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In similar fashion to the big GMEM1 update, we've spent some time adding in new features, content, and fixing some bugs for GMEM2!


*I had to add in maybe 3 new tags for some of the objectives, so if they don't quite line up with where you are, they'll fix themselves on the next one *I'm told there 'may' be old-save weirdness with the minimap objects, but that entering a new map will fix it. I have yet to experience this though.


-ADDED BUST GRAPHICS FOR MESSAGES (faces can be toggled back in options if preferred)
-ADDED A MINIMAP DISPLAY & MINIMAP SCENE; can now use this to teleport to areas when on the airship (obtained in Merrik, old save files will be given it automatically on load)

-ADDED OBJECTIVE NOTIFIERS -ADDED A SFW OPTION to hide endgame bewbies and the like, when on will switch out of bust mode for hotsprings scenes, and 4thwall players in areas where my flirty game text gets a bit too spicy(EQs) -ADDED QUICKBUTTONS to the menu: an ACHIEVEMENT MENU, Message log, keyboard layout popup and a QuickObjective notifier button

-added a battle music selector to the debug options (unlocked after beating the game) -made the Gallery Pictures selectable as Menu/Scene Backgrounds, made custom ones for the hero cards


-revised that uggles battle victory screen!
-added keyboard schematic list to options -added a new windowskin -added individual icons for the 'photos' -made a few minor text changes to add new ideas or refine text I didn't like -added 'epilogue faces' for battle victory -finally made a new Guardian sprite because the old one was balls -restyled the location intro images -added a buzzer and notification for when leader swap is temporarily disabled -added new titlescreen arts for main&demo, an extra for the EQs and a rare bonus for swimsuit dlc!
-added a new small cutscene with merrark in merrik on the balcony in EQ5 -made the exit arrows bigger because going blind isn't fun -changed the victory faces and battle popouts for the characters in the demo to reflect their demo costumes -changed up the menu bg colors for the demo, changed the menu char graphics to reflect the demo costumes


-made hardmode more reasonable -removed keyboard input settings because it was bugged and added wasd as one of the default options -changed an option description that thought it was cool enough to be another autosave -fixed a bug where ally raid wanted to get learned over and over again -fixed a bug with gems i swear ive done this on both games at least twice lol -fixed a few face graphics that were apparently the wrong costume -fixed a face graphic where nora was nara lol -made one of the festival minigames easier -apparently i am both great and terrible at spelling Resurrect correctly -fixed some typos, minor pixel and graphical derps (special thanks to randomplayer1 for being dedicated enough to send me a long list of fixes!! :D) -fixed a bug where choosing to fight solo with doken forgets to add akira back to the party wherps xD -presumably fixed a bug where the overworld sprite would get big after leaving an airship sometimes due to a particularly annoying sequence of events bug -changed the castle of myth breaktime fadeout effect to a white flash because ghost faces were broken OoO -fixed a typo in the endboss's name i can spell -fixed a bug in the demo where kachies arror skill could oneshot the boss and pass the in-battle cutscene -fixed the trees in the demo battleback because they had snow and its summer now -extended the demo battleback floor so the characters stop floating -when selecting in an em1 save file, made it resume fullscreen after -made all the monsters who gave 0$$$ and no items 607$$$ because having the "Stuffs" page show up with nothing is awkies If you experience any bugs, please report them here! https://bitbucket.org/Echo607/echoed-memories/issues/new or on the game's Community page! ~Echo607

[ 2023-03-29 20:25:21 CET ] [ Original post ]

Update 1.0.151

Changelog 1.0.151 -fixed a bug in GMEM1 where it wasn't registering some import-save-data correctly, added in a bugfix prompt in GMEM2 to re-import em1 save data if the bug is detected on gameload (re-save GMEM1's file on ver 1.4.021!) Big Oof Happy New Year!

