Laypo Weather Additions: -Added a new cloud (cloud 3.3, which is upgraded from a cloud 3.2) which gains a 1-50km/h increased wind gust (possibly producing gales) -Added a new cloud (cloud 3.4, which is upgraded from a cloud 3.2) which could gain significantly higher rates of rain (1-35 rain score) -A spaceship that spawns every few nights which spawns in twelve clouds and then disappears -Added a Heatwave which is 5x5 blocks wide -A stage 3.0 or 3.1 cloud can turn into a tropical cloud if the cloud collides with a heatwave (In a tropical cloud, the rain increases by 5-50, Has sustained Winds of 5-35 and the Wind gusts increase by 35-50) -Tropical cloud despawns when no longer in a tropical region Changes: -The maximum of clouds has increased to 170 instead of 150 -There are now 4 months a year instead of 8 -There are now 21 days a month instead of 20 Fixes: -Snow clouds are now added to the total of clouds -Fixed months and years not switching over
[ 2024-06-26 12:12:37 CET ] [ Original post ]
v0.5.4.8 Laypo Weather Game: Added: -Once tectonic plate percentage reaches 100 it resets to 0 and the level of the Tectonic plate goes up (higher tectonic plate levels leads to stronger earthquakes) -If the tectonic plate percentage reaches -100 the level decreases -When a cloud 3.2 collides with a cloud 1, the 3.2 gains more strength while the cloud 1 no longer exist -When holding the escape button the fps is displayed -Added a new Island Changes: -Changed all 4 town names instead of the name being city 1, city 2, etc -The weather channel font and some texts has changed -Snow Clouds are now back in the game! -Changed where tectonic Plates can form -The maximum number of tectonic plates is now 11 instead of 4 -Tectonic Plate Percentage has been changed from -10 to 10 and is now -2 to 2 -Edited text in the Escape Menu Upcoming Additions: -Earthquakes to be added as well as tectonic plate levels
[ 2024-06-24 15:14:19 CET ] [ Original post ]
Laypo Survival II Added: Added TIme to the game Added Skill Tab Added Raw logs Added Logs Added Twigs Added Planks Fixes: fixed being able to build or destroy walls when in another room fixed an error with the closing tab Laypo Weather: Added: Added three new Islands on the main map Added a new biome called a dense forest A formula for km/h to miles/h Changes: High-Pressure systems movement has been changed from 110-250 to 80-280 Cloud 1 size and art has been changed Changes to how cloud 1 rain, strength and wind speed works Changes to how cloud 2 rain, strength and wind speed works Changes to how cloud 3 rain, strength and wind speed works Cloud 3 now displays cloud 3 when hovering over instead of cloud 2 Disabled Snow clouds for now Extraterrestrial Invasion: Added Space Walls have 30hp (to be implemented in the next version)
[ 2024-06-23 17:27:46 CET ] [ Original post ]
v0.5.4.6 Logo: - Changed how the logo looks! Main Menu: Changes: - Changes to the text boxes Laypo SImulator II: Added: - Added Harvesting - Added Build Tab - Adding Destroy Tab - Added Close Tab - Can now place Wooden Walls - Can remove Wooden Walls - Added Doors - Roofs, if roofs are 16 pixels away from walls. The roofs collapse Changes: - Changed the width of the Inventory Tab - Changed Gardening to Cutting - Cutting is now randomised between 1 to 50 instead of 1 to 10 Extraterrestrial Invasion: Bug Fix: - Asteroid spawning on player!
