- [141.8 M]

Update 2.2 has arrived. Although working on a new project, it's always a pleasure to come back to Poly Skies and give it some love. Please do post any bugs you find, also, I'd love to see some of your villages, you can always post them in the Discord or the Discussion boards here! ADDED:
- New range of relaxing music (all copyright-free and streamer-friendly): [olist]
- Champ De Tournesol by Komiku
- Otjnbird Pt. I by Spheri
- ARNOR by Alex-Productions
- Helice by Monplaisir [/olist]
- Button to shuffle music
- Wind wisps
- Vulkan Graphics API now used where supported
- Villagers phasing through their house door
- Villagers getting stuck in the watch balloon
- Airship no longer phases through ground
- Grass no longer hangs over island edges (new world generation)
- Missing building icon removed form Tier 4 popup
- Ambient Occlusion causing material ghosting and odd specular lighting
- VSync toggle no longer reversed
- Resolution dropdown now works correctly
- Updated design of build panel
- Tooltips are now easier to read
- Some button hover and click colours rolled back to green
- Save game deletion confirmation button is now red
- Save game overwrite confirmation button is now red
- Increased text shadow intensity slightly
- Darkened button bevel slightly
- Fixed a tooltip leaving the screen border
- Homeless marker now always shows
[ 2024-06-08 23:49:02 CET ] [ Original post ]
Happy Easter all! Just a small patch for you today containing some fixes and minor tweaks. CHANGED: - Chickens now produce slightly more eggs, more frequently - Chickens are now included in Creative Mode resource counter FIXED: - Chickens are now added to resources once traded - Villagers will now check if a building has moved without throwing errors - Villagers are less likely to get stuck in Watch Posts UI: - Fixed various overlap and layout issues - Fixed some misaligned tooltips - Added a minor shadow to text for readability VFX: - Updated villager firebolt Don't forget, if you experience any issues you can report them on the discussions board or my Discord. The demo version of the game has also been updated with the above changes. Thanks, Matt.
[ 2024-04-02 00:14:45 CET ] [ Original post ]
Update 2.0 has arrived, woohoo! Let's waste no time with the change list... ADDED:
- Dynamic weather system (sun, rain, snow)
- Snow pauses Plot production
- Ability to rename islands in a new panel that lists unlocked islands
- Ability to see labor in a new panel that lists all workplaces
- Buildings:
- Tavern (Tier 4)
- Paddock (Tier 5)
- Animals:
- Chicken
- Resources:
- Eggs
- New achievement: "Cracking!" Have 100 eggs in storage.
- Trade panel now has 2 sections, for consumables and animals
- Added visual filters:
- Standard
- Asteroid City
- Calm
- Warm
- "Continue" option in the Main Menu to load most recent save
- Changed how objects are highlighted
- Camera speeds at low zoom increased
- Moonlight colour now has a blue tint and is slightly dimmer
- Changed some post-processing effects affecting colour
- Thin path is now thinner
- Storage Barn collision box is slightly smaller
- Arborist output amount reduced from 15 to 5
- Arborist output rate reduced from 20 to 30 seconds
- Arborist growth rate increased from 30 to 20 seconds
- Arborist can now grow up to 12 trees at a time
- Exchange rate of crystal changed from 25 to 50
- Exchange rate of metal changed from 5 to 3
- Exchange rate of wood changed from 2 to 1
- Villager skills now max at 30. A fully trained villager will be 1.5x as fast as a villager with 0 experience in that skill
- Villagers will now eat up to 10 units of food when hungry instead of 6
- Villagers now gain 3 happiness from being at home instead of 2
- [Crash] Fixed game crashing or deleting buildings if using "Repair" on a building not damaged
- Quest notifications will no longer show if already in the quest menu
- Arborist will no longer spawn *lots* of trees nearby
- Trees will now correctly save/load if they are destroyed
- Villagers won't get stuck if a portal they need has moved
- Villagers no longer get stuck at certain buildings
- Fading effect between scenes now works correctly
- Fixed a rare bug where trees couldn't be manually felled, but counted towards a quest and achievements
- Fishery placement checks no longer offset
- Windowed mode toggle no longer uses Exclusive Full Screen option
- Plots will now show assigned villager count on holding 'Alt'
