Feature Friday - May 18, 2018
[ 2018-05-19 00:58:10 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Added sounds for flashbang, thermal, and normality grenades.
- Added sounds for Hand-E-Nukes.
- Added firing sounds for the following guns: laser pistol, carbine, sniper rifle, desert rifle, pump shotgun, combat shotgun, and flamethrower.
- Updated firing sounds for the following guns: single shot pistols, chaingun, and musket.
- New item: goggles.
- New item: mirrorshades.
- We replaced the "get from nearby" (ctrl-g) command with "interact nearby" (default mapping: ctrl-space). You can use interact nearby to perform any action the object in the target tile supports, regardless of whether you can pick it up.
- Item mods now increase the complexity of items and the difficulty of identifying them. As a result, modified versions of base artifacts you already understand may now appear unidentified to you. Non-artifact items with modifications may also appear unidentified.
- Some item mods are now hidden on unidentified artifacts.
- You can no longer repair items you don't understand.
- You are now asked for confirmation before disassembling items you don't own (disassembling unowned items invites hostility from their owners). You are now also asked for confirmation before examining items you don't own. Hostility is only provoked on item examination if you break the item.
- Techscanning now shows the percentage charge of energy cells.
- Put a cap on how much movement speed can reduce the energy cost of movement, fixing various exploits.
- You can no longer make a campfire in a large pool of liquid.
- Creatures now mind if you try but fail to dismember them.
- Harvesting, butchering, and rifling through trash now cost energy, so you no longer automatically perform them when enemies are nearby.
- Ceremonial vibrokhopeshes no longer function while under the effect of an electromagnetic pulse.
- Made the reload command smarter when dealing with weapons with multiple ammo systems. In particular, if the weapon has an energy cell socket, the reload command only opens the change cell dialog if the current cell is out of charge AND the gun is out of the other ammo type.
- Grit Gate's doors now give a little more feedback.
- Tweaked the way liquid volumes show up in item names.
- Fixed an exploit where you could temporarily excuse a companion in order to ask them for directions.
- Fixed an exploit where recycling suits and other liquid-producing items could be used to convert other liquids to their produced liquid type.
- Fixed an issue that prevented free trading with companions.
- Fixed an issue where Short Blade Expertise incorrectly altered your to-hit bonus with other weapon types.
- Fixed an issue that allowed you to kill a creature multiple times in successive turns, reaping the benefits each time.
- Fixed a bug that prevented the repair command from being used to repair rusted items unless they were also broken.
- We added a bunch of modding functionality around power systems.
- [modding] Added support for alternate styles of displaying charge amount. The standard style is "electrical". New styles are "clockwork", "kinetic", "tension", "roughpercentage", and "percentage". Use an empty string to indicate no display.
- [modding] Added new properties to EnergyCell: ChargeDisplayStyle (the charge display style, per above, defaults to "electrical") and TechScanChargeDisplayStyle (the charge display style to use if the player has techscanning, defaults to "percentage").
- [modding] Made charge storage run on a ChargeAvailable event, which parts can subscribe to in order to absorb charge from the event into their charge capacity.
- [modding] The SolarCell part is now SolarArray. It now provides charge via the ChargeAvailable event. Added a property, IsEMPSensitive, for whether EMP disables the parent object, defaults to true.
- [modding] The EquipChargeCell part is now EquipCharge. It now provides charge via the ChargeAvailable event. Added a property, IsEMPSensitive, for whether EMP disables the parent object, defaults to false.
- [modding] Gave EnergyCell a ChargeRate property, which is the amount of charge it can absorb from other parts per the ChargeAvailable event. Defaults to 10.
- [modding] Gave LiquidFueledPowerPlant a ChargeRate property, which is the amount of charge it provides to other parts per turn via the ChargeAvailable event (using that charge if and only if something takes it). Defaults to 0.
- [modding] Added a new part, Capacitor, which absorbs charge via the ChargeAvailable event and provides it via TestCharge and UseCharge. It supports these properties: Charge (current charge amount, defaults to 0), MaxCharge (maximum charge capacity, defaults to 10000), ChargeRate (the amount of charge it can absorb per ChargeAvailable event, defaults to 5), MinimumChargeToExplode (an amount of charge that, if nonzero, is the threshold for the capacitor exploding if its parent object is destroyed, defaults to 1000), Description (how the part is described if mentioned in messaging, defaults to "capacitor"), ChargeDisplayStyle (the charge display style to use normally, defaults to "electrical"), TechScanChargeDisplayStyle (the charge style to use if the player has techscanning, defaults to "percentage"), CatastrophicDisable (whether the part being disabled by EMP, Broken, or Rusted destroys the parent object if there is enough charge to explode, defaults to false), ChargeLossDisable (whether the part beign disabled by EMP, Broken, or Rusted reduces charge to zero, defaults to true), and IsEMPSensitive (whether EMP disables the part, defaults to true).
