Hello Everyone,
Today we thought we’d take some time out to tell you a bit about what we’re working on at the moment and about the next update!
Most of you will be aware that we’ve been trying to port Besiege to Unity 5 for some time now with little success, that is until recently.
We are happy to announce that, owing to some significant breakthroughs in the past few weeks, Besiege will be moving to Unity 5 in the next update!
Unity 5 will offer some significant improvements to the game, the most notable of which is physics performance. Unity 5 uses a much newer version of PhysX which has support for multithreading, which will allow Besiege to use your CPU far more effectively than in the past.
We’ve put together an example for you below, showing the difference in FPS experienced while playing the game. I’d also like to point out that the Gif capturing software I used to create this comparison is the reason that the FPS is below 60 on the Unity 5 example.
Unity 4
Unity 5
The version of PhysX used by Unity 5 will also offer us changes to the stability of Besiege’s physics. Below is a comparison showing how Unity 5’s physics stabilizes in a more realistic fashion.
Although we expect most of the changes encountered will be positive, there is always the chance that existing machines could be adversely affected by the game’s physics performing differently.
Now on to the bad news, we’ve encountered some bugs during the port that we will need to get fixed before the new update can be released. This means that V0.12’s release will be delayed by about 3 weeks whilst we work to fix these issues.
We decided to include some of the issues in this announcement so that you can see for yourself the kinds of kinks that we’re trying to iron out.
Wheels in the new build are wobbly which causes a number of issues when it comes to the different steering methods that people have designed.
If particles collide with a moving object they appear out of thin air in the center of the world.
As well as some other issues that aren’t particularly interesting to look at.
So in conclusion, porting Besiege to Unity 5 is going well but there are still a few issues that need sorting out and because of this we are, unfortunately, pushing the update back by 3 weeks. As well as this, once the new update is out, we’ll be increasing Besiege’s price to represent the level of content now in the game. Hopefully you’ll see that it was worth the wait, and we thank you for your continued patience and support!
Besiege is a physics based building game in which you construct medieval siege engines and lay waste to immense fortresses and peaceful hamlets. Build a machine which can crush windmills, wipe out battalions of brave soldiers and transport valuable resources, defending your creation against cannons, archers and whatever else the desperate enemies have at their disposal. Create a trundling behemoth, or take clumsily to the skies, and cause carnage in fully destructible environments. Ultimately, you must conquer every Kingdom by crippling their castles and killing their men and livestock, in as creative or clinical a manner as possible!