-A new Damage Tracker option has been added! Find it under Display Settings!
Balance Changes
-Voltaic Viper now shoots a trio of Vipers, and the damage has been reduced by 60%
-Lightning Golem's projectiles travel 40% faster
-Lightning Golem's special ability now triggers after the wizard takes 5% damage instead of 10%
-Ring of Greed damage bonus increased to 5% from 1%
-Ring of Reclaiming Light damage bonus increased to 25% from 10%
-The cast speed bonus during Phase 1 of the Boss has been increased to 50% from 25%
-Revised Band of the Past description to be more clear
-The Era Boss now has (even more) adaptive difficulty, based on the player's max wave cleared before starting the fight
-Added a note to the Great Mirror when you must defeat the Boss to Awaken.
-Worldshaker added to jukebox if you have defeated the boss
-If you are at max Staff Level, you will no longer find XP Troves
-The cost to Augment the Chronosphere increased from 1,000 to 10,000
-Voltaic Viper graphics fixed
-Fixed a bug with the Boss fight