- [modding] Added a new part, Flywheel, which absorbs charge via the ChargeAvailable event and provides it via TestCharge and UseCharge. It supports these properties: Charge, MaxCharge, ChargeRate, MinimumChargeToExplode, PropertyAffected (an intproperty which, if not empty, is modified on the parent object according to charge level, defaults to "Stable"), PropertyDivisor (a number the charge level is divided by to produce the amount PropertyAffected is modified by, defaults to 1000), Description , ChargeDisplayStyle, TechScanChargeDisplayStyle, CatastrophicDisable, ChargeLossDisable, IsEMPSensitive, and IsPropertyEMPSensitive (whether EMP zeroes out the amount by which the part modifies PropertyAffected, defaults to false).
- [modding] Added a new part, Clockwork, which absorbs charge via the ChargeAvailable event and provides it via TestCharge and UseCharge. It supports these properties: Charge, MaxCharge, ChargeRate, MinimumChargeToExplode, Description, ChargeDisplayStyle, TechScanChargeDisplayStyle, CatastrophicDisable, ChargeLossDisable, and IsEMPSensitive.
- [modding] Added a new part FusionReactor, which provides power via the ChargeAvailable event automatically per turn. It supports these properties: ChargeRate, ExplodeChance (the percentage chance the part will explode if its parent object is destroyed, defaults to 50), ExplodeForce (the force of the explosion if it explodes, defaults to 30000), Description, CatastrophicDisable, and IsEMPSensitive.
- [modding] Added a new part, Windup, which provides power via the ChargeAvailable event when an inventory action is activated on it. It supports these properties: ChargeRate, ActionName (the name of the action, defaults to "Wind"), ActionLabel (the label for the action, defaults to "&Ww&yind"), ActionKey (the key to trigger the action, defaults to "w"), IsEMPSensitive, ActionVerb (the verb the action is described using, defaults to "wind"), and MustBeUnderstood (whether the action is only available if the item is understood, defaults to true).
- [modding] Added a new part, BroadcastPowerReceiver, which provides power via the ChargeAvailable event automatically per turn. It supports these fields: ChargeRate, CanReceiveSatellitePower (whether the part receives ambient broadcast power from ancient satellites, defaults to true), MaxSatellitePowerDepth (the maximum depth of zone at which the part can receive satellite power, defaults to 12 (two levels below ground), SatelliteWorld (the world on which the part can receive satellite power; defaults to "JoppaWorld". "*" means any world. If empty, the part fills in this field with whatever world it is on when it first activates), and IsEMPSensitive. If the part is not receiving satellite power, it polls objects in the same zone with a CollectCharge event to see if they will provide it with broadcast power.
- [modding] Added a new part, BroadcastPowerTransmitter, which provides power via the CollectCharge event. Upon receiving a CollectCharge event, it attempts to use TestCharge to find first the CollectCharge Charge amount, then half of it, then a quarter of it, in its power systems. If it finds an amount of charge it can provide, it consumes it via UseCharge and adds it to the CollectCharge event. It supports the property IsEMPSensitive.
- [modding] Added a new part, ZeroPointEnergyCollector, which provides power via the ChargeAvailable event automatically per turn. It supports these properties: ChargeRate, World, RealityDistortionBased (whether the part's operation is reality-distortion based and is disabled by reality stabilization, defaults to true), and IsEMPSensitive.
- [modding] Added a new part, InductionChargeReceiver, which receives InductionCharge events and relays the charge from them via ChargeAvailable events. It supports these properties: ChargeRate and IsEMPSensitive.
- [modding] Added a new part, InductionCharger, which every turn attempts to consume charge and transmit it to its inventory with an InductionCharge event. It uses TestCharge to determine if charge is available and UseCharge to consume it. It supports these properties: ChargeRate and IsEMPSensitive.
- [modding] Added a new part, UniversalCharger, which every turn attempts to consume charge and transmit it to its inventory with a ChargeAvailable event. It uses TestCharge to determine if charge is available and UseCharge to consume it. It supports these properties: ChargeRate and IsEMPSensitive.
- [modding] Added a new part, SolarPower, which provides power via TestCharge and UseCharge while it's in the sun. Its properties are PowerRate (the maximum amount of charge it can provide when requested in a given turn) and IsEMPSensitive.
- [modding] Added a new part, ChargeSink, that consumes charge every turn. It supports these properties: ChargeUse (the amount of charge it will attempt to consume per turn, defaults to 1) and IsEMPSensitive.