[ 2024-05-26 02:57:51 CET ] [ Original post ]
v0.5.4.5 Release Date: 24 May 2024 Main Menu: Changes: - Changed Space Shooter to Extraterrestrial Invasion Laypo Survival II: Additions: - Added Wooden Flooring - Wooden Flooring can be found in Easthaven - Text on the world map saying which town your mouse is hovering over! - Added Roofs for the Village houses in Easthaven, when player goes near the roofs they disapear - Using WASD you can move around the caravan Map with your caravan Changes: - Changed the visuals for the backpack - Village name is now called Easthaven - Players home is called the Players Colony - Changed what the Easthaven Village symbol looks like - Trees are now bigger - Now have to press Enter while on teleporter to leave the map - Now have to press Enter while ontop of village or Player Colony Extraterrestrial Invasion: Removed: - Removed the multiplayer tab - Can no longer access Level 2
[ 2024-05-24 04:13:09 CET ] [ Original post ]
Laypo City: Added: Upgrade type 1: When interacting with a plot, the plot is available for upgrade! Laypo Survival II Additions: -Added a world Map which can be triggered when you go to the edge of the map -Added a world Map with player 1 Base -Added Player 1 -Added Oak Tree -Added Wood Wall (120hp) -Added village Symbol -Added a Village -Teleporter to leave the current map -Bushes for the edge of maps that the player can't go through! Changes: -Room Size changed to 150x150 blocks -You start on a random day and month -Starting year is 3534 -There are now 28 days a month -There are now 8 months a year
[ 2024-05-23 09:24:50 CET ] [ Original post ]
v0.5.4.3 Main Menu: Additions: Added a sponsored Tab Sponsored Tab Additions: Added Captaincool19DoesGames Laypo Space Game Changes: Changes to the text in the shop Enemy ship is now called Ankir If the Ankir goo is over 600 pixels from ankir then the goo despawns Player can only control the direction of the player ammo from under 200 pixels away Player ammo despawns when 400 pixels from player Enemy goo is now called Ankir goo Additions Level 2: Added a new creature named Olkins About Olkins: Has 4hp Takes 3 space ammo to destroy +5 score when destroyed Bugs: - Can't submit a score on level 1 in Space Shooter Gane
[ 2024-05-22 05:33:09 CET ] [ Original post ]
Laypo Space game Additions: - Addition of Level 2 - The shop now sells 20 coins for +5 player ship hp Level 1 fixes: - By pressing escape after the level is done or failed takes you back to the main menu Level 2: - Addition of Level 2 Map - There is 10 hours a day instead of 7 in level 1 - By pressing escape after the level is done or failed takes you back to the main menu - 0 ammo every hour instead of +10 in level 1
[ 2024-04-05 01:21:50 CET ] [ Original post ]
v0.5.4.1 Laypo Space Game Additions: - Added Chapter 1 to the main menu of space game - Added Shop to the main menu of space game - Shops display the amount of coins you have collected
[ 2024-04-03 03:35:51 CET ] [ Original post ]
v0.5.4 Laypo Space Game Changes: - New texture for the player carrier - New texture for the space rock - New texture for enemy goo - New texture for space ammo - New texture for Player Space ship
[ 2024-04-03 02:49:59 CET ] [ Original post ]
UPDATE 0.5.3 Laypo Space Game Level 1 is completed Space Coins can be collected The Player carrier has 850hp Laypo Weather - Added a cloud limit (to help with frames)
[ 2024-03-30 07:29:32 CET ] [ Original post ]
v0.5.2.5 Laypo Space Game Additions: - The Player Space Carrier has a hp level of 850 - If enemy goo hits the carrier, then 3-8 damage is done - If the carrier is destroyed, then the level is over - Player can attack there own carrier | does 1-4 damage out of 850 hp Fixes: - Collecting coins adds to your in-game score! Changes: - Space Coins are now worth 25 points - You need 120 points to complete level 1 - 5 rocks spawn in level 1 instead of 3
[ 2024-03-30 06:01:23 CET ] [ Original post ]
v0.5.2.4 Laypo Space Game Space Goo: -Changes: - When the goo hits the player, it randomly does 3 to 8 damage (instead of deafult 7) Space Rocks: - Now displays hp when player is within 20 pixels of the space rock Space Coins: - Space goo and player ammo destroys the space coins - Adds a random amount of score (between 5 to 25 score) Changes: - Changed how the space coin looks - The edge of the map texture has changed
[ 2024-03-21 06:52:40 CET ] [ Original post ]
v0.5.2.3 Laypo City Simulator - No longer accessible Laypo Space Game - The map now follows the player around Space rocks - Space rocks have 100hp - if space rocks get hit ten times, they will get destroyed - once destroyed, they add 1 point to your score Space Coins (NEW) - Space coins spawn every 5 hours in the first level
[ 2024-03-21 04:46:28 CET ] [ Original post ]
