It's finally here! The long-awaited Voice Acting Update!
Limited voice-acting has been added for all major characters in Champion of Venus. It's like a feast for your ear-holes!
Lending their dulcet tones to the game are the following voice actors:
- Kamila Bombette - Rayne/Tayla/Nenet.
- BakuSatsuHo - Venus/Militsa.
- Bordeaux Black - Inanna.
- @UnderTheBurral - Goro.
- Nami955 - Gloria.
- Opalu - Slimeboy/All-Thought.
- Ferallove - Connie/Aik.
- Lorian Loc - Lamashtu (both forms).
In addition, some 'ding' and 'whoosh!' sound effects have been added to emphasise certain story moments.
Also, I fixed a bug that caused one Aik scene not to appear in the Gallery.
Enjoy, you saucy players, you!
[ 2024-03-23 16:43:03 CET ] [ Original post ]
Tayla's Big Adventure, the sequel to Champion of Venus, has been updated!
Here are some of the new features:
- Animated ero scenes.
- A revamped UI.
- New Rayne content!
Check out Tayla's Big Adventure here!
[ 2024-02-03 10:18:50 CET ] [ Original post ]
The sequel to Champion of Venus is now available on Steam!
Join Tayla on a big, busty adventure like no other! In this obscene visual novel, you'll unravel a conspiracy of gods and monsters, square off with the world's lustiest champions, and save the goddamn day!
...and if that doesn't work, you can at least get some action in the process.
The current, Early Access build contains the first 4 chapters of the game!
You don't need to have played Champion of Venus to understand the plot of this one; there's an optional recap in-game!
Click here to check out Tayla's Big Adventure!
[ 2023-12-21 17:25:58 CET ] [ Original post ]
Tayla's Big Adventure is now in Early Access! Check it out here!
Join Tayla on a big, busty adventure like no other! Unravel a conspiracy of gods and monsters, square off with the world's lustiest champions, and save the goddamn day!
...and if that doesn't work, you can at least get some action in the process.
In Champion of Venus, Rayne dismantled the Tournament of Eros while building a harem of Champions. But when a new threat arises, Rayne is nowhere to be found. It's her big sister's time to shine!
[ 2023-12-16 17:14:00 CET ] [ Original post ]
We're pleased to announce that the sequel to Champion of Venus, titled Tayla's Big Adventure, will enter Early Access this December!
At least, it will if everything goes as planned. Fingers crossed, and all that.
Tayla's Big Adventure is the story of Tayla, Rayne's big sister, as she delves into a mysterious stadium, facing Champions and monsters alike as she uncovers the truth behind a godly conspiracy.
For those of you who wanted more Tayla scenes - this one's for you! And for everyone else, one hopes.
Early Access will feature 4 chapters out of 7, including tons of saucy art by all your favourite western h*ntai artists; an awesome new soundtrack; and lots of general improvements since our last game.
Our proverbial 'game' has been 'stepped up'!
Check out the Steam page for Tayla's Big Adventure here!
[ 2023-11-28 22:58:04 CET ] [ Original post ]
We've launched a Kickstarter to support development of our next game!
In Champion of Venus: Tayla's Big Adventure, take on the role of Tayla as she investigates a spooky stadium full of rogue Champions!
Fight against sexy monster-babes, overpowered studs, and dangers beyond mortal ken - as you bustily boob all over the competition!
Like, totally!
Access the Kickstarter via this link!
[ 2023-09-11 13:25:09 CET ] [ Original post ]
I probably should have done this sooner, but...
A demo for Champion of Venus is now available! If you've wishlisted but haven't bought the game yet, this is a great opportunity to try it out!
The demo contains the first two chapters of the game. Experience the start of Rayne's journey as she becomes a Champion and competes with the fit-and-busty Nenet!
[ 2023-06-18 21:29:14 CET ] [ Original post ]
After four years of development, it's finally come to fruition - Champion of Venus is HERE!
I'd like to take this time to thank everyone who's supported the development process. Every artist, composer, voice actor, and player - you've all been wonderful.