- We added some functionality for new item modifications (not available as in-game modifications by default).
- [modding] Added ModHardened part: hardens an electronic item against EMP.
- [modding] Added ModHighCapacity part: increases an energy cell's capacity.
- [modding] Added ModFlareCompensating part: adds a FlareCompensation part, a BootSequence part, and an EnergyCellSocket part to an item.
- [modding] Added ModHUD part: adds a HUD part, a BootSequence part, and an EnergyCellSocket part to an item.
- [modding] Added ModInduction part: adds an InductionChargeReceiver to an energy cell.
- [modding] Added ModMetered part: changes an energy cell's ChargeDisplayStyle to "percentage".
- [modding] Added ModSmart part: adds a Smartgun part, a BootSequence part, and an EnergyCellSocket part to an item.
- [modding] Added ModTesla part: adds a BroadcastPowerReceiver to an energy cell.
- [modding] Added a new part, FlareCompensation, that mitigates the effects of flashbang grenades. Its properties are: Level (the amount subtracted from the flashbang's duration, default is 6), ChargeUse, IsEMPSensitive, MustBeWorn (if false, the item works when equipped in any fashion. If true, it must be equipped properly per its Armor part, defaults to true), and ShowInShortDescription (whether to note the flare compensation behavior in the item's short description, defaults to true). It integrates with BootSequence.
- [modding] The LiquidVolume part now supports these properties: NamePreposition (preposition to use normally when compositing the description of a non-empty liquid volume onto the parent object's name, defaults to null. Null or empty means the liquid volume description is appended and wrapped in brackets), UnknownNamePreposition (like NamePreposition, but used when the parent object is not understood), and Collector (if true, the parent object collects liquid poured into its cell rather than allowing it to fall on the ground, defaults to false).
- [modding] The Campfire part now supports the propeerty ExtinguishBlueprint (a blueprint that the parent object can be replaced with on an extinguish action, defaults to null. Null or empty disables the extinguish action).
- [modding] The Garbage part now supports the property Level (added to the zone-based tier for items found, defaults to 0).
- [modding] The RecyclingSuitFiller and LiquidDrips parts have been refactored into the LiquidProducer part, which supports these properties: Rate (the number of turns to produce a dram of liquid, defaults to 1000), Liquid (the name of the liquid produced, defaults to "water"), VariableRate (a dice roll to use instead of Rate), LiquidConsumed (the name of a liquid that must be consumed from a sibling LiquidVolume to produce liquid, defaults to null. If specified, the produced liquid is not distributed to the sibling LiquidVolume), ChargeUse, ChanceSkipSelf (the percentage chance to ignore a sibling liquid volume as a place to distributed produced liquid), ChanceSkipSameCell (the percentage chance the item, if distributing liquid outside itself, skips distributing liquid to its own cell in favor of an adjacent cell), IsEMPSensitive, MustBeEquipped, MustBeWorn (if true, liquid production does not function if the parent object is not worn as armor on the correct limb or limbs per its Armor part, defaults to false), PreferCollectors (whether, when distributing liquid to adjacent cells, distribution to a cell containing a Collector LiquidVolume will be preferred, defaults to false), PureOnFloor (whether liquid distributed to a cell is distributed in a pure state rather than being mixed with salt, defaults to false), and ConsumePure (whether the LiquidConsumed must be pure in order to be used, otherwise it will be extracted from a mixture, defaults to false).
- [modding] Added a new part, DeployWith, which designates another object that should be created with the item, typically in a random empty nearby cell. Its properties are: Blueprint (the blueprint of the object to create, supports the same meta-specifications as the
tag's Blueprint field), SolidOkay (whether "solid"-occupied cells are okay to deploy in, defaults to false), SeepingOkay (whether to use "seeping" logic for whether a cell is "solid"-occupied, defaults to false), SameCell (whether to just deploy the object in the same cell regardless of all other considerations, defaults to false), PreferredDirection (if a local cell in this direction is usable according to SolidOkay and SeepingOkay, then that cell will be used instead of a random one), and Chance (the percentage chance the object will be deployed, defaults to 100). - [modding] Added a new part, TemperatureAdjuster, which alters local temperature. Its properties are: ChargeUse (the amount of charge used per turn active, defaults to 1), TemperatureAmount (the amount temperatures are adjusted per turn, defaults to 5), TemperatureThreshold (a temperature threshold for controlling when the part is active, defaults to 100), ThresholdAbove (if true, the part does not attempt to adjust temperatures that are at or above the TemperatureThreshold. If false, the part does not attempt to adjust temperatures that are at or below the TemperatureThreshold, defaults to true), AffectsSelf (whether the item adjust its own temperature, defaults to true), AffectsEquipper (whether the item adjusts the temperature of someone who equips it in any way, defaults to true), AffectsWearer (whether the item adjusts the temperature of someone who wears it as armor on the proper limb or limbs according to its Armor part, defaults to true), AffectsCarrier (whether the item adjusts the container's temperature when it is contained in an inventory, defaults to true), AffectsCell (whether the item adjusts the temperature of other objects in the same cell, defaults to true), AffectsAdjacentCells (whether the item adjusts the temperature of objects in adjacent cells, defaults to true), AlwaysUseCharge (if true, the item always consumes its ChargeUse amount even if it does not attempt to adjust any temperatures in a given turn, defaults to false), and IsEMPSensitive.
