It's that time of year again- which means both Interior Worlds and Hypnagogia are on MEGA SALE for only $6.99!
Grab them both at this rare winter price until January 5th
[ 2023-12-22 16:21:48 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey all- A lot of people have requested it, so I've just officially released the entire OST to Hypnagogia: Boundless Dreams for free download on the game's Steam page.
- Contains 26 unique and ambient tracks that appear throughout the base game.
- Beautiful tracks ranging from earthly ambient to whimsically quirky to darkly sinister- something for everyone.
- Incredible composers heading each song, including Reeez, Pongball, BlazingDragon, and many more.
- Mp3 and high quality FLAC files included for each song.

[ 2023-12-09 17:44:35 CET ] [ Original post ]
If you haven't picked it up yet, now's a great opportunity! Hypnagogia: Boundless Dreams will be 20% off during this year's Summer Sale.
- Explore 12 vibrant and colorful worlds, from a mushroom-filled bamboo forest to an old, dilapidated shopping mall.
- Unique and original music tracks for each location that will make you feel like you're back in the heyday of console games.
- Memorable interactions with dozens of interesting characters, including multiple choice dialogue that sometimes give quirky results.
- Fully-animated in-game cutscenes that help drive a surreal, but heartfelt narrative until the very end.

Grab it before the dreams turn to nightmares~ https://store.steampowered.com/app/1665500/Hypnagogia__Boundless_Dreams/

[ 2022-06-25 20:30:26 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi all-
Dropping a quick but somewhat substantial patch update to the game today. It includes several quality of life improvements (many of which should have been there to begin with, but hey) and a few fixes for level geometry/placement of objects which may cause you to get stuck. Here's the full list:
- Fixed bug in Forest World that prevented you from throwing bombs if you threw one before a cutscene
- Fixed an area in Forest World behind the Life Tree that you would get stuck in
- Fixed a hole in the final Space World room that let you fly out into space forever (there's nothing out there, I'm sorry)
- Fixed bug where game audio would suddenly get loud upon entering/leaving a world
- Added a bit more "jungle" background ambience to Forest World
- Added a "Quit" button to in-game pause menu that lets you immediately quit to desktop
- Added a confirmation prompt to all cutscenes to prevent accidental skipping
- Added a visual indicator for when the game is auto-saving
- Made a few minor cosmetic alterations to various level textures in Haunted World and School World

[ 2022-06-18 09:00:36 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi all- The newest content update for Hypnagogia: Boundless Dreams is now here, and it's my most involved and gameplay-oriented world yet. I'll let it speak for itself once you jump back in, so I won't give any spoilers or hints on how to uncover its hidden location (but I'm sure you'll have no trouble seeking it out). Other than that, there are several small QoL changes and other new features that hopefully further enhance the game's experience. From biggest to smallest:
- Newly added support for both Mac and Linux platforms***
- Added 5 brand new achievements associated specifically with the new secret world.
- Added new "Toggle HUD" option within the pause menu, which can be used to temporarily hide any UI elements so better screenshots can be taken.
- Improved many platforming areas that caused bugs, such as getting stuck in a "sliding" state and not being able to jump without restarting.
- Changed significant words in dialogue to have a subtle color change in order to bring more attention to points of interest throughout the story.
- Increased resolution of all user-submitted gallery artwork to show better in-game.
- Added "game credits" button in main menu options.
- You can now choose to start with the left or right path in Gogi's level (instead of strictly the right).
- Added new pause menu UI border
- Swapped out a few minor in-game materials that were incompatible on other platforms.
If you've played and liked Hypnagogia: Boundless Dreams, please consider dropping a quick Steam review! It helps out immensely and you have my eternal gratitude. They always keep me going. Thanks!