- "Notify" sound will no longer immediately play on new game
- Village name is now sent to Steam Rich Presence when loading save file
- VSync and Windowed toggle now work correctly
- Fixed UI camera rendering incorrectly
- Airship now docks at mooring with animation
- (Yet another) UI rework
- Contextually placed tooltips
- New UI sounds
- Sharper font
- Deleting a save file now requires confirmation
- Sliders can now be moved without selecting the handle first
- Render scale slider now matches text correctly
- Homeless and idle villagers counter now correct on new game
- Villager count now includes total housing room (eg. 6/10)
- Villager status image in the villager list panel is now updated correctly
- You can no longer open the villager list if in build mode
- World space UI no longer freezes when game is paused
- Improved accuracy of the Navigation Mesh on Islands
- General AI stability improved
- Villagers now avoid obstacles in the environment
- Villagers will now stop sharing the same positions at certain buildings
- Arborist tree pooling algorithm improved for less memory usage
- Tree animations optimized and culled when not visible
- Audio and music compression methods updated
- Minimap camera optimized
- Improved Occlusion Culling
- Lamp Posts no longer cast shadows
- Removed light source from mine
[ 2023-10-12 11:59:41 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello, Thanks for your patience waiting for this next update. I'd like to give you a quick overview of what's coming up soon...
Where are versions 1.17, 1.18 and 1.19?
Thrown under the bus. Forget about them. They don't exist. Joking aside, the current goals of the project were initially being split up into smaller updates, these updates would have taken us from 1.16 up to 1.19, however I thought it would be best to combine everything into a larger 2.0 update.
What's coming?
[strike]Really long paragraph explaining all the changes in version 2.0[/strike] Bullet points!
- Weather! (sun, rain, snow)
- Improved ambience (audio/visual)
- Reworked UI (again)
- New buildings!
- Name your islands
- Bug fixes and QoL improvements
Sneaky Peak!
Sneaky screenshot time! In this image you will see the new UI, the island list, new tooltips and rain.

That's all for now until the update drops, I still have quite a lot of work to do so I can't give a specific date. Don't forget to check out my Discord for more frequent updates and if you have questions, it's a great place to ask! Thanks, Matt.
[ 2023-07-20 21:09:32 CET ] [ Original post ]
This update is a little overdue, thanks for your patience. This update focuses on some visuals, a UI rework and some critical fixes.
- Vilagers now use a VFX when teleporting
- Fireflies now spawn near trees
- A minimap window used to quickly move between islands
- UI rework, enjoy a cleaner more tranquil UI
- Resource requirements for constructions now turn red if you don't have enough
- Updated portal VFX
- Slightly improved skybox colours/environment lighting
- Slightly increased moon light intensity
- New optimized water shader (while maintaining a similar visual)
- Cloud brightness and fading is not as deep
- Auto-save is now every 5 minutes
- [Crash Fix] Fixed crash relating to portals and moving buildings while villagers try to access them
- Moving Portals that are being used should no longer cause Villager AI issues
- Various particles blurring with transparent materials
- Fixed an issue with lighting in version 1.14-1.15 (apparent at night time)
- Disabled pixel perfect UI, overall performance improved
- Motion blur intensity slightly reduced
- Improved performance for AI and UI updates
If you experience any bugs please report them on the discussions board or my Discord. The demo version of the game has also been updated with all recent changes.
[ 2023-05-30 23:46:57 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi all! I'd like to take the opportunity to give a little update on what's coming to Poly Skies in the immediate future, although, this update may be a little delayed due to some personal reasons.
Update 1.16
Here's a few changes coming to update 1.16... - UI rework, a new, clean and transparent UI will replace the old version. - Amongst other fixes, I have address various crashes. - Multiple VFX changes and additions. - Improved lighting and colours. - UI performance improvements. - And more...