So, once and for old times' sake, here goes:
Champion of Venus is an erotic visual novel about a virgin NEET and a divine sex tournament. Chosen as the accidental champion of a lust goddess, Rayne must compete with some of the world's most experienced studs and seductresses...and somehow come out on top?
Strive, champion, for the world could be your prize...and the price of failure is eternal servitude.
Here's a list of features new to 1.0:
Ero Scene CGs.
-Goro shows off his sausage.
-Revamped Goros bout.
-All-Thought mating press.
-Lamashtu vs Goro Part 2.
-Finished Rayne vore scene.
-Militsa intro.
-Raynes twerking scene (during Glorias Bad End).
-Nenet vs tentacles.
-Shin Inanna and Venus Victrix transformation scenes.
Non-Ero CGs.
-SCHLONG raids the penthouse.
-Rayne discovering Tayla at the penthouse.
-Tayla corrupted.
-Orgy at the club.
-Tentacle backgrounds.
-Multiple backgrounds for the vore route.
-Elevator background.
-Club hallway background.
-A background for when Rayne is reviewing SCHLONGs files.
-Club background for Goro and Aiks show.
-Improved All-Thought sprites, added more expressions.
-SCHLONG agent sprites (male and female).
-Roberta, the girl in the gym, has a sprite now.
-Aik with shovel sprite.
Other features.
-Fully revamped the Art Gallery. Stopped being a doofus and used RenPys built-in Gallery function. The Gallery is now available from the start, with scenes unlocking as you reach them in the main story.
-The Character Compendium remains in its current form.
-Bad Ends now offer the option to return to the main thread, instead of automatically rolling the credits.
-Added Champion of Venus! voice clips to the title screen.
-Many, many, many changes to the text, transitions etc.
Due to the multitude of changes, your existing save will probably break.
[ 2023-04-18 10:40:18 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hoo boy...
After four years of development, including one year in Early Access, it's finally just a few days away:
Champion of Venus hits 1.0 on April 18th!
It's been a long, creatively satisfying road, and we can't wait to share the final product!
What is Champion of Venus?
Champion of Venus is a lewd visual novel about a divine sex tournament.
When Rayne, a virgin nerd, is made the champion of the goddess Venus, she must learn to stand on her own two feet...or become the plaything of the world's most powerful perverts.
Forge alliances, rivalries, and romances as you strive for the ultimate prize: to sit the Throne of Eros.
Champion of Venus features over 600 pictures (almost double the pre-Early Access total), 11 music tracks, and 13 smokin' hot characters to conquer or be conquered by - spread over 12 chapters of pure obscenity.
Artists include: Octoboy, Sulcate, Sparrow, Captain Kirb, TheBoogie, Seekgr, BigBig, xxxx52, Lemonfont, Kainan, Onkenyo, and Crotchlunch.
New Features For 1.0.
Ero Scene CGs.
-Goro shows off his sausage. -Revamped Goros bout. -All-Thought mating press. -Lamashtu vs Goro Part 2. -Finished Rayne vore scene. -Militsa bout intro. -Raynes twerking scene (during Glorias Bad End). -Nenet vs tentacles.
Non-Ero CGs.
-SCHLONG raids the penthouse. -Rayne discovers Tayla at the penthouse. -Tayla corrupted.
-Orgy at the club. -Tentacle backgrounds. -Multiple backgrounds featuring gullets/stomachs for the vore route. -Elevator background. -Club hallway backgrounds. -A background for when Rayne is reviewing SCHLONGs files. -Club background for Goro and Aiks show.
-Improved All-Thought sprites; added more expressions. -SCHLONG agent sprites (male and female). -Roberta, the girl in the gym, will have her own sprite. -Aik-with-shovel sprite.
Other features.
- Fully revamped the Art Gallery. Stopped being a doofus and used RenPys built-in Gallery function. The Gallery is now available from the start, with scenes unlocking as you reach them in the main story. -The Character Compendium remains in its current form. -Bad Ends now offer the option to return to the main thread, instead of automatically rolling the credits.
-Added Champion of Venus! voice clips to the title screen.