[ 2022-05-20 14:33:44 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey all-
Unfortunately, I am going to have to put a short delay on Hypnagogia's upcoming content update. Lots of other tasks have been blindsiding me lately and what I still have left to do for the update will definitely not get finished by next week.
I've made a lot of progress on the look, feel, and mechanics for the game's Ancient Update. It's all coming along great so far! This might just be the most involved (and weirdest) experience so far in Hypnagogia.
I think giving it another month will help me iron out the remaining bug fixes, dialogue, and tests for Mac and Linux builds so that it can be as smooth as possible.
I'm truly excited for you to experience this new content I've been working on! In the meantime, please enjoy these new previews for Hypnagogia's Ancient Update.
See you on May 20th~
[ 2022-04-16 15:29:09 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi all- As development on Hypnagogia's latest update continues, it's come time to announce that I will be adding another new Art Gallery in the game. This time, I'm opening up the chance for you to submit your illustrations of anything from the game, whether it's a character, environment, or your own original Hypnagogia-styled artwork, all to be displayed within a hidden area in the upcoming dream world.
The Details:
- This event will run from March 25th through April 20th. If you miss that date, you can still submit artwork but it will be included in a different future update.
- To have your fanart appear in the game, make a new post in the Community Hub's Artwork tab on the game's store page, then include the Title/Description and your social media handle/name.
- You may also send your submission to me via tweet @sodaraptor_dev!
- This event is for those who want to see their art immortalized in a retro, polygonal dream gallery, and is entirely for fun. There will be no exchange of payments, you retain full rights to your art, and you grant permission for it to be displayed in the game.
- Any displayed artwork will include its respective credit as an in-game interactive dialogue box.
- All submitted fanart must be SFW. No nudity, racism, homophobia/transphobia, etc.

Very excited to see what you submit! If you have any questions feel free to post them here. Thank you, sodaraptor
[ 2022-03-25 14:30:42 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi all-
It's been a wild beginning to this year, and I hope you're all doing well both mentally and physically.
After a break from developing on Hypnagogia, I'm back to work. Today I'd like to share some news for new content I'm creating for an upcoming update, slated for April 22nd.
In the Ancient update, get ready to explore an entirely new and exotic dream world, hidden somewhere deep in a thick, mysterious overgrowth.
- Fall into a sprawling, forested temple complex, wherein many strange secrets await.
- Solve puzzles, avoid traps, and decrypt the ramblings of the denizens as you navigate a labyrinthian dungeon.
- Relive an old-new visual style from the era of late 90s console games starring plumbers and elven warriors.
- Support for Mac and Linux builds.
[ 2022-03-05 20:41:24 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi all - Just a quick and small minor patch to Hypnagogia following the 0.3 sunken update.
- Fixed an issue with the hidden whirlpool teleport not triggering correctly (hopefully)
- Greatly improved framerate performance in Mushroom World, Ice World, and Desert World
- Mist World I tried my best to get framerates up, but sadly it's near impossible without completely removing the water effects (they aren't very well optimized)
- Steam Only: Fixed an issue with the "Frightful Freckle" achievement not registering correctly
- Made quest direction clearer in Mist World with additional guiding lights
- Improved dialogue flow in the new hidden underwater world to make it clearer how to progress.
- I'm aware of a small bug that causes you to stop sprinting if you run into moving objects or hit a certain incline height. This is heavily integrated into the game's character controller so it is not an easy fix. I'll be looking more into it as time goes on.
[ 2021-12-24 20:36:16 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi all- I'm very excited to finally bring you Hypnagogia's first major content update. Full details listed below. The following lists the game's newest additions:
- New secret dream world, "a deep unease".
- Level select hub, which appears on the main menu after beating the game once.
- Developer commentary for each world, including actual excerpts from the original inspired dream.
- Steam Achievements, 9 visible, 31 hidden.
- Additional menu options, including vsync, run/walk toggle, look invert, and music mute.
- Player HUD icons to help indicate your active stance, such as sprint, walk, crouch, and jump.
- An extra EXTRA secret developer room hidden somewhere that holds a trove of treasure for those who find it.
- General grammatical fixes in dialogue text.
- Minor performance improvements.

[ 2021-12-22 16:00:29 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi all- I have a big update planned for Hypnagogia: Boundless Dreams, slated for release on December 22nd. This will be the last major patch for the foreseeable future, excluding the need for any minor patches due to bugs or performance issues. In this future update you will find:
- A massive new secret dream world to explore, hidden within one of the existing levels. Submerged for millennia, what mysteries and treasures does this sunken temple hold?
- Level select hub. You will be able to traverse each world individually in any order you want once you've beaten the main game once, or if you've already beaten it prior to this patch, it will be unlocked for you already.
- Developer commentary. You will find interactive nodes for each main dream world in the level select hub that detail my personal notes and thoughts during development of the game.
- 37 total Steam achievements. Many you've probably seen sitting on the game's achievement page, but they were not unlockable.
- Additional, quality-of-life options. You will be able to enable/disable toggles for vsync, running/walking, and muting the music (if you happen to want just the nice background ambience).

