## v2.7.0: 8 December 2024 ### MAJOR ADDITIONS - BN options selection interface (@catloversg) - Support JSX, TS, TSX script files (@catloversg) ### UI - Tweak Hacknet summary (@catloversg) - Only show relevant changes in "Purchased Augmentations" table (@catloversg) - Fix: Correctly show remaining grafting/programming time left when cycles are skipped. (@tom.prince) - Fix: Misleading favor numbers (@catloversg) - Always show description of faction price multiplier (@catloversg) - Add apostrophe to stanek's gift strings (@faenre) - Notify players about documentation tab after getting SF1.1 (@catloversg) - Remove extra "label=" text from SmartSupply interface (@gmcew) - Show more information about documentation in last step of tutorial (@catloversg) - Change description of Documentation button in Script Editor (@catloversg) - Fix: Wrong size of table cell in Import Save Comparison UI (@catloversg) - Remove hacknet servers from hash upgrade server dropdowns (@yichizhng) - Fix: Import paths cannot be resolved in script editor (@lucebac) - Fix: Missing tooltip when doing faction work (@catloversg) - Remove unnecessary newlines when augmentation does not have stats (@catloversg) - Disable font ligatures by default (@catloversg) - Fix: Crash in theme editor modal (@catloversg) - Add the ability to change the font size (@G4mingJon4s) - Change order of information in stats progress bar (@catloversg) - Auto focus hashnet upgrade modal (@catloversg) - Show error popup when there are errors instead of only writing to console (@catloversg) ### DOCUMENTATION - Remove obsolete description of killall (@catloversg) - Update description of source files (@catloversg) - Add link to NS API documentation (@catloversg) - Fix a typo in the hamming code problem statement (@jazzybones) - Fix broken link in README.md (@ngcthao) - Remove " "s from .getDescription() result (@gmcew) - Typo in ns2 migration doc (@mctylr-gh) - Remove unmaintained VS Code extension from docs (@catloversg) - Fix link to non-existing page (@BaxoPlenty) - Add help text for changelog command (@catloversg) - Clarify deprecation warning of ns.getTimeSinceLastAug() (@catloversg) - Fix typos in NetscriptDefinitions.d.ts (@catloversg) - Add GoAnalysis and GoCheat doc namespaces (@catloversg) - Hamming Code parity sentence clarification, "Find All Valid Math Expressions" missing line breaks added, example formatting made consistent (@gmcew) - Outdated formula of favor in tooltip (@catloversg) - Add scoring rules explanations to how to play page and score modal (@ficocelliguy) - Fix wrong description of ns.singularity.applyToCompany (@catloversg) - Fix errors and warnings shown by api-extractor (@catloversg) - Remove wrong information in ns.weaken (@catloversg) - Make small tweaks in TSDoc of Corporation APIs (@catloversg) - Add types for parameters of gym-university-bladeburner API (@catloversg) - Correct function signature for hashUpgradeCost (@faenre) - Fix wrong description of ns.corporation.createCorporation (@catloversg) - Clarify experience gain of sleeves (@bupjae) - Make small changes (capitalization) in index page of documentation (@catloversg) - Improve ns.enableLog docs (@Fireball5939) - Update description of multipliers in BitNodeMultipliers in NetscriptDefinitions.d.ts (@nobody0) - Fix mangled NS API TSDoc (@catloversg) - Fix incorrect description of "HammingCodes: Integer to Encoded Binary" contract (@zorbathut) - Clarify condition of ns.corporation.bribe (@catloversg) - Clarify "completion" property of GraftingTask (@catloversg) - Clarify cyclesWorked of Task (@catloversg) - Clarify ns.hackAnalyzeThreads (@JMack6490) - Clarify ns.bladeburner.getSkillUpgradeCost and fix typo in BaseTask (@catloversg) - Fix typo in Corporation documentation (@catloversg) - Add more information for deprecated nFormat API (@catloversg) - Clarify FactionWorkRepGain multiplier (@catloversg) ### MISC - Fix: Wrong money source when traveling (@catloversg) - Use ramOverride() to set compiled script RAM (@d0sboots) - Provide type definitions for \`React\` and \`ReactDOM\` in in-game editor. (@tom.prince) - Fix: "Router called before initialization" race (@d0sboots) - Always include stack trace in Recovery Mode (@d0sboots) - Don't spin forever if IDB can't be loaded (@d0sboots) - Fix: Prevent runtime NotAllowedError on Safari (@robofinch) - Enable strict typechecking of typescript, and several other typescript improvements in script editor (@tom.prince) - Minor bugfix for minesweeper game: made rounding behavior for height, width and mine count consistent (@mmjr-x) - Fix: Crash when accessing nonexistent files with file protocol in Electron app (@catloversg) - Stop terminal scp from revealing and copying to unreachable servers (@yichizhng) - Fix: Tab completion uses wrong command list (@catloversg) - Fix: Prompt does