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 Captain Jackson 



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Patch 1.4 - Last big patch

Hello Gamers

Here I comes in flash to give you next big patch to Captain Jackson. Sadly this will be the last one, but for now let's discuss the changes.

I was working on implementing new movement system to game. Now it's more smooth and enjoyable. Moreover I've putted a new mechanic to a movement which is Turbo.

Turbo (under Left or Right Shift button) is just a turbo to your speed. You can use it what ever cases you wanted, but will need this on harder waves. It has a little trick with speed so I hope you gonna like it. Turbo is regenerating by a Turbo orb.

Soooo... There is a new movement mechanics... So the enemies will be faster?? Yes my fellow players. Each of 8 enemies has been redesigned to match that perfectly with new movement. Now this game is more Bullet Hell then ever before.

So there are alse some little changes

  • Game overall optimalizaton
  • Changing a color of return text to be more visible
  • Score panel now have new cool effect, like in casino,

Now I need to tell you my sad news. There won't be any more huge updates to Captain Jackson. I'm sorry guys. It was a great travel for me (and I hope for you as well) to play and creating that game. But because of my school and next big project. I must move forward. This dosen't mean that won't be any hotfixes or balance tunig. I hope that in the future I will be able to show you my next game that I am currently working on.

Captain Jackson was a great adveture and I never regreat any minute or hour spending on that game.

As allwasy,

Thanks for all your support and feedback. Now let's kill some bad aliens!

[ 2021-12-20 18:56:31 CET ] [ Original post ]

1.3.1 - Bug fixes

Hello Gamers

Thanks to you guys I realize that there is more bug in my game than I excepted. But now I am dropping some quick bug fixes. I hope you gonna like it

  • Now after hitting 5 hearts you are still able to heal yourself.
  • Fixing bug with rocket crushing.
  • Now in One Heart mode player have literally one heart.
  • Better ending texts

Thanks for all your support and feedback. Now let's kill some bad aliens!

[ 2021-11-25 14:40:31 CET ] [ Original post ]

Patch 1.3

Hello Gamers

I am happy to say that with this day patch 1.3 is LIVE. This patch focused more on graphical improvement than gameplay changes. I hope you will like it.

New Background

One of the biggest changes is the new redesigned background. Now its more deep, interesting and alive. Just check it out it is amazing

Enemy killing animations

Next big thing is enemy destroying animation. I was speaking about that in my last post. Now every hostile when you shoot them they are falling apart. Each one has unique animation and style. I hope you will like it

New Game Mode

With this patch I am adding a new game mode called flip mode where your camera is flipped. Good luck and I promise you, it will be hard

Gameplay improvement

  • Now its only red orb for healing and adding new hearts. Moreover Ive changed an orb sprite and now its more pretty.
  • Now the player has more speed on Jackson Mode.

List of minor changes and bug fixes

  • New skin - red smoker
  • Better pause menu background
  • Now when you die on the boss menu will show currently how much hp it still has
  • Bug with buying a skin Neon killer and Green metal now is fixed
  • Now after bombs death spawn power obrs
  • Code optimization

Thanks for all your support and feedback. Now let's kill some bad aliens!

[ 2021-11-23 18:21:49 CET ] [ Original post ]

Big visual and gameplay improvement - annoucing patch 1.3

Hello Gamers

After a while I happy to announce that I am working on a biggest patch to Captain Jackson the world has ever seen.

But before happy news I need to apologize about issue with buying a new skins, I am working to fix the problem and implement a system to avoid next bugs like this. But it has deep connect to player save data that it harder to implement fix. For now I recommend you to change a player save data SkinsUnlocked variable to this: [true,false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false]
So it should looks like this: "SkinsUnlocked":[true,false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false]

*Any other changes to save data file is in user responsibility*

The save file is located in:

  • Windows: C:\Users\User\AppData\LocalLow\From Gamers\Captain Jackson\Player_Stats.json

  • Linux: ~/.config/unity3d/From Gamers/Captain Jackson/Player_Stats.json

But if you don't mind with problem you can just buy another skin XD.


The whole patch will focus on visual improvement to game due to your feedback. Some of it I will show you in screenshots some of them is still work in progress.

  • I've added an animation of enemies destoying. Now you can see how enemies ships are falling apart. Here is some screenshots in action.



    I want to added that animation to alll enemies in game and boss.

  • Next thing that I want to share with you is improvement to orbs. More specialy to health and heart orb (white and red). Now it's only one orb. Red orb now will increase your hearts or heal you if you collect. Only in situation when when you have a 5 hearts red orb will be bonus increase to score. Moreover I've changed a red orb sprite. I think now it's looks better but just compere them for your self.

  • One feature that I am excited to show you is a new game mode. Flip mode. Just checkout screenshoots, you will notice how crazy it is.

    There are some changes that are hardly in progress and I can't show them for you now:

  • New background with depth effect
  • New skin - red smoker
  • Better pause menu background

    As you see there is tone of new things that will come to Captain Jackson. Do you ask me when? I am planning to push new patch in the end of next week or second next week, but I have some exams to pass and don't have enough time to spend on this project (god damn school). But I promise I will do my best to drop patch as soon as it's possible. If you have any interesting idea what could be in next patch let me know.

    Thanks for all your support and feedback. Now let's kill some bad aliens!

  • [ 2021-11-18 11:35:07 CET ] [ Original post ]

    New Actualization - 1.2

    Hello Gamers

    I am droping with new build of the game, which contains some bug fix and something special. Below this you will find list of changes.

    • Music in main Menu (Yes the music was that special thing)
    • Now when you have shield rockets don't damage you for 2 points.
    • When you died before enemy will be active, now he won't start shooting

    Thanks for all your support and feedback. Now let's kill some bad aliens!

    [ 2021-11-03 19:17:31 CET ] [ Original post ]

    New Actualization

    Hello gamers

    I am here to presenting you a new actualization for Captain Jackson. In summary (if you don't want to read all the list) there is some bug fixes and enemy waves changes. I've added a two new skins and some more enemy waves on hard level. Now for those who stayed real list of changes.

    • 2 new Skins: Green metal and Neon killer
    • 5 new enemy waves on late game
    • 6 improvements to existing waves
    • Now late waves started appeareing when Player have 1500 points (previously was on 2500)
    • Better collision when player have active shield
    • Now boss stoped shooting when you've died (yes there is boss in this game)
    • Imortality on 5 Hearts against the PowerOrb is gone. Now correctly system recognise damage to player.

    Thanks for all your support and feedback. Now let's kill some bad aliens!

    [ 2021-10-30 17:13:30 CET ] [ Original post ]