Greetings, Rooster Aficionados! A new update has been released! This update features some additions to the level editor, such as the ability to change the color of the main light source or "sun light", and also a new object category featuring light sources of several colors, so now you can make a purple forest or an alien city if you want! Starting with this update, players will have a selection of built/in maps to start playing right away, without the need of having to download user maps first. This is a small update but soon there will be more frequent updates with bug fixes, better AI and the addition of a new playable character! If you cannot find any matches hop into the discord server using the option in the main menu and let us know so we can host some! As always, Have fun and see you in the streets of New Sun City! [Dev] Cuurian - Lobosandia
[ 2023-09-10 06:51:46 CET ] [ Original post ]
Greetings, Rooster Aficionados!
A new update has been released!
This update features a reworked online lobby created to fix some nasty glitches related to players not loading correctly when connecting to a match.
Finally I can become a Washing Machine!
A new "Profile Customization" submenu has been added to the main menu, it lets you customize a player banner with a set of icons and titles to display in the new online lobby!
The "Streets of Cock" Singleplayer demo in the main menu has been removed, however the game mode with the same name can still be played either alone, local or online!
Bye Bye, Ghost glitch!
The online match lobby has been reworked!
Instead of the player characters, now the lobby displays the customizable "Player Cards" for each connected player, some titles and icons can be earned in special events hosted by the developers so stay tuned here and on the official discord server for more news!
The reason of this change is to attack the source of the infamous "Ghost Glitch" where connected players wouldn't show up in the lobby, neither the match would notify via chat that the glitched player connected, but they could send chat messages with no problems, if the match started with a glitched player, they would spawn and die infinitely in the unprogrammed area of purgatory.
Now some notes from the developer.
Almost 4 Months have passed since the game launched, and we have constantly updated the game in a biweekly basis with new content, modes and a LOT of bug fixes based on feedback from the community, I feel like this work is starting to burn me out a bit and decided to take a break from updating the game, it could be for a month or two, but don't worry, the game will not be abandoned, on the contrary, after this break the goal is to get the game out of early access and do all the needed fixes for this to happen!
I will keep playing the game with anyone who wants to have some soccer fun, just hop in or let us know in the discord server that you want to play!
As always, Have fun and see you in the streets of New Sun City!
[Dev] Cuurian - Lobosandia
[ 2022-05-24 08:41:49 CET ] [ Original post ]
Greetings, Rooster Aficionados! A new update has been released! This update features a new graphical mode called Potato Mode that will help players with low-spec machines to run the game smoothly, trading some eye candy for an increase in framerate. To access this new mode, simply run the game and a new dialog will appear, letting you choose between normal mode and potato mode. Potato Mode deactivates some graphical effects and reduces the quality of shadows and lights, to be more precise: - Disables Post-Process Effects (Such as the toon outlines and oversaturation filter) - Reduces the number of shadows and lights in levels. The framerate increase is noticeable, we hope this makes the overall gameplay experience more enjoyable, we encourage players to let us know their experiences trying this new graphical mode! Some extra changes included in this patch: - Adjusted Animation speed for all characters - In online "Streets of Cock" Matches, bots are disabled by default, however, the host can enable them back in the lobby. Known Issues Entering the "Streets of cock" demo in the main menu (Which is going to be fully removed in a future patch) in potato mode just displays a weird brown texture. As always, Have fun and see you in the streets of New Sun City! [Dev] Cuurian - Lobosandia
[ 2022-04-29 09:13:46 CET ] [ Original post ]
Greetings, Rooster Aficionados! This update features an early implementation of "Assist Characters", which are NPC's that are summoned via an item called an "Assist Egg" if used properly these characters can give a big advantage in game! e g g Assist Eggs are a special type of ball that can be grabbed and kicked like the regular soccer ball, these balls spawn in front of each player every 15 seconds, and can be also spawned by the levels if the level designer wants to. These eggs, if kicked with the Charged Shot, can be broken to summon a random character that serve different purposes, ones attack a random player, others just block the path, be sure to experiment with all! If kicked with the secondary kick, the eggs don't break, this can be used to reposition the eggs or pass them to team mates! Main developer is going to host some matches after the update is live so be sure to join us for a while! As always, Have fun and see you in the streets of New Sun City! [Dev] Cuurian - Lobosandia