not reset text value (@catloversg) - Fix: Duplicated program in edge case (@catloversg) - Improve rep calculation accuracy (@d0sboots) - Fix: NaN Total Assets caused by bug in bulkPurchase API (@catloversg) - Cancel infiltration when player is hospitalized (@catloversg) - Fix: Block hacking-related actions on player-owned servers (@catloversg) - Rework disableLog for efficiency (@d0sboots) - Improve several things relating to PID lookups (@d0sboots) - Fix: ns.singularity.donateToFaction being able to donate to SoA (@Fireball5939) - Throw error when player passes invalid hostname to some APIs (grow, weaken, singularity.installBackdoor) (@catloversg) - Fix: upgradePurchasedServer API prints wrong error message (@Nolshine) - Reduced RAM cost for ns.getPurchasedServers (@faenre) - Fix: Autocomplete shows error popup in some cases (missing error handler when calling libarg) (@catloversg) - Reduce cost of static information NS APIs to 0 (@faenre) - Add ns.self() as a free info function (@G4mingJon4s) - Change generation rate of CCTs for offline bonus (@catloversg) - Add new Square Root coding contract (@d0sboots) - Remove mention of Hacking Mission (@catloversg) - Fix: Scripts are killed too late when prestiging (@catloversg) - Fix: Typos in description of augmentations (@egg362) - Fix: Typo in field work description (@Pimvgd) - Fix: Fix dynamicRamUsage returned by getRunningScript() (@d0sboots) - Add warning when installing backdoor on backdoored server (@catloversg) - Expose more information of HiveMind augmentation (@catloversg) - Improve tutorial, documentation and discoverability of NS API documentation (@catloversg) - Improve exception alert (@catloversg) - Improve built-in print APIs when printing Promise objects (@catloversg) - Improve built-in print APIs when printing objects containing Map or Set (@catloversg) - Validate hostname and port of RFA (@catloversg) - Update blood donation (@hydroflame, @catloversg) - Include React component stack in Recovery Mode report (@catloversg) - Always add script's earnings to its parent (@catloversg) - nano and vim use wrong template for text files (@catloversg) - Add error cause to exception alert and Recovery mode UI (@catloversg) - Fix ramOverride check (@jonhartnett) - Accept "noscript" as parameter for skipping loading scripts (@catloversg) - Fix: Multiple issues with migrating older savegames (@catloversg) ### SPOILER CHANGES - Change formula of Bladeburner skill cost (@catloversg) - Fix: Wrong behavior of ns.bladeburner.getSkillUpgradeCost (@catloversg) - Disable rumor of Bladeburners in BN8 (@catloversg) - Fix: Stop current work when starting a program with Singularity (@TheAimMan) - Fix: Cap Gang recruit member calculation (@TheAimMan) - Fix: Allow upgrading Bladeburner skill level over max safe integer (@catloversg) - Fix: Wrong countdown of remaining time for Bladeburner action (@catloversg) - Fix: Duplicated augmentation when buying after grafting (@catloversg) - Fix: Wrong success range of Bladeburner general action (@catloversg) - Add buyAmount and importAmount to Corporation Material API (@yichizhng) - Add success chance of Bladeburner action to Sleeves UI (@catloversg) - Allow filtering graftable augmentations (@catloversg) - Fix: Wrong error message when failing to recruit gang member (@catloversg) - Add API to calculate max upgrade count of Bladeburner skill (@catloversg) - Fix: Bladeburner city chaos reaching Infinity/NaN (@faenre) - Use indirect eval for terminal expr and corporation sell prices/amounts (@yichizhng) - Fix: Wrong skill multipliers in Bladeburner (@catloversg) - Fix: Crash in b1tflum3 and destroyW0r1dD43m0n API (@catloversg) - Bladeburner: Est. pop improvement actions always improve est. pop by at least 1 (@faenre) - Fix: Typo in description of Stanek's Gift (@Tahvohck) - Prevent issues caused by resetting the board while the go AI is in flight (@ficocelliguy) - Bladeburner: Use "grow" semantics for population estimate (@d0sboots) - Fix: Wrong team size when all team members die in Bladeburner's action (@catloversg) - Fix: Wrong parameter requirement of ns.bladeburner.setTeamSize (@catloversg) - Make condition of ns.singularity.donateToFaction consistent (@catloversg) - Fix: Wrong calculation in team casualties of Bladeburner action (@catloversg) - Bladeburner UI shows tooltips on action success chance to indicate which stat it scales with (@Alpheus) - Improve discoverability of Corporation documentation (@catloversg) - Change type of skill name parameter of ns.formulas.bladeburner.skillMaxUpgradeCount API (@catloversg) - Uncheck the 'show prior move' feature when a new Go game is started (@ficocelliguy) - Add optional board state argument to the go analysis functions (@ficocelliguy) - Add ns.go.cheat.getCheatCount (@ballardrog) - Fix: Typo in Covenant's shop (@catloversg) - Disable "+1" button when Bladeburner skill level reaches max safe integer and refactor some checks (@catloversg) - Show confirmation popup if player enables territory clashes while being too weak (@catloversg) - Expose valuation via ns.corporation.getCorporation (@catloversg) - Return active SF levels in ns.singularity.getOwnedSourceFiles and ResetInfo.ownedSF (@catloversg) - Fix: Negative stored material in Corporation (@catloversg) - Remove WD from Hashnet server list if TRP not installed (@gmcew) - Deduct karma when successfully completing action involving killing (@catloversg) - Fix: Hashserver UI shows wrong server list when purchasing upgrades (@catloversg) - Fix wrong initial productionMult of new division (@catloversg) ### CODEBASE/REFACTOR - Update monaco-editor to 0.50.0 and work around a bug (@tom.prince, @catloversg) - Sync UI updates to game updates. (@tom.prince) - Use Autocomplete instead of Select in devmenu augmentation tool (@catloversg) - Update caniuse-lite to latest version (@tom.prince) - Remove redundant type of CONSTANTS (@catloversg) - Add a type annotation to webpack configuration function. (@tom.prince) - Remove testing code in ScriptTransformer (@catloversg) - Use mathjax from npm, rather than vendored copy. Also fix mathjax path. (@tom.prince) - Remove unused attributes of internal \`ScriptDeath\`. (@tom.prince) - Add some more types to \`webpack.config.js\`. (@tom.prince) - Refactor Person.ts and Sleeve.ts (@catloversg) - Remove unnecessary dependency in Person class (@catloversg) - Remove js-sha256 (@catloversg) - Small change in devmenu augmentation tool (@catloversg) - Update Electron to v29 (@catloversg) - Update Node version in CI workflows (@catloversg) - Increase minimum Node version (@catloversg) - Rename getRandomArbitrary (@catloversg) - Expose internal data in dev build (@catloversg) - Don't make dynamicLoadedFns entries for free functions (@yichizhng) - Use Autocomplete instead of Select in more devmenu tools (@catloversg) - Reduce number of random tests for testing calculateMaxUpgradeCount (@cmfrydos) - Improve performance of Jest tests by removing barrels (@cmfrydos) - Refactor Bladeburner Identifier Lookup (@Alpheus) - Refactor coding contracts for type safety (@d0sboots) - Update version of babel-plugin-transform-barrels (@cmfrydos) - Move Bladeburner team losses to Casualties (@Alpheus) - Add tests to cover Bladeburner console commands (@Alpheus) - Remove google analytics config (@shyguy1412) - Add stopFlag check before running main (@Caldwell-74) - Update ScriptDeath to extend Error (@alainbryden) - Add tests to cover Bladeburner action completion (@Alpheus) - Reset other gangs when leaving gang by using devmenu (@catloversg) - Fix lint errors (@catloversg, @ficocelliguy) - Remove duplicate getRecruitmentSuccessChance in Bladeburner code (@catloversg) - Change sleeveSize from property to getter (@catloversg) - Minor code change in SkillElem.tsx (@catloversg) - Add generic type as returned type for action and checking (@catloversg) - Add proper type check to AST walking code (@catloversg) - Update monaco-editor to 0.52.0 (using this version fixes "loadForeignModule" error) (@catloversg) - Rewrite validation code for strings of price and quantity (@catloversg) - Add comments to Generic_fromJSON (@catloversg) - Better casting in JSONReviver.ts (@d0sboots) - Remove duplicate usages of special server's hostname (@catloversg) - Recheck all usages of typecasting with JSON.parse (@catloversg) - Fix: Missing migration code for v0.56.0 (@catloversg) - Fix: Wrong usage of delete operator in Settings.load (@catloversg) - Mitigate cyclic dependency between Jsonable classes (@catloversg) - Fix: Generic Reviver does not handle Message class (@catloversg) - Add tests for b1tflum3 and destroyW0r1dD43m0n API (@catloversg) - Multiple large refactors to savegame loading for better validation and safety (@catloversg)
[ 2024-12-08 21:22:54 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Bitburner linux [206.87 M]
While a very basic programming background is recommended, it is not required to play the game!
- Write scripts in JavaScript to automate your gameplay
- Hack through a network of servers to train your abilities and earn money
- Solve real programming questions to hone your skills and earn rewards
- Improve your character with 100+ Augmentations
- Trade in the stock market and write automated trading scripts
- Interact with various gameplay mechanics to increase your stats and earn money
- Explore the world and discover different companies, locations, and factions
- Mini-games
- Unlock secret perma-upgrades
- Continuing development!
- OS: Linux
- Processor: 1.5 GHzMemory: 512 MB RAM
- Memory: 512 MB RAM
- Graphics: Intel Integrated Graphics
- Storage: 500 MB available space
[ 6040 ]
[ 1538 ]
[ 1732 ]