v0.5.2.2 Laypo Weather Game: Added: - When your mouse hovers over city 1, text appears saying city 1 - Added 3 more tectonic plates that spawn in the first month (now being in total 4) - Added a limit to the clouds count which is set at 150 (this is set to help with frames) Fixes: - Fixed negative amount of rain in cloud v1 Temp: - For clouds stage 1 & 2 you can left click to remove them
[ 2023-08-21 12:33:14 CET ] [ Original post ]
v0.5.1.6 Laypo Space Game: Fixes: Ammo no longer spawns once you die
[ 2023-06-11 12:03:55 CET ] [ Original post ]
Laypo Space: Additions: Added a pop sound effect for when goo is shot from enemy ship Added a damage sound effect for when player ship is hit Added a Space Rock Changes: Changed the texture of the player ship Changed the texture of the planet Changed the Player's speed Changed the points you get for destroying enemy ship Bugs: Player ammo move where the mouse is going Sometimes the enemy goo changes directions Laypo Weather: Added: Tourists for city 2 City 2 population now goes up twice as fast Fixed: Fixed clouds 3 going below 0 Fixed some clouds not having their names avaliable
[ 2023-04-19 09:50:24 CET ] [ Original post ]
Laypo Space game: Additions: Added more text on the "Welcome Screen" Every 5 seconds the enemy spaceship shoots goo at the player Enemy spaceship can shoot goo at the player which does 7/100 damage Space ammo (shot by the player) and goo destroy each other when they collide If the players' ammo hits goo, the player gets +0.2 points Added an Ammo Pack Ammo Pack spawns every 15 seconds Ammo Pack adds from 5-13 ammo to player Ammo Pack adds 1.5 points to the player's score Changes: Changed the texture of the enemy spaceship Added some new text before starting level 1 (which level and how many points are needed to pass) Moved the Space Ship and Space Carrier up the map a little Laypo Weather: Additions: Player now has money ($50m) Tectonic Plates can now cause earthquakes m0-1 every 4-21 days (when reaches 101% nothing happens atm) Added Issue Warning to the city Tab on the right side of the screen Tropical clouds die quicker when colliding with land Changes: Changed the Number of storms' colour and position Changed text from "Press 1 for the weather channel" to "Press 1 or 2 for Channels" Changed text of the clouds names
[ 2023-04-18 09:11:09 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Fixed the abandoned text on the main menu screen Laypo Weather Additions: - Added sustained winds for clouds/storms (text) - When you press '2' you see the industries tab if there is a number (it means 1 the highest and 100 the lowest) Fixes: - Got rid of the weird number on the top left of the screen. Additions for City 2: - Added Coal, Gold and Iron Ore Production Changes: - Wind gusts, rainfall, tropical moisture, storm strength is no longer shown unless over clouds/storms - If the mouse if over the clouds/storms then the variables for wind, rainfall, strength etc will be shown
[ 2023-04-16 12:59:31 CET ] [ Original post ]
Laypo Weather: Added: - A 9th Island - New additions to the Number of Storms (snow cloud & thunderstorm counters) - Added a tectonic plate level 1 (no functions just spawns in and stays there, also saves its location) - Added the Year, Month, Day and Hour to the top right of the screen - Added Households and population for city 2 - Added Households and population to TheWeatherChannel (temporarily) Changed: - Changed the art for cloud formation 3_1 Fixed: - Weird ways to update game Laypo Space Game: Changes: - Changes to the background of level 1 - Level 1 is now 1420-1500 instead of 1420 by 2000 pixels Changes to the main menu Can now add features without having a stoopid weird updating system (massive W)
[ 2023-04-15 08:11:40 CET ] [ Original post ]
Laypo Weather: Added: - Added a rare object (Cloudingha) that continuously spawns in rain clouds while it exists (need to research and unlock a building to discover them) - When you start the game more clouds spawn in - When you press Escape a rectangle with options comes up Changes: - High-pressure systems are no longer visible unless you have the required equipment (or cheats enabled) - Changed the shape of the High-Pressure system from a square to circle - Changed how tropical 1 storm clouds look Fixes: - Can no longer spawn multiple cities of player1 - Fixed saving where you spawned your city - When looking at the storm cloud counter you can now see how to return to the menu screen - Fixed Minus rainfall glitch for cloud 2 - Fixed the game not saving towns rainfall - Fixed the weather channel not displaying the current weather in your city Disabled Features: - Disabled Swells being spawned ( for now)
[ 2023-04-14 12:02:26 CET ] [ Original post ]
Version 0.5.1's new features are: A space game which is still in development but is now playable (contains a leaderboard for players) The remake of Layporian Survival has begun as the first version had limitations on what could be done Possibly the start of a Virus game (maybe)
