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 Arcade Spirits: The New Challengers 



 Fiction Factory Games 



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Develop Your Arcade Spirits Personality

Hello challengers!

Today we're going to be looking at how your character's personality will gradually develop during a playthrough, and how this affects your interactions, relationships, and gamer skills!

[h3]Developing your personality[/h3]

Dialogue options in games can be a scary thing. Do you choose what best befits you or do you try and seek a particular outcome? While there are no inherently "good" or "bad" choices in Arcade Spirits: The New Challengers, there are a wide variety of outcomes and consequences which will be linked to the development of your in-game personality.

This means that when faced with an opportunity to respond or interact with other characters and situations, you'll have multiple dialogue options to choose from, each tied to a specific personality trait.

[h3]Personality Traits[/h3]

Your personality is based on a natural blend of 5 different traits:

  • Quirky - Using jokes, sarcasm or being a bit snarky to try and make light of a situation. Quirky is brilliant in the right crowds but not everyone appreciates a badly timed joke.
  • Steady - Sincerity, honesty, and logic are what you're all about. You stop and think before speaking but might not always take someone's personal feelings into account.
  • Kindly - You're compassionate, empathetic, and gentle in nature. You're careful with what you say as to not hurt anyone's feelings but this may come across as wishy-washy.
  • Gutsy - When in doubt, go with your gut! This bold and brash trait emphasises risk-taking but could be seen as confrontational or aggressive.
  • Flexible - Lastly there's being flexible. A perfectly neutral response that's adaptive to multiple situations.

Over time, your trusty AI companion, Iris, will gather data on which personality traits you lean towards the most and tally up the results after each chapter. Bear in mind certain characters will respond more positively to specific personalities, something to keep in mind if you're looking to build a stronger relationship with them.

[h3]Improving your game![/h3]

These choices not only affect your relationships with other characters but also determine your stats when playing Fist of Discomfort 2, Arcade Spirits: The New Challengers' interactive, narrative driven, mini-game! Having more points in the Gutsy corner, for example, will give you bonus points for Attacking rather than Defending or using a Special.

Playing to your strengths can be a great way of accumulating extra points but be careful and pay attention to your enemies' personalities and attack patterns as well.

We hope you enjoyed this update, next time around we'll be taking a look at Good Clean Fun, the pizzeria/laundromat/arcade where you'll learning the FoD2 ropes with your teammates!

- Fiction Factory Games & PQube

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[ 2022-04-12 18:30:14 CET ] [ Original post ]