[ 2022-04-15 13:29:45 CET ] [ Original post ]
Greetings, Rooster Aficionados! This week's update has been released, Probably going to use this time of day for future updates. This update features big changes in the jumping physics and some slight changes to the movement speed, attack speed and the amount of damage received and taken for each character, to spice up the gameplay. The update also comes with some bug fixes as usual and finally, working achievements, with plans to add more achievements on future updates. The developers learned about a beautiful thing called "Gravity" The Jumping and Falling Physics have changed with this update! Now the characters fall faster due to the increased gravity and increased the jumping force and the amount of impulse the "Spring Mushrooms" give to compensate this change. "pls nerf Ebola" -Everyone This update is the first to introduce slight stat variations to the playable characters, that will be balanced for future updates based on player feedback. These variations mainly affect the movement and attack speed, the amount of damage the characters cause and receive and some other things, below is a brief description of the overall changes: Jake McChicken will have slower movement and attack speed than the other characters but his attacks hit harder and has a slight damage resistance. Ebola Coli is the fastest and most agile character of the bunch, she moves faster and has the highest attack speed but does less damage and receives more damage from attacks. Cuurian is the "Balanced" character, does less damage than Jake but higher than Ebola, and her speed is in between the two mentioned characters too. Congratulations, only took you two months! Achievements are now actually unlockable, there are two easy to get achievements with more to come on the next updates. Extra Stuff Fixed a bug that caused the online mode to spawn an invisible "out of bounds area" in middle of the playfield that broke a lot of maps. Added a "Cinnamon Bun" Object to the map editor. The "Fixes" Folder in the game's install directory is back, for the people getting hangs at startup due to their graphics card, there is a reg file there that could help fix the problem. As always, Have fun and see you in the streets of New Sun City! [Dev] Cuurian - Lobosandia
[ 2022-04-01 14:26:00 CET ] [ Original post ]
Greetings, Rooster Aficionados! This week's update has been released, This time earlier than usual to compensate the last update's delay. This update features a Spanish translation for most of the in-game texts, a new background for custom levels: Volcano and improvements to the bot AI, as well as some bug fixes and quality of life updates for the Local Multiplayer portion of the game. Now made with real brains! A.I Controlled players are now a bit smarter, they chase the ball, and if someone else grabs the ball they go chase them, as opposed to the current behavior of just chasing player 1 and beat them to death. There is still a LOT of room for improvement though, and bot AI updates are going to be released in a regular basis. What an amazing idea A new map background, Volcano, has been added for custom levels, you can make some interesting levels using the volcano's height and slopes as a starting point. Wait, people actually play this mode? Fixed a bug that made impossible to make local split-screen matches with more than 2 players, whoops! Also fixed a bug that prevented players in local mode to play "Streets of Cck" maps. As a reminder, Local Multiplayer supports up to 4 players while Online Mode supports up to 6. Huevos! Added a Spanish Localization to the game's texts, Patch notes also are going to be published on Spanish soon! As always, Have fun and see you in the streets of New Sun City! [Dev] Cuurian - Lobosandia
[ 2022-03-18 14:15:32 CET ] [ Original post ]
Greetings, Rooster Aficionados! This week's update has been released, a day late, but hey, wanted some spicy bugs on top of the current bugs? Yeah I don't think so! This update features some quality of life improvements for the level editor and a couple of new objects to use in your creations! Following this update, we are going to release updates on a bi-weekly basis to avoid bugs due to rushed testing, we hope you understand and look forward to the new content we have planned! The update date and time will still be Friday at 8:00PM MST. I have no funny subtitle for this so go have a cinnamon bun with hot chocolate! Added a "Favorites Hotbar" feature for level editor, where you can assign objects to the top numeric keys on your keyboard for easier access! You can store up to 6 objects by holding a numeric key from 1 to 6 and then clicking on an object on the top right corner, then you can tap the corresponding key to access the item. Known Issues: There's a button that says that you can click it to remove the assignation for the held numeric key, it does not work right now, but you can always overwrite/replace items from your hotbar any time! Cats love boxes right? A dozen of objects have been added to the map editor based on your feedback, starring the Invisible wall! There are other objects too, like cars, some new road types and sidewalks and boxes! More objects will be added each update, please let us know what things you want to be added to the level editor!. As always, Have fun and see you in the streets of New Sun City! [Dev] Cuurian - Lobosandia
