+Made new ui for the pause menu
+Improved pause menu title logo
+Added new optional camera features to the pause menu
+Added camera option soft zone width :
Soft zone width gives Spryward some soft space on the X axis that won't move the camera. Upon leaving that soft bound will cause the camera to lerp towards the player on the X axis.
+Added camera option soft zone height:
Soft zone height gives Spryward some soft space on the Y axis that won't move the camera. Upon leaving that soft bound will cause the camera to lerp towards the player on the Y axis.
+Added camera option to look at Spryward's head instead of the middle of his body
+Updated credits page on main menu
+Added Issue 4 level 2 to the high score page on the main menu
+Added more grindable rails to older levels
+Updated some of the Steam store page art assets
Note from the Dev : Thank you all for 1 year of support on Steam early access. Spryward has changed a lot since I launched a year ago. It's a bizarre idea for a game Ive wanted to make for a long time. I love new comic day every Wednesday. I love the idea in comics that the story is never over. When I got the opportunity to join Scott Snyders comic writing class, I knew I had to make something different. I know I cant release a new issue every wednesday, but getting to create this ongoing story here on Steam has been an absolute privilege. Ive been challenged as a developer in new ways with this project and its special when you get to work on something this personal. Issue 4 has been very exciting for me. Theres been so much that Ive learned through adding the new cutscene system and continuing to practice drawing. Im feeling comfortable and ready to look back and improve the art of the first 2 issues. Im going to be going back and possibly redoing the original cutscenes in this new style Ive been using for issue 4, which could improve the opening. I just wanted to let you all know Im committed to developing this game through at least 6 issues. At most Ill end up doing 8, but I have 5 and 6 written. It's a matter of drawing all the art assets I need and doing the 3d modeling of key locations to get everything done. As I put it above, I updated the credits page. There are tons of people who helped make Spryward possible. If youre reading this youre probably one of them. Thank you sincerely, and I hope you enjoy the update! The new camera options arent attached to the dynamic camera system, so you can still choose to use them in tandem or mix & match. Let me know what camera options you leave enabled. Have a good rest of your week everyone.
[ 2023-05-31 19:21:33 CET ] [ Original post ]
🕹️ Partial Controller Support
- [1.29 G]
The man who cures his city from a zombie virus struggles to retain the society he once knew. Dawning the superhero persona Spryward, Deshaun Martin takes on a corporate political infrastructure that suppresses society's revitalization. Spryward faces off against super powered villains, a wizard, and a cyborg made of Dendicium the Metroborg.
Gameplay :
Story transitions from motion comic panels to levels.Linear 2.5D platforming levels.
Electromagnetism ability. (stick to walls, super speed, floating, flip kicks, double jumps)
Call on your pal slushy to gain his slinging abilities.
Instead of turning into a zombie, infection gave Deshaun green skin and super powers. He can manipulate friction on an electromagnetic level. This allows him to slide and stick to any surface. He can halt his own connection to gravity for a short time causing immense heat with flames. Along with friction based powers he has super strength, increased range of hearing, and durability. One punch from Spryward has enough force to shatter a diamond.
[ 6047 ]
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