-Many, many, many changes to the text, transitions etc. Due to this, your old save might break.
...And more!

[ 2023-04-12 18:24:02 CET ] [ Original post ]
Howdy all, and welcome to the grand unveiling of Champion of Venus Version 0.8!
This updates particularly special. Besides bringing more new content than ever before, it also brings the main story to a thrilling climax - or multiple climaxes, as the case may be.
Here's a full list of new stuff!
- Chapter 12 is now complete, featuring 9 brand-new ero scenes. - Extended Lamashtu's Bad End with a new CG.
Ero CGs.
-Goro Introduction Scene (Goros self-pleasure show) by Octoboy. -Lamashtu Bad End Part 2 Goro Gets Holstered by Octoboy. -New character ahegao CG by Octoboy. -Big Rayne Transformation by Octoboy. -Goro Harem Scene by Captain Kirb. -Nenet Harem Scene by Captain Kirb. -Goro/Nenet Harem Scene by Captain Kirb -Throne Bang by Captain Kirb. -Ultimate Bad Ending by Seekgr. -Ultimate Bad Ending (Vore) by Seekgr. -Goros Bad Ending by Lemonfont. -Rayne vs Aik by Lemonfont. -Rayne vs Lamashtu pt 2 by Theboogie. -Secret Final Vore Scene by Theboogie. (unfinished - just a sketch at the moment!) -Rayne and the Jar by Sparrow.
Non-Ero CGs.
-Rats and donuts. -Rat in the vents (sus). -Slime in the vents. -Lammy in the vents. -Venuss Portal. -Rayne & Tayla city escape (animated by Erismanor!) -The Final Battle. -The Throne itself. -Pink fog/love heart effect for romantic scenes. -Inanna's very un-poggers day.
-Character-specific backgrounds for Nenet, Goro, Militsa, and Connie. -Desert background. -Portal background. -Animated swirling mist. -The Throne of Eros. - Ideal Form animated background.
-Several new character sprites. Most of them are rats, but one's a mysterious new character...
-A cheery new music track from Sometimescozy!
What, a new trailer? Cool! It's up on the Steam page now!
Update Discount.
Huh?? Discount?? Money?? That's right! From now until the 3rd of March, Champion of Venus will be 20% off on Steam!
Final Release Date:
Now's a good time to announce that, exactly 1 year after entering Early Access... ...Champion of Venus will fully release on April 18th, 2023! By then, after a long period of polishing and adding lots of little bits I couldn't get to until now, I'll be happy to call the game 'complete'... ...But that doesn't mean more features won't be coming post-launch. Look forward to voice-acting being added in a post-1.0 update!
Planned Price Change.
Whew! The last year's been a lot of work, and thanks to Early Access (and the help of the wonderful, talented Octoboy), I've been able to add more features than I ever dreamed possible. Champion of Venus has grown into a much larger game than originally intended. For that reason, when 1.0 launches on April 18th, I'll be raising the store price from $5.99 to $6.99! It's just a coincidence that it's almost the funny sex number.
[ 2023-02-24 13:31:02 CET ] [ Original post ]
*munch munch*
It's been just over a month since the last update, and I've made a ton of progress. The game's very nearly finished; in fact, writing for the story has now been completed.
Look forward to Version 0.8, releasing February 24th!
Version 0.8 will include:
-Chapter 12 will be fully implemented.
Ero CGs.
-Goro Introduction Scene (Goros show).
-Goro Harem Scene.
-Nenet Harem Scene.
-Goro/Nenet Harem Scene.
-Ultimate Bad Ending.
-Ultimate Bad Ending (Vore).
-Goro Bad Ending.
-Big Rayne transformation.
-Rayne vs Lamashtu pt 2.
Non-Ero CGs.
-Rats and donuts.
-Rat in the vents (sus).
-Slime in the vents.
-Lammy in the vents.
-Venuss Portal.
-The Throne itself.
-New character sprite, but its a mystery
-A few situational backgrounds for the lend me your ambrosia scene.
-Desert background.
-Portal background.
-Animated swirling mist.
-The Throne of Eros.