[ 2022-03-06 12:43:20 CET ] [ Original post ]
Greetings, Rooster Aficionados! Due to some technical difficulties the update scheduled for tonight has been delayed. Apologies for this, releasing weekly updates has been hard for only one programmer working on the game so, after some feedback from the community on our discord server we have decided to switch to a bi-weekly update schedule, we will try to make updates beefier and less rushed from now on, we hope you understand. As a sneak peek, upcoming update will bring some quality life changes to the level editor such as keyboard shortcuts to save maps by using ctrl + s, and a "Favorites Hotbar" feature where you can assign your most used objects to the numeric keys on your keyboard for easy access. As always, Have fun and see you in the streets of New Sun City! [Dev] Cuurian - Lobosandia
[ 2022-03-05 04:55:06 CET ] [ Original post ]
Greetings, Rooster Aficionados! This week's update has been released! This update features a preview of what is to come in the next updates, so expect some bugs that we will address on future builds of the game. They are dumb but they are with me! Initial implementation of the Fill empty spots with bots feature, this works on all the modes on the online portion of the game, they don't work on local multiplayer for now. Sometimes they will try to play soccer, most of the times will try to obliterate one of the players, bots are still not as smart as an human player but some people will find their dumb behavior amusing, of course all feedback is welcome so you know where to find us to provide your suggestions! "Fill empty spots with bots" can be disabled, but it is enabled by default. Developers will be hosting matches all night long to test the new features with the players so be sure to hop in, and if somehow you don't find any matches be sure to join our discord server and ask, there's always someone down to play! As always, Have fun and see you in the streets of New Sun City! [Dev] Cuurian - Lobosandia
[ 2022-02-26 05:19:13 CET ] [ Original post ]
Greetings, Rooster Aficionados! This week's update has been released! This update features a ton of performance improvements as well as fixing most of the wonkyness of using gamepads in menus, there's still some work to do but now the most important parts of the game can be navigated with gamepad with no problems! The devs are hacks The top right corner of the Main Menu that used to display the local player's characters has been replaced for an "Image Reel" that showcases the novelties of the current updates, featuring artwork of the game that is also going to be displayed in the loading screens, which now have small paragraphs that talk about the game's lore. This replacement, along with some slight lighting changes on the background scenery at the "Press Start" Prompt made the main menu run way better on low spec machines. Using a controller is not a nightmare anymore. For the people who tried to play the game using an Xbox gamepad, the experience was probably meh at best, with some problems navigating the menus, inconsistent button prompts and unpredictable behavior in general, so some time has been spent on fixing these annoyances and now the gamepad experience should be better, as always we encourage players to provide feedback here on steam and in our discord server. There's only one ghost I like, and it is purple. Fixed a bug that causes players to sometimes join matches but not fully loading, this making them able to chat but their character does not appear in the lobby. If the match starts with a "ghost" character inside, unpredictable stuff can happen. Can I play this game on my wristwatch? Added a new "32 Bit" beta branch that you can opt in that lets you download a different version of the game (On Windows only) that uses less ram and CPU Power, it could help a bit on potato computers. Developers will be hosting matches all night long (For real this time, last week i had to take a 12 hour nap) to test the new features with the players so be sure to hop in, and if somehow you don't find any matches be sure to join our discord server and ask, there's always someone down to play! As always, Have fun and see you in the streets of New Sun City! [Dev] Cuurian - Lobosandia
[ 2022-02-19 01:22:20 CET ] [ Original post ]