[ 2023-01-03 02:17:51 CET ] [ Original post ]

Update 1.0.15

Changelog 1.0.15 -changed an option description that thought it was cool enough to be another autosave -fixed a bug where loading in a EM1 save file stopped working on the true ending (Fixed a corresponding bug in EM1)

[ 2022-12-20 14:05:38 CET ] [ Original post ]


HEY GAME MAKERS! AND GAMERS! AND YOU! If you haven't checked it out, GMEM1 (Gaia's Melody 1 Echoed Melodies) just recently had a pretty substantial update, and I plan to do the same with this game, its sequel! While a lot of the new exciting features I added to the first game are already present in this game (mostly the QoL stuff like quicksave), there are plans to introduce several Big Additions to Echoed Memories in the new year! Busts~ These prompted the entire update! I'll be adding bust graphics to the message windows (graphics that display more of the character graphic than just their faces) This was added to GMEM1 as well. I'm super excited about these as the characters change costumes a lot during the plot, and I'll be nice get to show more of them off! Current progress here: All the graphics are made and set up. A full playthrough is required to add compatibility alterations (Because Doken is very tall and his head likes getting cut off now! And various other small adjustments) Victory Screen~ Revising it to match the new GMEM1's, however it'll be designed just a bit different - I removed the char images from it and got the camera working the way I initially wanted it. I'm not entirely sold on if I enjoy this sequence more or not, but at least it's better than that awful one-windowed screen >o< Minor Fixes~ Here's the current changelog, but expect more because gamedev xD -fixed a bug where ally raid wanted to get learned over and over again -changed an option description that thought it was cool enough to be another autosave -made hardmode more reasonable -removed keyboard input settings because it was bugged and added wasd in addition to the default schematic -added a list in options of all the keyboard commands (including Fkeys and Quicksave/Trigger buttons) Wholeheartedly surprised "fixed a typo" or "fixed miki wanting to be niki" hasn't made the list yet! SOMETHING NEW!?~ Full disclosure I'm still debating on this; as opposed to the first game, this game only has the world map use a minimap (instead of also exteriors and dungeons) I know this was a small letdown (to myself included!) At the time, adding them in wasn't a feasible option for me. AND I THINK THAT'S STILL PROBABLY THE CASE BUT there's a possibility I can probably add them in if I decide it's worth it. It's a lot of tedious grind work, which is something I actually enjoy, but setting up individual map images is just not an efficient option for them (minimap + fullmap that is). I've dabbled with doing a region ID set up, which draws the map automagically based on that, but it... it didn't feel fitting to me. If Minimaps are added, I'm also unsure if plot indicators will be added. My main goal for considering this it to make it more clear where to go in certain spots (and for players to be able to remember it later), so other alternatives I was toying with include: -A story journal (added to the menu, or perhaps a separate key to open, though I think I'm out of game controller buttons to use), would have a screencap-type image showing where to go and a small directive marker on what you're doing. -A directive notification that will make you aware of the new directive, and show again upon loading the game. For difficulty/overall timesink/workload, this would definitely be the easiest to implement, though it would also be the least useful. What this means and where I'm at~ I'm taking the rest of the year off to work on some small unrelated projects while I decide the best solution for improving player navigation (within reason of my sanity vs clingy toddler time lol, she sits at my desk to hang out with me while I'm working it's so cute!!!) I sort of need to establish that before I can continue my current testplay (I think I'm 3 chapters in). I don't have a specific date in mind to be finished yet; my eyes are doin' weird lately so my capabilities right now are kind of up in the air and I'd like to get some of my more visually-heavy obligations done before my vision gets to unusable levels (Currently doing graphics for my brother's game, Endless Melody something something angels I'd post a link but I'm too tired to go grab one right now OwO). Still a bit burnt out from running through the first game, too! xD Hopefully will come less than 3months-post-new year! Since you've made it to the end of this cute blurb, I love you and thanks for reading! Look forward to more update updates! ~Echo

[ 2022-12-13 11:28:44 CET ] [ Original post ]

Update 1.0.14

Changelog 1.0.14 -fixed an odd issue where sometimes during the first boss the characters REALLY wanted to over explain dualtechs to you again and again and again -ADDED FULL VOICE ACTING TO THE GM1 MODE7 RECAP THEATER PLAY by request