[ 2021-12-08 21:51:38 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi all-
As you're all aware, the Steam Awards are on the horizon, and the button to nominate your favorite game into a category is now available on the store page. That being said, I wanted to get in on the fun and try getting Hypnagogia: Boundless Dreams some nominations!
If you've played the game, you've probably noticed the many stylized environments, unique character designs, and varied atmospheres. Did these visuals leave an impact on you?
When development of Boundless Dreams began shortly after the first Hypnagogia, along with detailing my weird dreams in an interactive sense, I wanted also to detail them in a weird, but memorable, visual style. Needless to say, I have a strong affinity for consoles that were popular at the turn of the century, so I chose to go with graphics and models inspired by their games.
My intention was not only to express my own personal love for those consoles in art form, but to also remind you of the memories you had growing up playing them. Combining all these elements, I was able to create the world of Hypnagogia, and the many different creatures that live there.
I hope you've enjoyed the game so far, and I hope you'll vote Hypnagogia: Boundless Dreams for "Most Outstanding Visual Style" for the 2021 Steam Awards!
Until next time,
[ 2021-11-24 23:10:51 CET ] [ Original post ]
Minor patch update, which includes the following adjustments:
- Many fixes to dialogue typos, inconsistencies, and grammatical errors.
- Lava World: Fixed some areas where the respawn triggers would send you to the incorrect return point.
- Lava World: Added an extra teleport up the mountain in another alcove (in case you decide not to sell your soul).
- Mushroom World: Added collision in areas where you were able to jump over the treeline and fall off the level.
- Ice World: Created additional optional NPCs with some (friendly) interactions.
- Space World: Added interesting sound triggers when flying through the moving anti-rings.
- Mansion World: Improved context and hints for piano puzzle (however the key sequence remains the same).
- Reassigned the "skip" button in the blackhole and Gogi's levels to instead take you back to the main menu (these should never have been skippable).
- Clarity improvements to player direction/goals through dialogue and environmental hints.
- Gave several previously unnamed NPCs official names.
- Improvements to intro tutorial by displaying control scheme in front of player when asked if they want to know how to play.
- Pause menu sound blip.
[ 2021-11-21 06:05:45 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi all- Version 0.2.5 is now live for Boundless Dreams. It's a fairly minor patch with no main content changes and primarily fixes/improvements to miscellaneous issues.
- Various fixes to collision issues.
- Performance improvements in some areas.
- Misc graphical improvements.
- Added extra, optional dialogue choices for certain meandering NPC characters.
- Fixed issues with hidden book object.
- Altered piano key puzzle in mansion level to be ever so slightly more difficult.
- Several new hidden dream worlds to explore.
- Level select option after first game completion.
- Steam achievements.
- Additional menu options, including a vsync, run, and reticle toggle.
[ 2021-11-13 14:05:04 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi all- I have a very minor update planned for this weekend of 11/12. These will only contain small cosmetic changes. Specific changes in version 0.2.5 will include:
- Improving collision to areas where the player can clip through and miss important dialogues.
- Player can clip through window in Advisor's mushroom hut window, missing the kid's hint dialogue trigger.
- Adding missing collider during "heaven" sequence where the player can fall off the level.
- Adding collision to bottom of courtyard pools in misty water level.
- Secret book interaction in the misty water level will become a simple "touch and teleport" trigger, due to the amount of issues it was causing.
- Dynamic camera shakes to mansion monster stomps.
- New optional NPC to space level near first codex cube.
- Better Biscuit emotes.
- More optional dialogue choices to flirt with the pyramid door. You weirdos.
- Various minor texture updates/polish/corrections.
- Minor changes to end credit list.
- Minor improvements to various level props/widgets.
- General performance improvements.
- Addition of various new minor easter eggs.

