tuxDB - linux gaming aggregate





New Twitch streamer aggregation implemented (#FuckTwitch) due to Twitch's API issues (more info on my Discord )


V2.01 Is Here!

Take On Billy's New Warehouse Level!

Need some practice? Try the Tutorial level!

Whats new?

.Added New Main Menu

.Added new Game Mode Select menu (STORY WILL COME IN FULL GAME)

.Added LEVEL 3.

.Added Tutorial level. 

Thank you to all who have tried my game, it really means alot, i cannot wait to share more updates with you!

The lava Update is Here! (V2.0)

The whole game has changed with the brand new Billy bot facility! Face two of Billy's lava experiment levels in this Demo of LavaLab!

Whats New?

Added new menu

Removed Entire Skycore 1.0 - 1.4 levels and settings and replaced with V2.0. 

Added Billy the robot, Inspired By Karlson by @DaniDev.


This game is now in full developing state, remember this is a demo of the full game that will release later this year, this build was made in 14 Hours by one person. 

Note; this game was originally gonna be made for Android devices, but due to its file size of 2.7GB its to large even for a small part of the game. The game can be run on Windows,Linux and Mac, i cant conform that the Linux and mac Versions work correctly as this game is been built on Windows 10 Pro.


The idea of skycore was gonna be a parkour game that takes place in the sky, i have bailed on the idea and stopped development. i've come up with completely new concept for the game, it takes place in a a lave facility so pretty much you have to parkour your way out of it while trying not to fall in lava.

Update Expected to release in a month.