This patch fixes the error that caused people to get most of the Steam achievements upon launching the game.
This patch also allows you to reset your Steam achievements, so that people who had this issue can fix it! You can reset your Steam achievements following these steps:
1. Go to Preferences
2. Change "Clear Steam Achivements" to "Yes"
3. Click Return
4. Click "Start" if you are not already in the game
5. Click "Confirm" when asked if you want to clear Steam achievements
6. You may need to exit the game and reopen in order for the Steam library to reflect the change
Thanks to everyone for reporting this issue!
Enter the post-apocalyptic continent of DarkSpar, where the races of Dwarves, Elves, and Men lost their war against the forces of darkness long ago. Rebuild civilization from a minor settlement into a grandiose castle. Recover lost technologies and ancient artifacts. Recruit champions and outfit them with ancient relics and a wide array of skills then send them into battle against ancient and forgotten foes
Key features:
An idler with classic RPG strategy. Set your champions to task. Fine-tune their tactics through three skill trees and 63 abilities.
Master the loot, don't let the loot master you. An RPG with no inventory management.
It's quiet out here. No NPCs. No shops. Build all of your own equipment.
A breadth of content. Mining. Woodcutting. Fighting. Exploration. Research and base building. 100+ enemies to fight. 140+ runestones to collect.
A new twist on old combat. Turn-based combat- in real time!