[ 2023-01-13 04:55:15 CET ] [ Original post ]
Space Shooter: Added: - Text for level 3 - Added text for each of the variables on the left of the screen Changes: - If the level is unlocked, the text is green, if the level is locked, the text is red - Ammo is destroyed when it hits other ships Fixes: - Can now see what the text and numbers mean on level 1 Survival II: Added: - Added a room for the Forest biome - Added a weight capacity for the player - Added new text - Added some new variables and texts Changes: - Changed some text
[ 2023-01-13 04:32:49 CET ] [ Original post ]
Changes: - Added the original version of Laypo survival (which you can play while the second version is being worked on) - Added some tips on the menu page
[ 2023-01-10 11:21:52 CET ] [ Original post ]
v0.5.0.6: Laypo Space Shooter: Added: - Added a background for the first level - Space player Carrier (250hp) (will have a use after level 1) - Added a bunch of variables - Added a main menu screen which then you can select level - Game now saves/Loads - Added an overall score (all your games combined) - Added an overall on how many games you have played
[ 2022-12-12 02:00:54 CET ] [ Original post ]
v0.5.0.5: Laypo Space Shooter: Added: - How much ammo you have in the top right - How many lvl 1 enemy ships are in the room - Added text when you no longer have enough hp - Text saying Score where your score is - Every hour you get an extra score - Five Lvl 1 Enemy Ship now spawn when you start the game - If player is leaving the room your health goes down - Text saying to press "Enter" to start the game Fixes: - Fixed being able to spawn multiple spaceships - Ships only spawn once you press start - Ships no longer spawn once you die - Text no longer draws on map Changes: - 5 Ships now spawn every in-game hour - Changed the model of the enemy lvl 1 ship - Changes to speed of ship - Overall speed from colliding with enemy ship is now lower Temp: - Every In-game hour you gain +10 ammo
[ 2022-12-09 03:18:35 CET ] [ Original post ]
v0.5.0.4: Possibly fixed Mac suppport Laypo Space shooter: - When you get new highscore, it is sent to the server and stored (will be able to see them in future) - Enemy spaceships now despawn when they leave the room
[ 2022-12-08 11:38:01 CET ] [ Original post ]
Laypo Space Shooter: New Features: Player1 Spaceship Enemy Spaceship Bullet Score System Hp System Player ID: Trial Feature: Leaderboard highscore submission (beta)
[ 2022-12-08 04:23:42 CET ] [ Original post ]
v0.5.02: Beta Version: Main Menu: Changed name & description for Laypo survival apocalypse Added Space Shooter to the main menu (in development) Laypo survival apocalypse changed to Layporian Survival - New Development on game New features: Added art for Phihenerth Added a biome named Forest (Home): Added multiple text ~~Laypo Virus Game has been added:~~ New features of LVG: Random Population at start Random Infection rate Random fatality rate Day counter A new Menu page has been added: - Added new variables
[ 2022-12-07 10:11:47 CET ] [ Original post ]
v0.5.0.1: Beta Version Laypo Apoc Survival Added: Days 16 to 28 have been added Added Steel knife crafting Recipe Added Steel knife to player Added Steel knife to chest Added sounds for berry bushes Added new menu tab "Terrain interaction" Fixes: Player no longer gets stuck inside wooden walls Fixed wall collisions Changes: Bow arrows now do 5 damage instead of 10 to zombies "Fixed" wooden wall movement and collision
[ 2022-08-01 03:59:15 CET ] [ Original post ]
Laypo Apoc Survival: IMPORTANT - WHEN LOADING AN EXISTING SAVE PRESS SHIFT THEN 1 THAN SPACE TO LOAD THE SAVE | FOR CHESTS PRESS F11 TO ALLOW NEW ITEMS TO BE PLACED OR PLACE NEW CHESTS Main Menu: Changes: - The background colour of the Main menu has been changed - Text moved around Added: - Added Leaf Piles - Leaf Piles spawn when trees are cut down - If leaf piles are removed, you will get 10-15x sticks (sticks are temp) - Added sprite for Countertop and countertop with cutting board -In the workbench you can now create torches with 4 sticks (temp) -When you press escape you gain +10 hunger & wood -Lighting is now part of the objects menu -Torches can be found in the lighting menu -Added End screen when you die of hunger -Added Allow Cheats / Disable Cheats -Added Mob difficulty -Added Difficulty -Zombies only destroy walls in hardcore mode -Zombies only destroy fences if the difficulty is Difficult or higher -Added wooden fence but rotated -Added a button to remove fence (gives you a stick) -Added a new page: -New Page is Pre Game setting 1 -Added allow cheats option -Added difficulty choosing option -Added text to doors on how to open or close -Added audio to arrows being shot -Added dates 8 to 15 to the game -Added a winter background for winter -Orange Trees take 13 days to go from stage 13 to 15 (this is temporary) -Wooden Ammo now saves in chests -The difficulty now saves -The amount of ammo now saves -The bow now saves -The amount of oranges on you now saves -Wooden ammo and bows can go inside chests in the weapons section (atm only +/- 1 at a time) Changes: Can be found in the discord (Laypo Weather does not currently work) Laypo Weather: Added: - City 1,2,3 Now shows up on the Weather Channel tab displaying how much rain they have had there - Added Rain (mm), Temp (c) and wind (km/h) columns in the weather channel. - Added first cloud stage for a tropical cyclone - Added 1 type of snow to the game - Added 1 stage of thunderstorms - Tropical storms create swell in the ocean - The player's city / Biome which the player has is Plains - Added The Population Channel - Added The Buying Channel - Requires you to play your city before you can start the game! - Added Population for 11 cities (updates 4 times a day) - New Menu settings. 1. New Game/Load | 2. Settings | 3. Placing your city | 4. Playing Changes: Can be found in the discord
[ 2022-06-06 05:03:18 CET ] [ Original post ]
Laypo Apoc Survival: Added: Added Allow Cheats / Disable Cheats Added Mob difficulty Added Difficulty Zombies only destroy walls in hardcore mode Zombies only destroy fences if the difficulty is Difficult or higher Added wooden fence but rotated Added a button to remove fence (gives you a stick) Added a new page: New Page is Pre Game setting 1 Added allow cheats option Added difficulty choosing option Added text to doors on how to open or close Added audio to arrows being shot Added dates 8 to 15 to the game Added a winter background for winter Changes: Changed the lighting for torches Changed the text on walls/Fences Changes to how far torches light up Changes to the wooden wall collision box Changes to the wooden fence collision wall Changes to torch sprites (added slight animation) Changed the amount of Hp zombies have from 25 to 20 Torches stay lit for 8 hours instead of 6 Changes to the volume made from zombies Changes to chest layout Fixes: Fixed the light bug at 4am Temp fix on bow and arrow for player "FIxed" the hitbox for a mature tree Fixed the hitbox for unlit torches Fixed bows not going into chests Known Bugs: Can't move chest
[ 2022-06-06 03:24:03 CET ] [ Original post ]
Main Menu: Changes: - The background colour of the Main menu has been changed - Text moved around Laypo Apoc Survival: Added: -In the workbench you can now create torches with 4 sticks (temp) -When you press escape you gain +10 hunger & wood -Lighting is now part of the objects menu -Torches can be found in the lighting menu -Added End screen when you die of hunger Changes: -Changes to the text on the workbench -Added text for each item and how to craft it (workbench) -Removed ability to be able to place torches for free -Changed how far you are from a torch before the info for the torch comes up -You can now place torches via lighting -Torches now last 6 hours instead of 4 -unlit torches don't despawn for a day instead of 12 hours Laypo Weather: Added: - The player's city / Biome which the player has is Plains - Added The Population Channel - Added The Buying Channel - Requires you to play your city before you can start the game! - Added Population for 11 cities (updates 4 times a day) - New Menu settings. 1. New Game/Load | 2. Settings | 3. Placing your city | 4. Playing Changes: - Changes to how much rainfall you get from storms - Changes to the depth of where storms form
[ 2022-06-03 05:47:18 CET ] [ Original post ]
Accessed via the beta Laypo Apoc Survival: Added: - Added Leaf Piles - Leaf Piles spawn when trees are cut down - If leaf piles are removed, you will get 10-15x sticks (sticks are temp) - Added sprite for Countertop and countertop with cutting board Changes: - Amount of wood from trees have been changed from 3 to 5, now 10 to 20 - No longer need to run into trees to get rid of them. now you select remove tree - Interaction with Tree saplings have been changed from 10 pixels to 5 pixels - Some changes to spawn rates over night - Name Changes to chests - (Temp) Press V to spawn Orange Trees Laypo Weather: Added: - City 1,2,3 Now shows up on the Weather Channel tab displaying how much rain they have had there - Added Rain (mm), Temp (c) and wind (km/h) columns in the weather channel. - Added first cloud stage for a tropical cyclone - Added 1 type of snow to the game - Added 1 stage of thunderstorms - Tropical storms create swell in the ocean Changes: - Changed some textures of clouds and biomes - Sprint key changed from control to No1 on the keypad - Mouse needs to be closer to clouds for the information of clouds - If clouds with negative rainfall is approaching a city that is registered it will despawn.