[ 2022-07-12 16:04:17 CET ] [ Original post ]

Update 1.0.13

Changelog 1.0.13 -added a reset puzzle option for ABBA Changelog 1.0.12 -At request, added a tail to Akira's Demo Costume in both main game and demo -demo - added in an npc to tell you where miki bawr and niki are located, and made them each references the others location -demo - fixed a typo -fixed preloading for new akira's tail images -fixed an NPC in terrene who wanted to talk to akira when she wasn't in the party

[ 2022-05-13 01:17:12 CET ] [ Original post ]

Update 1.0.11

Changelog 1.0.11 -fixed a bug introduced by fixing a previous bug that gets you stuck in the waterway -fixed a choko sprite where a flower wanted to breeze like a shojo anime scene

[ 2022-02-23 11:25:19 CET ] [ Original post ]

Update 1.0.10

Changelog 1.0.10 -fixed a bug where you can trigger an eq1 event in eq5 -fixed a bug where you could access angel ruins early -changed 'akira's feelings' bgm to a different version

[ 2022-01-10 11:33:37 CET ] [ Original post ]

Update 1.0.9

Changelog 1.0.9 -fixed a bug where before going to altoona, verdent forest's label showed up twice on the overworld -fixed some door things -fixed a wall thing -fixed a bug where under certain circumstances arber could be accessed in the epilogue -fixed a bug where an inconsequential EQ2 scene can be skipped and triggered in EQ5 -fixed a bug where you can still trigger a cutscene at the festival without the character your the party -fixed a bug where your followers can get set off of through (visit overworld to fix) -fixed an akira who wanted to stay around after the plot -fixed a bug where leaving new tera bugged out sometimes

[ 2021-12-20 13:05:29 CET ] [ Original post ]

Update 1.0.8

Changelog 1.0.8 -fixed a weird in Akira's wind pj's sprite -fixed a typo where whyp referred to merrik as an empire that i swear i changed already -made super boss echo607 remove boostmode at request -fixed a bug where the akira bfs achievement sometimes triggers at the wrong time -made some changes to bonus dungeon at request, can now use ANY party character combination within the dungeon -added 'manster-stay-gone ring' at request, which repels monsters when equip if all characters are at lvl 99, can be found in bonus dungeon -fixed some tiles in jade cave -added a new skill to echo607 at request

[ 2021-12-01 01:20:57 CET ] [ Original post ]

Update 1.0.7

Changelog 1.0.7 -fixed a bug where aneka wanted to be akira -fixed a bug where you could leave new tera -fixed a bug where icilica mountain in postgame makes you stuck -fixed a bug in jade in postgame -fixed a walking while you should climbing -fixed an aneka scene -fixed a bug with 607 -fixed various minor bugs in eeon -fixed a map in altoona that had an extra tile -fixed a typo, a face, and a guy who thought it was still the middle of the game in EQ5 -fixed some minor EQ5 bugs -fixed the costume numbers again

[ 2021-11-28 16:43:24 CET ] [ Original post ]

Update 1.0.6

Changelog 1.0.6 -fixed a bug where the total number of costumes was wrong if dlc was active while loading from the start screen -fixed a bug where you could access terrene with the wrong party -fixed a few minor walk-thru bugs -made not-kari less obvious -fixed a bug where savestate stopped working if you viewed the OG teralolz scene -fixed a bug where the party swap graphic in myth wanted to swap sides if you tent -fixed a bug where you could boat into flame -fixed a bug where melmories achievement only triggered on true ending -fixed a light overlay in ancient pass entrance -fixed a screen tint -made using the teleport gem more obvious

[ 2021-11-19 13:26:11 CET ] [ Original post ]

Update 1.0.5

Changelog 1.0.5 -fixed a bug where m7tzephyr achievement didn't trigger if em1save/ng+ wasnt active -fixed a bug in cronans fortress where sometimes a switch got set early? -fixed a namebox where Miki thought he was Niki -fixed a messagebox that was dim for some reason -fixed some battleback alignment issues -fixed a description typo -fixed an aneka skill that wanted TP -fixed/altered Attack of the Clones -various minor typos -fixed akira talking when not in party at magic school -fixed the tip box in Jade -fixed a softlock in the waterway -added some rocks -fixed an encounter rate thing -fixed a bug where doken wants to walk and walk and walk -fixed a missing crimson monster