-A new music track for the happy, lovey-dovey moments.
- Lots of text improvements.
- funny oneyplays reference
- more baz content
...And more!
Version 0.8 will release on February 24th.
In other news, it shouldn't be long before I have news about the full voice-cast for Champion of Venus! Voice-acting will be implemented in a post-1.0 update.
[ 2023-02-04 17:23:57 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey, you up?
Version 0.7.1 is, like, totally here! So, you know...like, check it out and stuff!
New Features.
-Added an Art Gallery and Character Compendium, where you can view all the ero illustrations in the game and read info and fun facts about the characters. These features unlock once youve finished all currently-playable story content.
-Added the beginning of Chapter 12.
-Added Lamashtus Bad End.
-Connies Office.
-Inannas Hotel.
-Militsas Alleyway.
-Outside SCHLONG HQ (plus variations).
-Outside Club Desires (plus variations).
-Chapter 12 cinematic backgrounds.
-Introducing: blurred versions of backgrounds for when the action doesnt *precisely* match whats depicted. Trust me, its a great effect!
All this means that the generic city background is no longer used for all outdoor scenes! Hooray, variety!
Character Sprites.
-Tayla, Raynes older sister, now has her own sprite!
-Militsa now wears a helmet in her introductory scene. Road safety!
- New ero illustration: Lamashtu Bad End.
- New ero illustration: Taylas Tentacle Torment.
- New ero illustration: Slime Bad End.
- Finished ero illustration: Goro vs Lamashtu Part 1.
- New CGs to emphasise points in the dialogue illustrate ideas or memories. These include:
- Raynes first meeting with Gloria.
- Goro talking about his past.
- The golden-eyed figures in the hotel lobby.
- New stuff in Chapter 12 (its a secret!)
-Connie Stungun Animation. Look at her go!
- Added victory fanfare for when Rayne wins a bout.
- Goros club music now sounds muffled when youre in the street outside.
- The new music was made by Sometimescozy!
Wait, Theres More?
There certainly is! From now until December 25th, Champion of Venus will be on 20% sale!
Happy holidays, you filthy animals.
Due to re-shuffling of text, new sprites and music, Version 0.7.1 may cause some saves to break.
[ 2022-12-16 10:02:11 CET ] [ Original post ]
As per usual, I'm just checking in with a list of features you can expect to see in Version 0.7.1!
New Features.
An Art Gallery and Character Compendium feature will be added for those who've finished all current playable content, featuring every in-game ero scene, fanart, and concept art - in addition to fun facts about each character.
-Connies Office.
-Inannas Hotel.
-Militsa Alleyway.
-Outside SCHLONG HQ.
-Outside Club Desires.
Character Sprites.
-Tayla, Raynes older sister, now has her own sprite!
-Finished CG: Goro vs Lamashtu Part 1.
-New ero illustration: Taylas Tentacle Torment.
-New CGs to emphasise points in the dialogue illustrate ideas or memories.
Champion of Venus - Version 0.7.1 will release on December 16th!
[ 2022-11-30 20:56:00 CET ] [ Original post ]
I just released a small hotfix for Champion of Venus, fixing: - A couple of issues with sprites not displaying correctly. - An error screen when you attempt to enter the right corridor after freeing Gloria.
[ 2022-10-22 09:15:25 CET ] [ Original post ]
Attention all CoV gamers: Rayne is in great danger and she needs YOUR help to fuck all the slimes in the Prison of Souls.
That's right - Version 0.7 is here, and of all updates, this one is by far the most recent.
It's also the largest. Maybe I should have said that first? Featuring 20,000 words of fresh content, 9 new or revamped ero scenes, a swanky new music track, and a brand-spanking new font, Version 0.7 puts the "_____g _ _ud___" in "having a budget".
The new chapter is also kinda spooky, so...fitting for Halloween?
Here's a more detailed list of features!
- Chapter 11: Prison of Souls has been added. In this chapter, Rayne and co. find themselves in an otherworldly prison; playthings of a cruel entity who calls herself the Demon Daughter. Can they escape in time, or will they become Lamashtu's eternal pets? Chapter 11 comprises over 20,000 words of new content, filled with more ero scenes than ever before.