[ 2022-05-11 12:43:13 CET ] [ Original post ]
version Available in the Beta Laypo Weather: Added: The weather channel (activates when you hold down 1) Is a work in progress Future Features will include: The current weather for each city, rainfall, temperature Laypo Tower Defense: Can now buy Denfenses Added: Levels, Exp, Money, total enemies you have killed Laypo Apoc Survival Added: Orange Trees, the pixel art is to be changed - Can harvest Orange Trees for wood or fruit (20-40 oranges when harvested) - Added Oranges to the game! - Can store Oranges in chests and take them out New Game: Laypo City SImulator: Added: + Roads + Houses Place Roads by using the mouse to go to a spot and pressing G Rotate roads by clicking on the roads with the mouse Press Enter and a house will randomly appear
[ 2022-05-05 10:32:17 CET ] [ Original post ]
v0.4.0.2 Laypo Weather Additions: - Added 4 New Islands - Added a new type of cloud formation - Adjusted some clouds - Fixed minus rainfall - Adjustments done to the High Pressure System Laypo Country Simulator Changes: - Removed the Mini Game Tab (temp) Additions: - Boarding House 50-200 People | Price $4m - Added Criminals - Added Murderers - Added Drug Addicts - Added Sheep / Chickens / Pigs / Turkeys and Cows (behind the scenes | Cannot get them yet)
[ 2022-02-27 05:03:41 CET ] [ Original post ]
-=- NEW GAME MODE -=- ADDED Laypo Weather Game - Added A Map - Added a Tropical Region - Added Time - Added 4 different clouds - Added Plains, Forest and ocean biomes - Added High pressure System which destroys clouds that come in its path - Gets destroyed when goes into the tropics or into the edge of the map and restarts on the other side of the map - 4 Islands are place on the map containing 9 Cities combined - Rainfall is taken down for each of the cities - 8 Months are in the game (does nothing atm) - Using WASD you can move around the map - Press Enter to start the game when on the map - You can save but have to restart after each update atm
[ 2022-02-06 10:38:26 CET ] [ Original post ]
Added Creatures / Features: - Red baby Slime - Unlit Torch (requires 4 sticks to relight) - Torches run out after every 4 hours - Requires sticks to be able to be lit again - Turrets can now be switched over to shooting slimes - Zombies now get stuck on fences - Added Bows - Player can now shoot at enemies (currently zombies) - player uses Stone ammo (same ammo as turrets) - Added a disease counter (diseases in the future) - Blueberries, Berry Bushes and weeds have a 33% chance of dying in winter - Player going down animation added Added Items: - Raw Chicken (can't eat) - Cooked Chicken (25 Hunger Points) - Slime Gel - Raw Zombie Flesh (can't eat) - Cooked Zombie Meat (7 Hunger Points) New Trade (Magical Gnome) - Buy 4 Torches (50-120 Silver) | Misc Trade | 12 to 60 Stock - Buy 1 Cooked Chicken (20-50 Silver) | Animal Trade | 0-7 Stock - Buy 1 Raw Chicken (10-30 SIlver) | Animal Trade | 0-7 Stock Hidden Features: When pressing M, Fps now displays Fixes / Changes: - Background Music is now lower - Fixed glitch giving the player money at the start - Fixed glitch where player couldn't buy chickens - Fixed Space bar bug that ruins fps - Changes to Spawn rates - Press 4 to spawn in a torch at your mouse's location! Updating: Press F11 to update Chests or Gnomes if you are within the region of the things needing upgrading to continue a save press Shift + 3 + Space
[ 2022-01-30 07:53:21 CET ] [ Original post ]