[ 2021-11-17 00:33:50 CET ] [ Original post ]

Update 1.0.4

Changelog 1.0.4 -various minor fixes -fixed a bug where Ferrik wanted to be a pain in my butt -fixed whyp wanting to take you back to chapter 1 -fixed airship map infinite void in underwater -fixed bugs where vargy and isha decided to show up uninvited -fixed areas on WM that shouldnt be land-able -fixed various walk-thru-able areas Changelog 1.0.3 -fixed a wall-thru-able wall in Icilica -modified a weapon -fixed various typos -fixed some pixel misalignment in kemoneko fight -fixed some dudes who wanted to ruin the moment -fixed a bug where "clicking" the minimap option instead of using left/right crashes it (main & demo) -fixed various minor bugs in Teralolz -fixed airship map infinite void -fixed a misaligned battlebg in fallacy Changelog 1.0.2 -fixed a walk-thru-able wall in terrene -fixed a bug in terrene where a battlebg wasnt set right -fixed a typo in terrene -fixed a bug where an INS in terrene sometimes doesnt show -added 'viewing credits' and 'viewing changelog' as options in Options

[ 2021-11-13 19:05:10 CET ] [ Original post ]

Update 1.0.1

Changelog 1.0.1 -fixed render method in Options not loading in after save correctly for main & demo -fixed a missing exit marker in Terrene -fixed a typo in the mail -fixed a bug where you could beat the game at chapter 4 lol

[ 2021-11-08 03:24:53 CET ] [ Original post ]

Echoed Memories
  • Developer

  • Echo607
  • Publisher

  • 2021-11-05
  • Release

  • Indie RPG Singleplayer
  • Tags

  • Game News Posts 15  
    Keyboard ⬛ Mouse ⬛ Partial Controller Support
  • Controls

  • Positive

    (11 reviews)

  • Review Score

  • https://echoedgames.com/
  • Website

  • https://store.steampowered.com/app/1752090 
  • Steam Store

  • Echoed Memories linux32 [329.06 M]Echoed Memories linux64 [327.5 M]

  • Public Linux depots

  • Echoed Memories is a direct sequel to Gaia's Melody: Echoed Melodies.
    While playing it isn't required, EM2 allows you to input EM1's save data, so you can customize your story further.
    The game follows a group of already-heroes, focusing on their personal growth and development, and their interpersonal relationships as they progress through solving the mysteries of the overarching story.
    They're searching for who they are, what they want, and what they need to achieve it.
    The game deals with heavily emotional themes and topics (including trauma, anxiety, love, trust, despair, and the value of life).

    The game is roughly 40-60 hours, and has examples of the following:
    -Longwinded fluff where the characters flirt too much and forget their creator loves writing trauma
    -Overpowered skills that remind you you probably don't need to levelgrind
    -A severely redundant amount of Options to customize your playthrough with, ranging from difficulty, encounter rates, style adjustments, to letting the game decide who gets to be randomized into a swimsuit next
    -Way too much fluff
    -42 total collectable fun art pieces
    -Literally 100 character costumes total
    -Heavily lighthearted and comedic characters that make you forget the trauma you just went through
    -Cute anime cutscene art and faces that you can turn off if you hate them!
    -Voiced animated cutscene videos that can be skipped if you hate them!
    -More fluff
    -Way too much PDA
    -Way too much funny NPC text also fluff

    The game has a series of "Epilogue Quests", which get unlocked when completing the game proper. Please note, this segment contains a negligible amount of nudity, and discusses suggestive themes.
    • OS: Ubuntu 14.04 or Steam OS 2.0
    • Processor: Intel Core i3-4340 or betterMemory: 8 GB RAM
    • Memory: 8 GB RAM
    • Graphics: Compatible OpenGL / VRAM 1GB or better
    • Storage: 11 GB available space
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