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 Space Crusaders 














 Early Access 













 Full Controller Support 


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  [130.74 M] 


Endless Mode, Mac Support & Small Changes

>> Revision 26

- Added Mac support for Intel & Apple Silicon
- Added endless mode, it can be activated at the end of a round by clicking the "Endless" button.
- Endless mode will continue until you die, or you quit. Enemies will get progressively faster and stronger.
- Endless mode difficulty/scaling will be adjusted based on feedback

- SR12 will now start with 3 projectiles and have less upgrades to make the game start quicker.
- reduced starter skeleton XP amount

[ 2022-12-11 11:48:16 CET ] [ Original post ]

7th November Update

- 3 new augmentations & 3 more achievements.

[ 2022-11-07 00:20:35 CET ] [ Original post ]

6th November Update

Hello everyone! Here's the notes for the latest update.

- 1 new character
- Characters now have stats unique to them

- Fixed bug where the game can freeze on completion
- Fixed bug where chests sometimes don't initialize properly

- Pendant of Zerith base cooldown reduced from 12 to 10 seconds.
Will also fire the first projectile within 1 second rather than waiting for the cooldown.

Happy crusading!

[ 2022-11-06 13:10:36 CET ] [ Original post ]

1st November Update Notes

Improved stack traces to help squash bugs

[ 2022-11-01 00:51:50 CET ] [ Original post ]

Bug Fixes

A few small bug fixes to fix some pesky bugs!

[ 2022-10-31 13:23:44 CET ] [ Original post ]

Relic Bugfix

There is a bug that occasionally causes Relic pickups to lock the game.
This fix should stop that from happening.

See you in the next update!

[ 2022-09-15 04:24:37 CET ] [ Original post ]


Rerolls have been added to Space Crusaders!

Rerolls will regenerate the choices available at the "Level Up" screen to allow for more specific builds. Rerolls start at 1 per round, and can be increased via relics!

->> Revision 23

- Added Reroll to Level Up screen, start with 1 reroll
- Added Reroll as a possible modifier for some relics
- Added "Die" relic which adds rerolls

- Changed some chances for certain relic modifiers
- Added some existing relic modifiers to other existing relics

[ 2022-09-11 10:59:45 CET ] [ Original post ]

Bug Fixes

This is a small update fixing a bug with Discord Rich Presence.

There are also other minor bug fixes and changes.

- Fixed UI navigation able to get lost on the Level Up menu
- Temporarily disabled Discord activity, to fix Discord bug

- Buffed Caged Imp item
- Doubled % damage increase per level

[ 2022-09-10 09:24:29 CET ] [ Original post ]

Update notes for 6th September

- Added optional automated error reporting
- Added cap to how many relics you can have
- Added sort dropdown to Relics Menu
- Added Discord Rich Presence

- Chests must be interacted with to be picked up. Space, Enter or Gamepad Down.
- UI Selection Caret will be hidden for mouse interaction and shown for keyboard & controller navigation

- Several bug fixes
- Fix to game not showing Victory Screen
- Fixed some UI buttons not changing color on mouse hover
- Fixed enemies occasionally changing locations suddently when the game unpauses

- Unity updated to 2022.1.15f1

[ 2022-09-06 09:59:54 CET ] [ Original post ]

UI improvements and bug fix

- Prevent a chest being picked up while any window is open (fixes multiple chest bug)

- Improved Relics Menu navigation

[ 2022-08-29 04:50:19 CET ] [ Original post ]

Relics Update

With this update, Relics have been added to Space Crusaders. Relics can be collected from enemies, and can be equipped before your next battle!

Relics have random modifiers and rarity, rarer Relics will have more powerful effects! Combine Relics, Upgrades and your favorite items to create insanely powerful synergies!

Along with Relics, this update fixes and adds some minor things, mostly QOL.

Happy Crusading!

- New chest type with a new game mechanic!! Secrets await ;)
- Added Resolution Setting

- Fixed being unable to click the Return button in the Inventory Menu with a mouse
- Fixed some old incorrect UI masks
- Fixed transparent squares on text

- Pendant of Zerith
- Increased flame size by 50%
- Increased radius by 1
- Adjusted tile color of The Castle to contrast better
- Made chest drops smaller in size & adjusted their collider
- Adjusted chest sprite shadow
- Adjusted Loot music volume
- Lowered some UI sound volume
- Adjusted some UI colors
- Shield Skeleton
- HP 11 -> 25
- Eye Bat
- HP 52 -> 40
- Reduced main menu music volume

[ 2022-08-28 16:03:53 CET ] [ Original post ]

UI Quick Patch

It's been 30 hours since the release of Space Crusaders, and the amount of players playing the game has been more than expected!
The feedback generated from the release has been invaluable, really showing me what needs to be done to improve the core of the game.

This patch is a small one to improve and unify all of the UI elements in the game. It is still WIP, and suggestions are warmly welcomed on how to improve it further!

As always, thanks for playing, and happy crusading!

- UI Graphics overhaul, still WIP
- Halved camera shake

[ 2022-08-20 08:51:41 CET ] [ Original post ]

Space Crusaders Early Access Release!

It's come time to release Space Crusaders into Early Access to gather more feedback & suggestions, build a community and generate some mod content!

The current release contains a few things to be unlocked:
1 level, 2 characters, 11 items, 6 augmentations, and 8 permanently upgradeable unlocks.

There is much more content on the horizon!
I plan to soon have at least 2 complete levels, 6 characters, 20 items, and many many more augmentations and permanent unlocks to achieve.
There is also some features I plan to implement, which will add a way to make your characters more powerful than ever!

Hopefully this release of Space Crusaders is fun. It's exciting to think how the game will improve and grow in the future.
I hope to hear everyone's feedback and suggestions in the Discord Server. See you there!

[ 2022-08-19 01:59:05 CET ] [ Original post ]