UI Changes:
I'd like to ask for some feedback regarding the UI changes due in update 1.16. Below, I have a comparison screenshot of the old and new, which do you prefer? In-game UI:

Main Menu:

So far feedback is more towards the transparent UI, although various elements like the main menu I'm not 100% confident about. Your help will be a deciding factor here. Thanks for your support, positive feedback and suggestions! Matt.
[ 2023-03-30 16:40:41 CET ] [ Original post ]
A quick fix update for issues that surfaced in update 1.14. FIXED: - Auto-save frequency now confirmed to be 10 minutes - Villager name entry was enabled by default with placeholder text - Fixed a case of unplaced buildings being under the main island - Incorrect tooltip information in the lore section of milestones - Villagers refusing to move if starving and no food available If you experience any bugs please report on the discussions board or my Discord. The demo version of the game has also been updated with all recent fixes. Thanks, Matt.
[ 2023-03-16 18:53:35 CET ] [ Original post ]
This regular update contains a few wanted features such as auto-save and quest notifications. This update also includes a crash fix for the villager AI, other fixes and various QoL improvements. Also, Steam Spring Sale is here at 5pm GMT! ADDED: - Steam Rich Presence - Auto-save feature, saving every 10 minutes - Buildings will now appear to be on fire if damaged - Notifications below quest button if quest available/completed GENERAL CHANGES: - Portals can now only be moved onto the same island they were built on (fixes Island unlock exploit) - Pressing spacebar/options menu to pause/resume sets speed to previous instead of simply 1x UI: - 'Food Shortage' quest now correctly says 'Plot' instead of 'Farm' - Trading Strawberries now displays the correct value - Added which tier each buildings belongs to in tooltips - Save/Load game list now scrolls correctly - List of save games is now sorted by most recent - Overwriting a save file now requires confirmation - Lore unlock progress added to the Milestones panel - Building tiers now correctly mark as unlocked in the Milestones panel - Replaced missing sprites on the villager renaming UI - Scene fading FIXES: - [Crash fix] Overflow error when a villager tries to submit a non-existent resource - Being able to build more than 1 Mooring (limit is 1 per game) - Cancelling a building move now correctly restores that building to it's original state - Building radius circles no longer enabled on load - Fixed "Tree Cutting" quest, no longer repeats infinitely PERFORMANCE: - Added LODs/culling to distant trees and grass, decreasing load on the CPU - Optimized villagers that are assigned to Watch Balloons If you experience any bugs please report them on the discussions board or my Discord. The demo version of the game has also been updated with all recent changes. Thanks, Matt.
[ 2023-03-16 17:14:31 CET ] [ Original post ]
That's right, it's Steam Spring sale time and Poly Skies will be a lovely 20% off in it's duration, starting March 16th at 6pm GMT! But what else? Update 1.14 will be released just before the sale starts. Some highlights will include: - Crash fixes - Auto-save feature - Many quality of life improvements Coming up: - More buildings (about time huh?) - More atmospherics (how lovely!) - Places of power (how mysterious!) - Other stuff (how vague!) Thank you for everyone sending in bug reports and suggestions, all of which have been taken on-board. It's been amazing to see some of you enjoying the game on Twitch and YouTube. Don't forget to join/use the Discord for bug reports, suggestions, updates or submit content! Thank you, Matt.
[ 2023-03-13 02:09:09 CET ] [ Original post ]
If you experience any bugs please report on the discussions board or my Discord. The demo version of the game has also been updated with all recent fixes. FIXED: - Fishery can now be placed on large island water - Large island LOD1 having incorrect material PERFORMANCE: - Increased distance of island LOD switching Thanks, Matt, Red Phoenix Studios.
[ 2023-03-04 01:40:04 CET ] [ Original post ]
If you experience any bugs please report on the discussions board or my Discord. The demo version of the game has also been updated with all recent fixes. FIXED: - Being unable to progress in the quest system when asked to build a farm; now asks to build a plot. Thanks, Matt, Red Phoenix Studios.
[ 2023-03-03 14:23:03 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi all, this major update contains farming plots, food resource separation, fixes for a few serious bugs and hopefully a small performance boost. Thank you for all that have played the game and especially to those who provided feedback via the Discussion boards or Discord. Changes below...