Greetings, Rooster Aficionados! The first weekly update [strike]That is not a day one damage control patch[/strike] has been released! This update features a new mode that Can be played Solo as well as in Co-Op called Streets Of Cck (This is the different to the Streets of Cock preview in the main menu, that one will be repurposed as a single player tutorial with a different name in a future build) Beat 'em and Eat 'em Streets Of Cck Is a mode where players have to reach the end of the level and defeat endless hordes of AI-Controled enemies. It is compatible with the Level Editor so you will be able to create Custom Campaigns or download levels from the internet, We can't wait for all the insane creations you all will make and submit! Main Bug Fixes Boost Pad ACTUALLY WORKS this time (For real, for real, In more technical terms, before this update, the boost pad essentially worked but the speed multiplier was set to 1, so no actual boost was made, woopsie) Reduced the chances of levels partially loading in a way that makes players spawn in middle of the road in the "Urban" Background, making them get stuck and softlocking the match, in other backgrounds, this bug causes players to infinitely fall into the void. [strike]Chances are extremely low now, but never Zero.[/strike] Developers will be hosting matches all night long to test the new features with the players so be sure to hop in, and if somehow you don't find any matches be sure to join our discord server and ask, there's always someone down to play! As always, Have fun and see you in the streets of New Sun City! [Dev] Cuurian - Lobosandia
[ 2022-02-12 03:27:59 CET ] [ Original post ]
Greetings, Rooster Aficionados! Last hotfix patch, I promise. This minor patch fixes some issues, adds some content to the level editor and prepares some of the groundwork for the next patch. From now on, unless a game-breaking bug is found, patches will be released on a weekly basis each Friday at 8:00PM MST. Go Away, Purple Witch! Added a new variation to the Empty background option for the level editor, called HexDimension This variation makes the levels created with it look "Pixelated" and with a purple hue to it, use it in some of your weirdest creations! Added some new objects to the map editor, like boost pads, washing machines and other random stuff, and a new music track has been added too! Known Issues: Levels shared using the "Upload Map" feature sometimes get their music replaced with the default track "Technological Messup" (Kind of fitting in this case) A bunch of bugfixes that I'm too lazy to list them all, but hey, the less bugs the better, right? As always, Have fun and see you in the streets of New Sun City! [Dev] Cuurian - Lobosandia
[ 2022-02-05 15:10:37 CET ] [ Original post ]
Greetings! A small patch has been uploaded fixing some minor issues and adding a new feature based on your feedback! Future updates will be released on a weekly basis. Help me find my balls! Added a "Ball Indictator" that shows an estimate location of the ball when it is off screen. Known Issues: Sometimes the indicator is "floating" or looks off in certain uncommon resolutions. Fixes and Quality of Life improvements: -Added visual elements in the level editor to help level creators to know where the online match lobby is going to be located, this is to avoid covering the lobby area with objects that can get in the way. -Fixed an issue with the goalposts so now each time a team scores, all the players get their damage % set to Zero. -Fixed an issue where levels downloaded using the "Browse Levels" feature don't correctly load the "Boost Pad" power up. Developers and some testers will gather to play and test the new patch additions but if you are unable to find matches we encourage you to join the official discord server to look for people willing to play! See you in the streets of New Sun City! [Dev] Cuurian - Lobosandia
[ 2022-02-05 03:24:16 CET ] [ Original post ]
Greetings! We are thrilled to announce the release of the first version of C. Soccer in its Early Access phase! There's a long way to go and already a lot of features and fixes planned thanks to player feedback! [Notes for Version 0.0.1] Initial Release Known Issues: [Bugs found in the next days will be added there to be fixed for the next minor patch] I will personally host play sessions from time to time starting at 8:00PM MST Every Day. Have a good day and see you in the streets of New Sun City! [Dev] Cuurian - Lobosandia
[ 2022-02-03 05:48:16 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Cock Soccer Linux [3.53 G]
Multiple Game Modes!
Besides the titular game mode, Cock Soccer, which is a comical take on the sport, this game also has extra modes like Cock Fight, which is a party fighter where your team has to fight against the opposing team, the more damage they take the more likely they are to be sent flying off screen and die!Lots of Customization!
In Cock Soccer, you can customize your character's clothing color and Unlock wearable accessories and custom color variations!In-Game Level Editor!
The built-in level editor lets you create and share custom maps to use in both local and online multiplayer modes!- OS: Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
- Processor: Quad-core Intel or AMD processor. 2.5 GHz or fasterMemory: 4 GB RAM
- Memory: 4 GB RAM
- Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce 470 GTX or AMD Radeon 6870 HD series card or higherNetwork: Broadband Internet connection
- Storage: 5 GB available space
- OS: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
- Processor: Quad-core Intel or AMD processor. 2.5 GHz or fasterMemory: 8 GB RAM
- Memory: 8 GB RAM
- Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 or AMD EquivalentNetwork: Broadband Internet connection
- Storage: 5 GB available space
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