pick up, follow the arrow to the destination to drop off. You will get a 1 - 3 star rating based on the time it took you to get there.

If you fail, you can Retry or press Done to abandon this delivery and try a different delivery.

Don’t forget, you can use the map to locate pick-up/drop-off locations if you get lost!

Free Drive:

Same controls as above, but no pickup and drop off. Just relax and enjoy the scenery (in a different car)!

That’s It! Have fun!


Free sample model of Ottowa - https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-city-projects

Model for free drive mode. Normal mode is modified version -https://www.cgtrader.com/free-3d-models/car/car/stylized-cartoon-micro-car-free

Pizza from Mayaz - https://www.cgtrader.com/mayaz