-There are now 7 Wizard Skin Cosmetics available in the Market! Each also comes with a Ring that provides a small bonus.
-The custom bag graphic colors have been changed to be more varied!
-Revised the clouds on the Tundra terrain
-Bag names can now only be 50 characters long
-Optimized the display of Runes
-Compact Runes Display will now be forced if using more than 100 Runes
-Version downgrading on key-builds is now disallowed: you will probably only run into this when paired with steam
-Fixed being unable to Augment before unlocking the Market
-Fixed some Languages being mixed up
-Fixed the names of some soundtracks
-Fixed a bug with the Bag graphic selection button
-When buying a Totem, the gems in the Market item will now update
-When using a jagged totem, the total totem count in bar will update
-The Obelisk Shard display text will refresh upon returning to limbo
-Fixed description on an Ice Beam perk
-Fixed issues with recursive bag items
-(introduced in 2.9.0) Fixed players with multiple totem and runic unlocks
Totem System Changes
-Max Totem Level raised to 4
-Each Level now reduces appearance time by 1 min instead of 1.5 min
-When Polishing a Totem, you won't receive copies of extra Totems that are max level!
-Everyone is now guaranteed to find new totems at certain intervals, rather than some people getting bad luck and not getting 1 of each totem for a long long time!
To compensate for the nerfs:
-All Totems level 2 will gain +1 copies of the Totem.
-All Totems level 3 will be boosted to Level 4.
-All excess Totems will be refunded back to Jagged Totems.
Era 3 beta testing is scheduled to begin next week! :-D