Added: - Chickens now have a sitting down animation for when it's night time - When interacting with chickens , the happiness, egg readiness and actions are now displayed - When it's night Chickens don't move - Added Texture for Workbench with Chest - By going near Walls, it displays the amount of health the wall has - Added Fences (cheaper than a wooden wall - also has less hp then a wall - keeps chickens inside an area) - When holding B, the amount of space and the backpack size shows up - Default player texture has changed and when looks different ways if you press A or D (W and S to come soon) - Can now eat blueberries - Gnomes have a chance to either be a misc trader or animal trade (more to come in the future) - more info on the WIKI - If Magic Gnomes don't show a number but instead unidentified. Press F10 to set the number, or the game will crash when you save! - Added the first 7 Days underneath the Seasons text - Blueberries and Berry bushes are now affected by the season. They grow the most in Spring and do not grow in winter - Added basic lighting to the game (Torches will come in a later update so have fun with the night time) - Zombies despawn at 9am - Bug Fixes - Fixed the game crashing when picking up chicken poop - When you click on stone wall it displays a stone wall (no longer displays Stone Flooring) - Changed the collision box for an egg
[ 2022-01-28 05:30:47 CET ] [ Original post ]
IMPORTANT: - As long as you UPDATE your save you should be able to play on existing saves! If you need help. Join the Discord! - To update Chests in the game please F11 (only press it if you have chests or the game will crash) To update the game. Right click on continue, Press 1 and then press the Space Bar New Features! - Added a new type of weed, slightly lighter in colour then the first kind - Chickens can now follow you! - Added a Blueberry Bush - Added, Blueberry Plants and Blueberries to Chests, Shows how much storage is used in the chest - Added a Magical Gnome which spawns at 11pm at night despawns at 5am - The Magical Gnome wanders around but if you go near the Magical Gnome, The Magical Gnome stops moving - Added Season (has no effect on plants atm) - Zombies have sound effects - Can buy chickens from Magical Gnome - Prices Range from 100-500 Silver, 1-4 Chickens in stock at once! Fixes / Chnanges: - Hunger now Saves - Changed Player default and running speed - Changed the speeds of zombies Removed Features: - You lo longer spawn with a chicken!
[ 2022-01-27 03:12:33 CET ] [ Original post ]
Added: - Added Animal Troughs - Added Chicken Poop - Chickens now have thirst and require water from animal troughs - Can force feed water to chickens if they are dehydrated! - Chicken poop can be picked up - Turrets now focus on one certain type of creature, which the player can change target by going near it and clicking on change target (Currently in works) - Added Stats for Energy, Hunger, Thirst, Bladder and Hygiene - Every Hour you lose 2 to 5 hunger points - Can Eat Berries - Chickens now lay eggs - Chests have been recoded so they store stuff individually and have a 500 Capacity. - Added Silver Coins Changes: - Walls now save separately meaning walls can have different functions - Player now save separately - Chickens now save
[ 2022-01-25 09:25:02 CET ] [ Original post ] Added: - Added Chickens that currently just walk around the walk (can destroy them if you feel the need) will be adding more features to it in the next update - Turrets now require to be restocked with ammo - Turrets can now run out of ammo! - Can now remove towers - Added new recipe in workbench - The new recipe is Turret ammo - Music plays in the background of the game (temp for now) Changes - Saving Should work from now on... (SHOULD) - Which will be implemented after chickens and food crops have been finalised as that'll be the first major release for the game mode!
