The mad quest to make a game for every Shakespeare play is swiftly reaching its promised end, with the first being Army of Tentacles: Assault on Rainbow Unicorn Island. After that, maybe we can sleep.
Two are scheduled for the end of 2024, but the majority of work on those will commence after Dinosaur Cousin Squad has dropped. We don't yet know when that one will have a Store Page up, but we assume within the next few months. Both games were being prepped while Dinosaur Cousin Squad was being worked on, but DCS progress has hit a few fun new snags, so we might be able to finish before proper level clean-up is set to begin in a few months.
The final two are set for early and late 2025. One is a collaboration, and the other is another new engine, new genre game..... this time: a tRPG deck builder. In layman's terms, a party based tactical RPG with a card system. We've very recently begun pre-production and asset buy on that one.
Store pages for at least two of the final four adaptations will be popping up after Rainbow Unicorn Island drops on the 23rd.
It's time again. That autumn air. Those spooky sounds.
Welcome to Slaughterlands, the spooky district of the Vienna Gardens Theme Park! Guests enter, but do they leave? The answer is yes. But for the sake of spookiness.... no.
This is your second year with the park. Enough to know that your co-workers are all nuts, management constantly tries to shut you down.... and there are actual, real ghosts roaming the grounds. Ages ago, Vienna Gardens was the site of an ancient battle between feuding kings and queens, some of which still reside here. Which is kinda bad for business, as one of the exiled ghouls is busy raising an army to wipe Slaughterlands (and Vienna Gardens) off the map!
So now you have to try not to go out of business as well as train various skeletons and stuff for war. Usual minimum wage stuff.
Manage both your team of Scare Experts.... as well as the various ghosts!
Build an army to counter the encroaching army of the Zombie Battlemage!
Help guests with your team's skills! Fight bad guys in turn based combat!