Have you noticed how big AccrO map is getting? And it is not a road and square kind of thing, there are lots of details that I keep adding to create new acrobatic and cinematic opportunities... and that makes one of my production machines rendering the pre-computed visibility for long times... creating a gap of several hours, that I have to wait before adding more stuff to AccrO. When I wait for the AccrO machine to render, I am working on a shooter on other machine, using the same 3D tech that we have on AccrO, but with the "UBERMOSH" fast-paced vibe.
Soon I will be able to show more stuff, I am am very happy with the new development tools and what is possible to make with this improved framework.
Many many thanks, please stay tunned
UBERMOSH:BLACK is the hardcore version of the arcade game UBERMOSH.
Cut bullets with your sword, shoot with heavy guns and splatter enemies with a rage fueled psionic wave.
A love letter to the community of the classic UBERMOSH, Black comes with the "brainclap" feature, a new class mod, tougher achievements, more enemies, a new ultimate gun and a complex balance to allow 30% more stuff on screen creating an even more intense combat experience, packed in 90 seconds bursts.