tuxDB - linux gaming aggregate





New Twitch streamer aggregation implemented (#FuckTwitch) due to Twitch's API issues (more info on my Discord )


One juror stands between you and a guilty conviction. Change his mind!

Made for the Quarantine Jam in 48 hours.

If you have any rules questions, feel free to ask in the comments and I'll try to answer.


Left click to select a word and place it

Right click to rotate the direction of the word (vertical or horizontal)

Game play:

The game is played on a odd shaped grid, in which you try to influence a juror's mind by placing words and letters. If you control more squares at the end of the game then the witness, you win and the juror votes to convict. Otherwise, the jury is hung.

The game is taken over turns between you and the witness. Each of you has 9 cards you can play, when you've played all of them, the game ends. Each card has a length and cost; as well as a turns property (how many turns those letters will stay on the field). Some cards influence how long your enemy cards last or how long your own cards last, these have a turn bonus or enemy effect line on them. These cards only effect adjacent squares. Other cards convert the squares of the opponent. These are called "counters." Counters affect specific vowels. They must be placed adjacent to vowels to affect them.

Every turn, you must either play a card or discard a card. If you don't have enough time (the number above the hour glass) to play a card or there's no space on the field, you must discard a card. Click on the card you wish to discard, then click on the trash can. A discarded card gives you time back equal to its cost.

At the end of your turn, click End Turn to let the Witness go. The witness will play a card, and discard the card face up, next to his hand. 

Click continue to start your turn again.


The idea was born out of a competitive packing / inventory management idea. It was blended with a lawyer and courtroom theme. The basic idea is that your packing the juror's brain full of your argument, trying to sway him to your side.


Ross Kilpatrick: Programming, Design

Nick Walton: Art, Design

James Walton: Music

Sound Effects Used:




Made using the Godot Engine version 3.2