Stack Up! (or dive trying) official Discord server:
Do you have any questions about how we created something in the game? Or about the new game features? Or even some suggestions for the future of the game?
You really need to join the developers on this Discord AMA event then!
A special channel will be created before the event where you can ask anything you want!
In the meanwhile you can already join us on Discord at:
Hope to see you all there!
Game is not tagged as available on Linux on Steam.
Stack Up! (or dive trying) is the debut title by Italian Indie Studio PixelConflict, a light hearted and intense platformer with varying difficulty levels all made for casual play or record breaking runs.
The objective is simple, get as high as you can and NEVER touch the water below you.
Go at it solo or put your pride on the line by challenging your friends by planning smart, treading carefully and building your way up with the objects falling around you.
Key Features:
Solo games with a range of increasing difficulties and global ‘Heightscores’ plus competitive multiplayer.
Tons of unique falling objects, from harmless fridges and sofas to catapulting trampolines and dangerous sticky desks.
Unlock a wide range of free hats and hammers as you play to customize your character!
W,A,S and D to move around
Spacebar to jump
Ctrl to crouch
Shift to run
Left click to pickup an highlighted object
Left click to place down an object
Mouse scrollwheel to move objects closer or further away