- I've revamped the Aik/Rayne ero scene. Double buttjob, anyone? This may cause issues if you load a save halfway through the old scene.
- The Rayne/Militsa futa scene has also been altered.
- Chapter 11 includes 6 new, illustrated ero scenes (with more illustrations to come in future updates). Artists include Octoboy, Lemonfont, and Captainkirb.
- 3 existing sex scenes have received new illustrations:
1) Rayne/Militsa Futa Deepthroat - Art by Sparrow.
2) Aik/Rayne Double Buttjob - Art by CaptainKirb.
3) Rayne/Venus Bathroom Milk 'n' Fuck - Art by KiraLChocolate.
- 4 new character sprites!
- Chapter 11 features 2 new backgrounds.
- Chapter 11 features a new track by Blue Fairy.
- Champion of Venus now uses the 'Patrick Hand' font.
[ 2022-10-21 21:28:15 CET ] [ Original post ]
Been a while, hasn't it?
This month - October 21st, to be precise - Champion of Venus: Version 0.7 will release!
Here's what you can look forward to:
- Chapter 11: Prison of Souls picks up with Rayne and co. trapped in their direst situation yet. Can they escape the clutches of Lamashtu, a demon unbound by the Tournament's rules?
Chapter 11 features 20,000 words of new content, and lots of illustrated ero scenes with art by CaptainKirb, Octoboy, and Lemonfont.
- A revamped Rayne/Aik ero scene (may cause issues if you saved in the middle of the previous one).
- A revamped Rayne/Militsa ero scene (ditto).
- Multiple new character sprites! Look forward to meeting the Prison's perverted denizens...
- Several new backgrounds.
- A new music track...or two.
- A new text font!
[ 2022-10-03 17:47:08 CET ] [ Original post ]
That's right - it's time for a new update! No fancy intro this time; let's cut right to the chase. In terms of new illustrations, Version 0.6.2 is the largest update so far, featuring works from the likes of Octoboy, CaptainKirb, Lemonfont, and KiraLChocolate! For a detailed breakdown of new features, direct your eyes o'er yonder: New Scenes: - An alternate version of Rayne and Venus's milky bathtime adventure. - An optional extension to Goro's romance scene, featuring an enlarged Rayne and a very stretchy idol. Ero Illustrations: - A new, updated version of the game's first ero scene, featuring Rayne and one oversized toy. - The scene where Rayne and Venus enjoy a tight, face-engulfing snuggle is now illustrated. - Venus vs the Lamia is now fully illustrated! - Both of the new ero scenes are fully illustrated. - Connie gets her moment in the spotlight! Rayne and Connie's ero scene is now fully illustrated. Backgrounds: - Areas in and around the club are now illustrated: the club interior has several backgrounds, and the alleyway next to the club is no longer a black void. Other Art: - For those of you desperate to know what Rayne's phone looks like, now you can! Several in-game items now appear on-screen. - Illustrations for 'BOUT START', 'VICTORY' etc now appear. - The club bouncer now has a character sprite. How nice for him! - In RAT END, King Tony now acquires a crown more befitting his station. - The 'intro cutscene' now has a special background. Misc: - The UI has received an upgrade! There are now two seperate textboxes: one for dialogue, and one for prose. - Many, MANY textual improvements have been made, with a focus on pauses and ease-of-reading.
[ 2022-08-26 15:55:38 CET ] [ Original post ]
A phone call, at this hour? Who could it be?
Oh! It's Champion of Venus - Version 0.6.1! You'd better set the table; it'll be arriving soon! And you'd better believe it's bringing the beef.
In just over a week, on August 26th, sink your teeth into Champion of Venus's newest update, featuring:
- New and updated ero scenes!
- New illustrations for existing scenes!
- Item illustrations, such as the fancy phone you see above!
- A bunch of textual (sextual?) upgrades.
- UI changes including seperate textboxes for dialogue and prose.
Look forward to August 26th, when you'll get to experience it all for yourself.