- The food resource has been split and new resources added:
- New building "Plot" for growing crops (Tier 1)
- Wheat Mill and Watch Balloon now show radius of effect
- Villagers will now eat random food items (no priority)
- Villagers will now sometimes display their current thoughts
- Achievements "Strawberry Delight", "Golden Harvest", "Kernel King", "Master Angler"
- New large island variety
- "Farm" renamed to "Wheat Mill", taking 1 villager, and is now Tier 2
- Wheat Mill now boosts up to 8 nearby plots by 2x
- Slightly reduced output of the Wheat Mill to balance new food resources
- Made the collision boxes of some buildings smaller
- Square path is now Tier 1
- Background mountain models
- Arborist no longer breaks if you manually chop down a tree (for real this time!)
- Arborist no longer moves existing trees when moving the building (also for real this time!)
- Mass building feature no longer used when moving buildings, causing incorrect building to be selected
- Various issues with Snatchers, including a case of a memory leak
- Added LODs to islands, decreasing load on the CPU
If you experience any bugs please report them on the discussions board or my Discord. The demo version of the game has also been updated with all recent changes.
Matt, Red Phoenix Studios.
[ 2023-03-03 04:34:35 CET ] [ Original post ]
This regular update contains new decor items, which can now stack to your hearts content! Try to resist building a tower of crates and barrels! Check the update notes below...
- Decor items:
- Barrel (Tier 4)
- Crate (Tier 4)
- Bench (T3, available in demo)
- Fence (T3, available in demo)
[ 2023-02-18 02:40:25 CET ] [ Original post ]
This minor update adds some new achievements, a quest, UI tweaks and a couple fixes. If you experience any bugs please report on the discussions board or my Discord. The demo version of the game has also been updated with all recent fixes. ADDED: - New quest for tree removal - Quests can now offer various rewards, not just coin - New achievements: "Getting Wood", "Not So Green" and "Dude, where's my house?" CHANGED: - Minor UI tweaks - Wood output slightly reduced FIXED: - Tutorial achievement "Training Wheels" not unlocking in some cases - No sound when clicking certain buttons Thanks, Matt, Red Phoenix Studios.
[ 2023-02-12 23:49:12 CET ] [ Original post ]
This minor fix addresses the bug where, if you cycle from repair mode into build mode, you could not select and place a building if it was previously selected. This also fixes the building spawning beneath the main island. If you experience any bugs please report on the discussions board or my Discord. The demo version of the game has also been updated with all recent fixes. FIXED: - Unable to select building after cycling through repair mode into build mode Thanks! Matthew, Red Phoenix Studios.
[ 2023-02-11 02:38:36 CET ] [ Original post ]
This regular update contains a new quest system which will initially be used as a new-game tutorial guide, the system will be expanded with more quests soon. Also in this update are more fixes and QoL improvements.
If you experience any bugs please report them on the discussions board or my Discord. The demo version of the game has also been updated with all recent changes.
- Quest system, currently used for a tutorial but will be expanded in future
- New achievement for completing the tutorial quests
- Ability to repair damaged buildings when not in combat
- VFX when a Snatcher is killed
- Updated localizations for German and French
- Social media links on the main menu
- UI upgrade (visuals, ease of use, expected behaviour improved)
- New logo!
- Trading has been re-balanced and coins are now more rare and valuable
- Minimum render scale now 0.5 instead of 0.1
- Edge scrolling now moves the camera at the same speed and smoothness as other controls
- Right mouse button can now be used to pan the camera while not in construction mode
- Slightly changed the cameras minimum height, zoom and rotation amounts
- Airship nose pointing directly at mooring
- Villagers now marked as homeless or workplace removed if respective building destroyed
- Villagers getting stuck at home when they should be working
- Villagers getting stuck at buildings if moved or destroyed
- Villagers now rotate correctly at certain buildings (campfire, shrine)
- Edge scrolling vertically was moving camera horizontally
- Windowed mode should now work correctly and not modify resolution or switch back to full screen
- Game settings not being saved with default values on installation
- Fixed demo limitations text
Thank you,
Matthew, Red Phoenix Studios.
