A new patch has been released for Vibrant Venture fixing a number of bugs and issues in the Level Builder.
See the changelog below for details.
- Grumbats can now hang from single tiles and no longer requires 3 ceiling tiles
- Fixed placing tiles next to Laser Beacons causing the Laser Beacon to be removed
- Fixed the hotbar inside the Item Selector menu not resetting when creating a new level
- Fixed enemy sprite flipping in the editor not always matching the spawned enemy's horizontal sprite flipping
- Fixed exiting the waypoint editor while dragging a waypoint not resetting the waypoint position
- Fixed 2x2 tile decorations sometimes appearing on slope tiles
- Fixed the death counter incrementing inside the Level Builder
- Fixed dying while inside a Character Barrier causing an error
- Fixed changing the face direction of a Leafly from left to right then back to left causing the Leafly to be unable to move
- Fixed Leaflies sometimes not taking damage to Brachin Goo walls
- Fixed being able to clip inside ground tiles using by placing a slope that goes into a ceiling
- Fixed being able to clip inside ground tiles by slide kicking while on top of a vertically moving platform
Vibrant Venture is a singleplayer 2D adventure platformer game where you combine and mix unique character abilities to traverse the world!
The game features four playable characters each with two unique abilities. By switching between these characters, you can combine their abilities for extremely versatile, fluid and fun movement! The main focus of the game is traditional platforming combined with responsive and open-ended controls in a challenging environment. This also means there are often multiple ways to clear different sections!