[ 2022-08-15 20:32:37 CET ] [ Original post ]
What's this?
Oh my! It seems to be your face, while you enjoy Champion of Venus's biggest update so far!
Due to the hard work of talented artists, the mystical art of 'having a budget', and the massive surge of inspiration resulting from these two things, Version 0.6 has proven a greater step forward than I ever could have imagined.
Look forward to new character sprites, new ero scenes, new placeholder backgrounds, and ridiculous amounts of new-dity (get it?) as you delve into a tale of love, lust, and lecherous liaisons by moonlight.
Here's a full breakdown of new content:
- Chapter 10: Eye of the Storm. Following her victory against Gloria, Rayne's on top of the world - but the tournament isn't yet over, and Inanna still has cards left to play. Enjoy the peace while it lasts, tighten Rayne's bonds with her allies, and maybe...help her find love? You don't have long before it all falls apart...
- A new ero scene featuring Rayne and Goro. During Chapter 10, pay him a visit and confess your feelings. Romance ahoy!
- A new ero scene featuring Rayne and Venus.
- A new BAD END sequence: to view it, submit to Gloria during the big confrontation.
- Edited Inannas meeting with Miss Section Chief to better reflect the character.
- Added a scene introducing the new character earlier in the game, during Rayne's infiltration of SCHLONG HQ.
- Added a character sprite for a new character.
- Gave Aik a character sprite, because she earned it.
- CGs by Octoboy for the new Rayne/Goro ero scene.
- CGs by KiraLChocolate for the new BAD END.
- CGs by Sparrow, upgrading Rayne, Nenet, and Venuss double-blowjob scene.
- Added several placeholder backgrounds.
- Improved Inanna eyes background.
- Improved several cut-in sprites.
- Improved rat sprites.
- Many, many dialogue tweaks and fixes.
- Improved credits sequence; it looks downright fancy now.
- Pacing/transition adjustments across the board.
- Improved rats. Honestly, this should be at the top of the list.
- Yes, you read right: rats, plural. There are two of them now. How far can this silly joke go? Only time may tell.
[ 2022-07-15 17:08:13 CET ] [ Original post ]
Time sure is subjective, huh? Version 0.5.2 only just released, bringing with it animations, music, and backgrounds, but it feels like a much longer amount of time has passed.
I've been, as they say, bizzay.
Version 0.6 will be Champion of Venus's biggest update yet, bringing a new chapter, new ero scenes (plus improvements to older ones), new character sprites, and a brand-new rat.
Here's a breakdown of what I've implemented so far, though it's by no means the full extent of what's coming:
- Chapter 10: Eye of the Storm. Following her victory against Gloria, Rayne's on top of the world - but the tournament isn't over yet, and Inanna still has cards left to play. Enjoy the peace while it lasts, tighten Rayne's bonds with her allies, and maybe...help her find love? You don't have long before it all falls apart...
- A new ero scene featuring Rayne and Goro. During Chapter 10, pay him a visit and confess your feelings.
- A new BAD END sequence: to view it, submit to Gloria during the big confrontation.
- Edited Inannas meeting with Miss Section Chief to better reflect the character.
- CGs by KiraLChocolate for the new BAD END.
- CGs by Octoboy for the new Rayne/Goro ero scene.
- CGs by Sparrow, upgrading Rayne, Nenet, and Venuss double-blowjob scene.
- Added tons of placeholder art.
- Gave Aik a character sprite. She's earned it.
- Improved Inanna eyes background.
- Improved rat sprites.
- Improved credits sequence; it looks downright fancy now.
- General dialogue tweaks and fixes.
That's right! You voted, and I listened - Rollatini is joining the cast! He's a little shy, so give him a warm welcome.
You can unlock rat content by looking behind SCHLONG HQ after you first meet Connie.
You can expect Version 0.6 to release sometime in mid to late July. Look forward to it!
