Many thanks to those who have financially contributed to the project over the past few years!
After being officially released for a few years now, we've decided we're going to make Asteroids Extreme officially free-to-play. We're excited to be sharing the game with a broader audience by removing the pay barrier.
We're planning to make the game free-to-play in about a week or so.
Thanks again and happy playing!
Major Update To:
- Rocket Launcher Targeting System - Rockets NEVER miss (prove me wrong!)
- Flux Shield Generator upgrade
- General Bug fixes and store flavor text updates
Facepunch integration by @rsaherron in #118
Asteroids extreme demo by @rsaherron in #120
Rockets do not miss by @rsaherron in #124
Targeting stuff + Shield Upgrade by @rsaherron in #125
Head off into the asteroid field to seek your fortune! The asteroid field is full of quantum crystals for those foolish enough to brave the dangers of space. Risk and reward is the name of the game when it comes to crystal mining.
Tensions rise as the asteroid field becomes more dense and alien rivals begin to take notice of your unwelcome presence. Miners must work quickly to avoid attracting the attention of the more fearsome deep space inhabitants.