[ 2021-11-10 19:48:03 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi all - I'd like to express how happy I am that so many people have played and enjoyed Hypnagogia: Boundless Dreams thus far. I received a massive amount of critiques and suggestions via the demo's feedback form, and tried my best to work what I could into the game given my limited coding abilities. I'm thankful for all of you. As for any future updates and further development, I 100% plan on implementing these specific things over the next few months or so. These are features which I simply did not have time for prior to the initial launch. They include, but are not limited to:
- A level/chapter select mode which unlocks after completing the game once.
- Steam-specific achievements/trophies.
- Additional menu options, including a v-sync option and an option which you can change sprint from hold to toggle and vice versa.
- Mac and Linux releases.
- At least 3 additional secret dream worlds to find (I had originally planned on each main dream having one secret world).
- Developer commentary mode.
- A fun cheat code to unlock the jetpack in any level.

TL;DR: Thanks for buying the game, plans to implement new features soon.
[ 2021-11-08 17:43:42 CET ] [ Original post ]
Come hangout with Gogi and relax to the official soundtrack for Hypnagogia Boundless Dreams.
Listen to the full playlist below
This soundtrack wouldn't be possible without the amazing talents of Reeez or Trevor Crookston. Follow their work here:
[ 2021-11-07 17:41:50 CET ] [ Original post ]
Are you ready to jump into the dreamscape?

Get ready to embark on a weird and existential adventure through over a dozen vibrant dream worlds.

Explore an overgrown pyramid ruin in a dense bamboo jungle, jetpack through a series of derelict space tubes, brave an old haunted mansion filled with ghosts, and more await. Delve deeper and deeper into the world and reclaim the missing dream shards in order to piece together the mystery of Hypnagogia.

[hr][/hr]It's been a long 8 months of development, but it's finally here. Hypnagogia Boundless Dreams is now ready and available for purchase! In celebration of the launch, you can grab it the first week for a 20% off discount. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1665500/Hypnagogia__Boundless_Dreams/ I hope you enjoy the game, and I look forward to hearing from you! Thank you - may your dreams always be pleasant. - sodaraptor
[ 2021-10-29 14:36:40 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi all- Just pushed a minor update to the current Hypnagogia: Boundless Dreams demo, which should have fixed a small number of minor issues with the previous version.
- Framerate capped to 60
- General performance improvements
- Fixes to a few dialogue typos
- Misc fixes to inconsistencies in font assets
[ 2021-10-16 22:33:02 CET ] [ Original post ]
The demo for Hypnagogia: Boundless Dreams is finally here! It's short, sweet, and will give you a tiny glimpse into what you can expect with the full game out later this month. Once you jump in, you can progress through one dream, one nightmare, and if you're thorough enough in your exploration... maybe something else hidden somewhere.
Feel free to leave any feedback through the in-game form or here on the community tab. Thanks for playing and I'll see you again soon!
- sodaraptor
[ 2021-10-01 14:16:22 CET ] [ Original post ]
Free demo launch for Hypnagogia Boundless Dreams on October 1st!
In the demo, you can expect to explore two full levels that will be in the final game, both a dream and nightmare (as well as one that may or may not be hidden somewhere!). Talk with the denizens, discover their plights, and reclaim the two missing dream shards.
See you October 1st ~
- sodaraptor
[ 2021-09-02 17:48:20 CET ] [ Original post ]
- [659.06 M]
Hypnagogia 無限の夢 Boundless Dreams is a solo-developed exploration game that takes players on a journey through a series of mystifying dream vignettes, each with their own unique theme and visual style.
Your companion Gogi has been kidnapped by a sinister force, and the Dream Crystal has fractured into eight shards, spread throughout the different corners of the world. How will things unfold as you begin your descent into the strange and colorful dreamscape?
So breathe deep, close your eyes, and embark on an adventure through the mind as you leap from dreams into nightmares in order to uncover the mystery of Hypnagogia.
- Explore 12 varied worlds, each with their own population of unique characters.
- Make choices during certain exchanges of dialogue. Some answers may surprise you.
- Fully animated in-game cutscenes that drive an intriguing narrative.
- Original music tracks created for each world to completely immerse you.
- Late 90's-inspired visual style that will instill a sense of nostalgia.
- OS: 64-bit OS
- Processor: Intel Core i3 2.00 GHz or AMD equivalentMemory: 4 GB RAM
- Memory: 4 GB RAM
- Graphics: Nvidia GTX 970 | AMD R7 570
- Storage: 4 GB available space
[ 6040 ]
[ 1237 ]
[ 1732 ]