[ 2022-01-18 05:37:43 CET ] [ Original post ]
Version v0.3.0.15 REQUIRES A NEW SAVE! Added Features: - Added all stages of Trees. (all 5 stages completed) - Water Bucket Recipe - Added Water Buckets - 3 New recipes available to be seen in the work bench (they include: Furniture Work Bench, Water Troughs, Chicken Litter nests and chicken nests) - Added Berry Bushes - Can harvest berries from bushes - Added Stats on plants if you walk over to them - Can take water from wells Changes: - Changed Background colour - Weeds no longer give seeds - Weeds are now saved under plants - Weeds are now weeds and spread every 21 hours of sunlight (2.1 days) - Major changes to chests
[ 2021-12-31 04:44:19 CET ] [ Original post ]
All new features require a restart of your save :// In the future, you will be able to play on older versions via steam properties but won't be able to play newer features, only your old saves. Now to the new Update: v0.3.0.14 NEW FEATURES: - When you harvest a tree, a sapling has a 100% chance of spawning around the area of the tree (which then takes 4 days to mature) - ATM there is only 2 stages of the tree (Fully grown and seedling) - Added the first stage of new saplings (2 of 5 now completed) - Added the time in the bottom left of the screen (24 hour time) - Can remove Saplings if you do not want them there (currently receive nothing for it) Future features with Trees // Can see how old a tree is // Can see what stage the tree is // Can fertilise the trees to get more resources - Time now saves CHANGES: - New Tree textures (Trees are also slightly bigger) - Changed Days in a season from 28 to 20 - Changed Months to Seasons and count from 12 to 4 - 4 Seasons = 1 year upcoming changes: - stages of trees ( 3 new stages) Poll: Thanks to everyone who voted on our discord poll Chickens have won and will be being added in the future :)
[ 2021-12-28 07:16:11 CET ] [ Original post ]
New Features for Zombie apocalypse - Added Sap - Added Sticks - Game now ends once you hit 0 Health - Added Lettuce Seeds - Added Tomato Seeds - Limit on how much water you can carry ( 5 Litres) - Displays how much water is on player under hygiene
[ 2021-12-21 05:28:49 CET ] [ Original post ]
Fixed wells Added a new Splash Screen Added the first stages of Laypo Tower Defence
[ 2021-12-14 05:03:17 CET ] [ Original post ]
New Content: - Can now collect Strawberry seeds (10% chance from weeds) - Backpacks have now been implemented - Coal now spawns - Adds a Furnace - New recipe: 3 iron + 1 coal = 3 Iron Ingot Fixes: - Made Weeds Smaller - Can now get rid of weeds - Strawberry Planting is currently disabled until a planting system is implemented - trees and stones now give you random amounts of materials - Fixed zombies attacking each other - Fixed how you load updates
[ 2021-11-28 06:05:59 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Added the first 2 stages of strawberries - Added Weeds which you have a 10% chance of getting strawberry seeds from - Changed Spawn Rate of items - Can now interact and mine iron ore - Added Chests - Added the first stage of storage - Added some important needs of your character (not functioning yet) - Walking near your chest will open if up and an inventory
[ 2021-11-26 03:33:39 CET ] [ Original post ]
Survival Apocalypse - Added a health Bar (animation currently does not work :[ ) - Added Rocks - Added a saving & Loading system - Added Stone Flooring - Added Wood Flooring - Retextured Trees - Player, Zombie and trees are now smaller - Redesigned Menu
[ 2021-11-25 07:34:27 CET ] [ Original post ]
v0.3.0.7 - Changes to the Research page - Adds a mini game called 'don't get 13 - Tribesmen now wears a christmas hat as Christmas is coming up soon - Added a new level for wars - Added New Menu Screen - Details about what each game mode is Survival Apocalypse - Added a New Game Mode called Survival Apocalypse - Added Doors - Added Default Zombie - added Walls - Added Trees - Added Player - Enemy moves towards player depending on distance from player - Added a Turret
[ 2021-11-23 09:07:19 CET ] [ Original post ]
contains two different Game Modes, Laypo Country Simulator and Laypo Survival Apocalypse
Laypo Survival Apocalypse
Is a game mode where you survive from enemies (at the moment just zombies). You can farm if that is what you want to do. You can also build a base and put down defences to protect your base!.
Animals currently include:
- Chickens: Chickens require to be cared for, this involves refilling water troughs, cleaning their poop and collecting eggs.
Food includes:
- Blue berries and bush berries.
Other objects include:
Wells, Walls, doors, chests, Work bench, Furnace.
- Every Night a Magical Gnome appears which you can trade with.
'Laypo Country Simulator' is a game developed by Lewibie.
The goal of the game is to survive as the mayor of a country. .
The current features include:
Be the mayor of your OWN NATION, from looking after the needs of the citizens to politics (coming in the future), transport, relations with other nations etc
The weather in the game changes on an in-game daily basis, from Storms, flooding rains, sun, clouds. These in game weather features influence others features within the game such as floods, droughts, fires, water storage etcWater
Dams hold water for your citizens and is influenced by weather and special technologies. Make sure you don't run out of water though as you could lose that way!!Interests
Each resident have their own interest in sports and animals, make sure you fulfil their needs as that could influence the countries happiness levels.Wars
At the moment there is only wars with local tribes which only have a 4% chance to happen every day!, Make sure you buy defences so you don't get wiped out!!A lot more other features are also added such as:
- Fires
- Fire Ratings
- Pets
- Agriculture
- Research
- Tourism
- Diseases
- Emergency Services
- The list goes on!!