A new patch has been released for Vibrant Venture. Don't forget to restart Steam if the game does not automatically prompt you to update!
See the changelog below for details.
- Fixed being able to clip through ceilings using Flathead Boppers and Moving Platforms
- Fixed being able to clip through ceilings using a spring and two layers of platforms
- Fixed downwards facing Bramble Bopper stalk corners not having collisions
- Fixed being able to pause and quick restart on the same frame as touching the Goal Balloon
- Fixed the Night theme being cut off at the top
- Fixed Bramble Bopper digging particles not rendering properly
Vibrant Venture is a singleplayer 2D adventure platformer game where you combine and mix unique character abilities to traverse the world!
The game features four playable characters each with two unique abilities. By switching between these characters, you can combine their abilities for extremely versatile, fluid and fun movement! The main focus of the game is traditional platforming combined with responsive and open-ended controls in a challenging environment. This also means there are often multiple ways to clear different sections!