[ 2022-06-17 11:22:57 CET ] [ Original post ]
It's here! The first Steam update for Champion of Venus has come, bringing with it a number of tweaks and improvements. Art: - 2 early ero scenes (Rayne/Venus, Rayne/Nenet) have received the animation treatment. - BAD END - PITIFUL MORSEL has received an animated CG. - Rayne's bout with Goro has been fully coloured. - Proper backgrounds added for Inanna's penthouse and the city streets. Music: - Added rat theme (VERY important). Misc: - Edited BAD END and CHAPTER END cards to be a little fancier. - Edited RAT END to automatically return you to the main thread. Will this unlock something in a future update? - Expanded BAD END - PITIFUL MORSEL. - Lowered volume on initial launch (you'll need a fresh install for this to work, otherwise you can lower it in Preferences). - Inannas text is no longer red; it was difficult to read at points. - New dildo sprite.
[ 2022-06-03 09:54:59 CET ] [ Original post ]
Champion of Venus: Version 0.5.2 will drop on June 3rd! Here's the final list of inclusions: Art: - 2 early ero scenes (Rayne/Venus, Rayne/Nenet) have received the animation treatment. - BAD END - PITIFUL MORSEL has received an animated CG. - Rayne's bout with Goro has been fully coloured. - City/outdoors scenes have a proper background. - Inanna's penthouse has a proper background. Music: - Added rat theme (important). Misc: - Edited BAD END and CHAPTER END cards to be a little fancier. - Edited RAT END to automatically return you to the main thread. - Expanded BAD END - PITIFUL MORSEL. - Lowered volume on initial launch (you'll need a fresh install for this to work).
[ 2022-05-29 14:01:02 CET ] [ Original post ]
It's been exactly one month since Champion of Venus released into Early Access, and over 1,500 copies have been sold! To say this is like a dream would be an understatement, so thank you for all your support so far!
I just wanna let you know that an update is dropping in early June 2022! Here's what I've been working on:
- 2 early ero scenes (Rayne/Venus, Rayne/Nenet) have received the animation treatment.
- No more black and white! Rayne's bout with Goro has been fully coloured.
- ...And following that trend, city/outdoor scenes have a proper background!
- Added a new music theme, dedicated to the giant rat who makes ALL of the rules.
- Edited BAD END and CHAPTER END cards to be a little fancier.
- Edited RAT END to automatically return you to the main thread.
...And there's more to come!
I've been focusing on your input regarding placeholder art and incomplete-ness, so this update will mainly be addressing that. Other than that, I've spent a lot of time brainstorming how Act 3 will play out.
Oh, you want a hint? Well, if you insist...
The villain might be on the backfoot, but she's not out - not by a long shot. Her ace in the hole - her trap card, if you will - is about to be activated.
If she can't have what she wants, then her enemies can go straight to Hell.
So, stay tuned for that lewdness.
[ 2022-05-18 23:42:19 CET ] [ Original post ]
You play as Rayne: a waste of space, a layabout and a pervert. She's spent her adult life depending on her supermodel sister, Tayla, for everything from her unhealthy diet to her 24/7 internet addiction.
Rayne's slovenly lifestyle is about to change.
Who will claim the Throne of Eros?
When Tayla moves out, Rayne must fend for herself - but how's a girl supposed to pay rent when she's suddenly sucked into an ages-old conflict between the gods of lust? Chosen by Venus, she must confront the other gods' champions in bouts of sexual domination. But despite her scandalous search history, Rayne's a virgin, and she needs to learn fast if she wants to stand a chance.
For the price of failure is eternal servitude...
Champion of Venus is an erotic visual novel packed with explicit depictions and lurid descriptions of: extremely large phalluses entering shockingly stretchy holes, hot girls with toned tummies, bellies being inflated, guys pounding girls, girls pounding boys, girls pounding girls, milk flowing copiously from enormous juicy mammaries, hordes of tentacles plunging into quivering depths, big vibrating toys, gags and blindfolds, and an enigmatic rat. Your choices determine which scenes are shown and how Rayne's relationship evolves with the various characters.
- OS: Ubuntu 16.04+
- Processor: 2.0 GHz Core 2 DuoMemory: 2 GB RAM
- Memory: 2 GB RAM
- Graphics: OpenGL 2.0
- Storage: 500 MB available space