-Added manual entry for CorPo threat profiling. -Changed some wording on threat profiling stats section. -Guard post color pattern is now more distinct from ships. -When multiple melee targets are in range, but none is target locked, your ship will now prioritize attacking non-disabled ships instead of the one closes to your cursor (should counteract unintended jumpstarts.) -UI scale options now affects objective text and number menu tooltip header. -Fixed backscatter profiler not enabling stealth detection. -Fixed mission success comms sometimes playing after return from death. -Fixed a situation in which getting rediscovered while alert end comms have already initialized would still end alert.
[ 2023-09-12 21:05:29 CET ] [ Original post ]
🕹️ Partial Controller Support
- [908.11 M]
Swirl W@tch takes stealth infiltration to a fresh new setting. In the dense atmosphere of Cloud 2, ships can only detect each other by laser light or by listening to engine noises and sonar echoes. The perfect environment for sneaking your vessel past security and sabotaging cloud-refineries, to finally bring down your corporate oppressors.
Play with your prey as the guards and you slip in and out of stealth. Tail ships, intercept communications, set traps and ambush unsuspecting vessels with precision strikes. Or incapacitate and board them to gain knowledge, funds and captives, to be exchange for new Swirl W@tch members. Discover and exploit the numerous guard behaviors, all generously telegraphed by your ships predictive tactics AI. Complete different objectives across multiple zones, but always watch your noise circles and lidar profile. Unlike you, CorPo doesn’t take prisoners.
Gaining the public support of Cloud 2 by capturing vessels and freeing their crew’s servants from “mandatory internships” (indentured servitude). Grow the Swirl W@tch movement to unlock new weapons, gadgets, ships and passives. Spend your deployment budget on custom loadouts that can include any of the over 100 items you have available, or go in with less equipment and raid production facilities for cheaper, random gear.
- OS: Ubuntu 14.04 64bit or higher
- Processor: 2.8 GHzMemory: 4 GB RAM
- Memory: 4 GB RAM
- Graphics: NVidia Gallium 0.4 NV 106 or better. OpenGL compatible
- Storage: 500 MB available space
- OS: Ubuntu 14.04 64bit or higher
- Processor: 3.2 GHzMemory: 8 GB RAM
- Memory: 8 GB RAM
- Graphics: GeForce GT 710 or better. OpenGL compatible
- Storage: 500 MB available space
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