The launch of Lenin Simulator has been a groundbreaking success, with 400~ sales since release. However, I admit that I probably should have added more things and now people are going to begin complaining that I haven't. This is a short-term and not set in stone roadmap for future updates to the game with massive changes in game functionality. First off: the economy update. This will add a budget that increases every month. You will be able to invest in agricultural and industrial production to increase the speed at which the economy grows, invest in misc. welfare for the comfort of your people, and invest in corruption which will make people in your party like you more. Additionally you will be able to invest in the army. There will be several downsides to investing too heavily or not enough in some of these which will increase your chance of being overthrown in the middle of the game, wreck your economy or negatively impact your ability to fight a war in the future. I'm hoping I can get this done by the beginning of May, like around May 5th.
Secondly, there will be an update to foreign relations. You will be able to overthrow/war with countries in Eastern and Central Europe (which will increase the growth of your economy and make you more able to fight a war in the future (so long as you don't mess up and lose your whole army in which case it will hurt your ability to fight a war)) and more depth will be added to relations with the West. Also, going to war with or overthrowing countries in Eastern Europe will torpedo relations with the West. This seems to be an easier update and will come not long after the economy one.
The third update will be adding depth to managing rebellions and revolts, including Tambov, Makhno, Basmachi, etc. etc. ones. This will include revolts randomly caused by economic mismanagement or mismanagement of recently conquered countries in Eastern Europe. This seems most complicated and will probably come in early to mid June.
I really must begin on my next game which will be excellent, but work will continue on this game until morale improves. As you have seen with the last patch I have begun to mark what I've fixed in patches and will continue this practice. If you have any issues, as always, join the discord!!!