[ 2023-02-11 01:25:10 CET ] [ Original post ]
The first regular update is here! I'm also happy to say with confidence that the Mac Apple Silicon M1 chipset issue has been resolved. In testing, the world generation worked perfectly. This update contains a multitude of fixes, QoL changes and some new features, such as manually chopping trees (for a measly 5 wood)! More music has been added to gameplay that was not playing previously. Idle villager count. Average villager happiness and more... If you experience any bugs please report them on the discussions board or my Discord. The demo version of the game has also been updated with all recent changes. ADDED: - Manual tree cutting, gives small amount of wood compared to Arborist - Happiness resource, showing the average happiness of your villagers as a percentage - Idle villager counter next to the resources panel - Animations for villagers using the campfire or shrine - Animations for tree growing and felling - Unused music tracks added to day time playlist CHANGED: - Moved Shrine building to Tier 4 - Reduced costs of the Hut building - The Hut now houses 3 villagers - The Lodge now houses 6 villagers - The Farm now supports 3 workers - Slightly decreased spawn rate of Arborist trees - Doubled output of Arborist per tree - Going home increases villager happiness twice as much - Villagers now become unhappy at 25% instead of 50% mood - Villagers hunger UI now displays at 75% instead of 50% hunger - Updated controls panel - Trade button has changed and move position - Buildings start to rotate with the mouse closer from origin point - Decor buildings now have full free placement - Music should now fade in and out and uses time of day more accurately - Game will now start on fullscreen window at installation FIXED: - World generation failing on Mac devices using Apple Silicon M1 chips - Missing building icon in Tier 4 unlock notification - Villagers now use the shrine to increase happiness - Villagers no longer deposit resources from the Arborist if they can't find a tree to cut down - Villagers using the Watch Balloon no longer get stuck when their house is destroyed - Villagers unassigned from the Watch Balloon then reassigned during landing no longer get stuck at home - Villagers who are idle or homeless no longer walk on the spot - Villagers who get unassigned from work are no longer made homeless - Rare case of not all villagers being unassigned with "max" button - Tooltip now hides if exiting build mode while hovering over a building button - World space UI now renders correctly - Pressing escape in the save/load menu now closes it - Typo on the intro scene - Window size at installation now matches current monitor resolution and not max possible resolution - Windowed mode toggle now correctly toggles - On multiple monitor systems, running the game will no longer cause the screen to be dimmed CONTROLS: - Right mouse click can now be used to rotate the camera when not in build mode - Keys 'Q' and 'E' now rotate the camera horizontally - Keys 'R' and 'F' now rotate the camera vertically - Keys 'Z' and 'X' now zoom the camera - Keys ',' and '.' now rotate buildings while placing DEMO SPECIFIC: - Population cap increased to 50 STEAM: - Steam Input default configuration now Keyboard and Mouse - Steam Input default touch configuration now mouse point and click - Steam Deck default touchscreen mode now left mouse click emulation Thank you, Matthew, Red Phoenix Studios.
[ 2023-02-01 22:23:49 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi all, I'm happy to say that devices using Apple Silicon M1 chips should be able to play the game as of update 1.06, coming this week. The relevant changes have been made on Steam and in the game build. After some digging, it appears that the Silicon M1 chip handles some mathematical functions differently than Intel chips, causing a world generation error. The game build will no longer include the Apple Silicon binaries, however anyone using a Silicon M1 chip should still be able to play the game. If you have any issues after the update drops please get in touch! Thanks, Matthew.
[ 2023-02-01 00:15:16 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi all, I just wanted to say thank you for playing Poly Skies during launch week, the feedback has been excellent and many fixes/changes have already been added. Many of your suggestions are currently being added to the TODO list and will be implemented over the coming weeks. If you would love to see something added to the game, be sure to join the Discord and let me know! I'm really looking forward to adding new content to the game that I hope you'll love, now that a lot of bugs have been squashed. Mac OS issues: After some third-party testing, we can conclude that the world generation issue seems to only be present on Apple Silicon chipsets (M1 specifically). Intel chipsets have all succeeded. For this reason, Apple Silicon support has temporarily been removed. For now, I will be looking into this further to try and resolve the problem, it's currently unclear if it's a code problem, OS problem or a game engine problem. If you encounter this bug, I apologies for the trouble, it is still a top priority fix. And that's it for now, keep an eye out for patches and content updates! Enjoy the weekend, happy gaming! Matt, Red Phoenix Studios.
