-A new music track was added, unlocked in Era 2!
-There is a new Audio Options item! You can disable combat sounds and select what music track will play.
-There is a new Formless Wizard graphic that appears when in Limbo, before you have chosen a Class!
-There is an audio option to mute the game when not in focus!
-The Window title will say "Lantern Active" when applicable.
-Added a VSync detailed option. Disable VSync if your framerate is going too high!
-Terrains now cycle evenly between all possible terrains when at max awakening rank.
-Revised the graphics for Lightning Orb a bit.
-The Gem Reward for choosing a username increased to 40 gems!
-The Class menu in Limbo was changed in size from 4x2 tro 7x1.
-Tuned logic for rune troves after collecting a ton in one run, to make Treasure Hunter runes less abusable.
-The Feather Duster is no longer an "Options" item.
-Perk Fairy now properly puts an indicator on all Perks selected.
-Fixed Perk Fairy putting indicators on the Staff that don't go away.
-Fixed a bug with being unable to swap certain items.
-The Vault item can now be moved back into Options.
-Upgraded the backend engine to a new version
-Upgraded a variety of backend components
-Optimized the performance of cloud saving a bit
-Put in safeguards to prevent certain network related issues