[ 2023-01-29 00:59:42 CET ] [ Original post ]
If you experience any bugs please report on the discussions board or my Discord. The demo version of the game has also been updated with all recent fixes. FIXED: - Fishery placement now working correctly - Lore unlocks fixed (for real this time!) - Game speed indicator now correct when opening and closing pause menu Enjoy the weekend! Matthew, Red Phoenix Studios.
[ 2023-01-28 02:49:10 CET ] [ Original post ]
Patch v1.04 is here! This update contains an overhaul to the building placement system, providing accurate placement and no hanging over island edges. If you experience any bugs please report on the discussions board or my Discord. The demo version of the game has also been updated with all recent fixes. ADDED: - New cursors for move and remove mode CHANGED: - Building placement has been overhauled - When removing a building, all resources are refunded - Invalid placement colour is now stronger - Speed buttons are now highlighted based on game speed - Removed stranded villagers until mechanic is fully functional FIXED: - Trading system now works correctly - Moving the Arborist no longer moves the trees used for chopping - Moving an already placed building no longer consumes resources or shows the UI for resources - Villagers now move to their new house location after moving - Pressing escape now exits construction modes (no more accidents!) - Switching between construction modes no longer breaks functionality - Cases of a moved building no longer stuck with red invalid colour - Homeless villagers now search for housing in the case of removed/destroyed houses - Lore pieces now unlock as you expand onto new islands - Selecting resolution now factors in windowed mode toggle Thanks. Matthew, Red Phoenix Studios.
[ 2023-01-27 21:56:21 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi all, I am currently aware of a major issue that seems to only be affecting some MacOS devices, where when loading the game, the world generation does not work, resulting in no game to be had. As a solo developer without a MacOS device, I am having to rely on third-party testing for this and so make take longer to fix than other issues. I apologize for the trouble here. If you are using a MacOS device, I do recommend trying to demo firsthand to see if you get this bug. If you think you have any useful information that could help resolve the issue, please do get in touch. Thank you, Matt, Red Phoenix Studios.
[ 2023-01-26 10:54:47 CET ] [ Original post ]
Another patch has been pushed, if you experience any bugs please report on the discussions board of my Discord. The demo version of the game has also been updated with all recent fixes. ADDED: - Support for DX12 on Windows (experimental) - DisplayP3 support for MacOS CHANGED: - Lanterns now stagger on/off - Game window now resizable FIXED: - Lanterns no longer switch off during night - Decor can now be selected while maintaining free placement - Button to remove villager re-enabled in trade menu (ability to sell still disabled) - MacOS Bundle identifier corrected - Selected building UI now hidden when entering build mode Thanks. Matthew, Red Phoenix Studios.
[ 2023-01-25 11:28:47 CET ] [ Original post ]
This patch includes some fixes based on recent bug reports. Thank you again for reporting these issues. ADDED: - Toggle for mouse edge scrolling CHANGED: - Main Menu UI panel layout - Render scaling now uses FidelityFX Super Resolution - Street lanterns now use a volumetric cylinder (similar to house lights) - Street lanterns now turn off fully after work hours - Removed ability to sell villagers - Tooltips are better displayed depending on mouse position FIXED: - Trading calculations are now improved - Render scaling now defaults to 1 - Windowed mode now works correctly - Street lantern flickering - Decor is now selectable after placement - Curved paths now load correctly - Enemy UI error fix - 120 FPS target now saves and loads correctly PERFORMANCE: - Performance of light sources have been greatly improved Have fun! Matthew, Red Phoenix Studios.
[ 2023-01-25 00:33:28 CET ] [ Original post ]
This is a small update with some minor fixes. FIXED: - Steam connection and achievements now work correctly. - Last 2 lore pieces now display. Please report any issues via the discussions board. Take care and have fun! Matthew, Red Phoenix Studios.
[ 2023-01-24 04:33:33 CET ] [ Original post ]
Poly Skies is OUT NOW!
Why now?
The Steam Base Builder Fest is now underway and I thought this would be a great time to release alongside it. I have also created a bundle that included the prequel, Poly Towns, for a 15% discount when buying as a bundle.
What's next?
Content and bug fixes, these are both my top priority right now. I didn't have time to implement every feature I have on my TODO list. I will create a pinned discussion to show and keep track of what content is upcoming. As always, please leave feedback in the discussion area or on my Discord. I am always happy to listen and help. I am a one man development team, it gives me great joy to make games and hear what you think! Matt.
[ 2023-01-23 18:34:08 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi all, Thank you for your patience when it comes to the release of this game. The end of 2022 and the start of 2023 has been a difficult time for me, without going into details, I haven't had much time to work on Poly Skies, only a bit of development here and there. I am hoping this changes, but right now, I am heavily focusing on the game and trying to release within the next month.
Base Builder Fest
Poly Skies and Poly Towns will be included in the Steam Base Builder Fest, running from the 23rd January to the 30th. You can download the Poly Skies demo now to give it a try and provide feedback if you wish. You can join my Discord to provide feedback or bug reports. Poly Towns will be on sale for 60% off.
Poly Skies is still in development and although I'm not where I wanted to be, we still have progress. When the game releases, I will be providing content and fixes consistently. For a look at upcoming content, check out my last post. Take care, Matt.
[ 2023-01-20 21:06:56 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi all, Firstly, thank you so much for all the feedback so far! This has been a massive help in making sure I get things right. I started this project in November 2021 all by myself as a solo-developer; Considering I have a full-time job and study at University, it has come a long way.
The bad:
I will likely have to push back the release of Poly Skies to the very end of summer, looking at a late August/Early September release.
The good:
Development has not stopped and I will be starting a new job next month that will allow me to put in more time to work on Poly Skies. I still have a lot planned, below is a quick run-down of some of them (backlog is planned for release but I do not currently have specific time-frames for them):
- Main buildings - 11 / 16 completed so far
- Decor items - Starting this month
- Villager details - Backstory, current mood/thoughts - Starting this month
- Building system improvements - Snapping, multi-placement - Starting this month
- Stranded villagers - Build a Portal connection to their island to save them - Backlog
- Creative mode - Build without resources or building tier limitations - Backlog
- Island generation improvements - Flora, map size - Backlog
- Visual improvements - Improved atmosphere/ambience, post-processing tweaks - Backlog
- Steam Achievements - Backlog
- Localization - Ongoing
[ 2022-07-09 12:19:41 CET ] [ Original post ]
Firstly, thanks to everyone that is enjoying the game during the Steam Next Fest, your feedback is very important and I'm happy that you are enjoying it.
So, what's next for Poly Skies?
Here's a few things that will be coming to the game on release:
- Localisation (en, fr, de, and likely more).
- Improved combat (defences).
- Building visual variety and decor.
- Story/Lore in the form of snippets (you can collect items that will give you some backstory of the world we are in).
- Improved world generation with extra generated content (flora, interactive items).
- Improved atmosphere (particle effects, weather).
- Stranded villagers (acquire the island to embrace them).
- Steam Achievements.
- Cloud saves.
[ 2022-06-14 23:05:14 CET ] [ Original post ]
Welcome to the sky lands!
The mainland beneath the clouds has been overthrown by mythical beasts. The land has become desolate, deviant and dangerous.The only safe haven we have is up here above the clouds. Here, it is peaceful, safe and gives us hope that we can one day return to the mainland below the clouds.
Villager Life
Each villager has a life in Poly Skies, they will go to work, gather in social areas or do housekeeping at home.Grow
Grow your village onto other islands using crystal powered portals.Unlock new buildings as your population grows.
Enjoy some downtime with your villagers at a campfire after the work shift.- Memory: 2 GB RAMStorage: 1 GB available space
- Storage: 1 GB available space
- Memory: 4 GB RAMStorage: 1 GB available space
- Storage: 1 GB available space
[ 6040 ]
[ 1237 ]