- [modding] Added a new part, Smartgun, which provides a bonus to missile weapon accuracy and missile weapon to hit (on a target in the cell aimed at only) if and only if the firer has a way of receiving the smartgun data. Its properties are: Level (the amount of bonus to accuracy and to hit, defaults to 1), ChargeUse, EquipperPropertyEnables (if the equipper's value for this intproperty is > 0, the smart data is considered received and the bonuses can take effect, defaults to "TechScannerEquipped"), EquipperEventEnables (if this event fired on the equipper returns false, the smart data is considered received and the bonuses can take effect, defaults to "HandleSmartData"), and IsEMPSensitive. This part integrates with BootSequence.
- [modding] Added a new part, HUD, which returns false for an event fired on its equipper and is intended for use with Smartgun. Its properties are: ChargeUse, EventHandled (the event the part returns false for on the equipper, defaults to "HandleSmartData"), IsEMPSensitive, and MustBeWorn. This part integrates with BootSequence.
- [modding] The DecoyHologramEmitter, ForceEmitter, Teleporter, and VibroWeapon parts now have the property IsEMPSensitive (defaults to true).
- [modding] The intproperty HitBonus on characters can be used to give them a to-hit bonus or penalty.
- [modding] The intproperty MissilWeaponAccuracyBonus now works when placed on the missile weapon in addition to the firer.
- [modding] The intproperty IncomingAimModifier on characters can be used to adjust (positive is a penalty, negative is a bonus) the aim of missile weapon attacks targeted directly on the character.
- [modding] The tag IdleObject is no longer needed for the idle system.
Caves of Qud
Freehold Games
Freehold Games
Indie Strategy RPG Singleplayer EA
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The Game includes VR Support
Caves of Qud - Linux [214.01 M]
Caves of Qud is a science fantasy roguelike epic steeped in retrofuturism, deep simulation, and swathes of sentient plants. Come inhabit an exotic world and chisel through layers of thousand-year-old civilizations. Decide: is it a dying earth, or is it on the verge of rebirth?
You arrive at the oasis-hamlet of Joppa, along the far rim of Moghra'yi, the Great Salt Desert. All around you, moisture farmers tend to groves of viridian watervine. There are huts wrought from rock salt and brinestalk. On the horizon, Qud's jungles strangle chrome steeples and rusted archways to the earth. Further and beyond, the fabled Spindle rises above the fray and pierces the cloud-ribboned sky.
You clutch your rifle, or your vibroblade, or your tattered scroll, or your poisonous stinger, or your hypnotized goat. You approach a watervine farmer—he lifts the brim of his straw hat and says, "Live and drink, friend."
Who are you?
Play the role of a mutant indigenous to the salt-spangled dunes and jungles of Qud, or play a pure-strain descendant from one of the few remaining eco-domes—the toxic arboreta of Ekuemekiyye, the Holy City; the ice-sheathed arcology of Ibul; or the crustal mortars of Yawningmoon.You arrive at the oasis-hamlet of Joppa, along the far rim of Moghra'yi, the Great Salt Desert. All around you, moisture farmers tend to groves of viridian watervine. There are huts wrought from rock salt and brinestalk. On the horizon, Qud's jungles strangle chrome steeples and rusted archways to the earth. Further and beyond, the fabled Spindle rises above the fray and pierces the cloud-ribboned sky.
You clutch your rifle, or your vibroblade, or your tattered scroll, or your poisonous stinger, or your hypnotized goat. You approach a watervine farmer—he lifts the brim of his straw hat and says, "Live and drink, friend."
What can you do?
Anything and everything. Caves of Qud is a deeply simulated, biologically diverse, richly cultured world.- Assemble your character from over 70 mutations and defects and 24 castes and kits—outfit yourself with wings, two heads, quills, four arms, flaming hands, or the power to clone yourself—it's all the character diversity you could want.
- Explore procedurally-generated regions with some familiar locations—each world is nearly 1 million maps large.
- Dig through everything—don't like the wall blocking your way? Dig through it with a pickaxe, or eat through it with your corrosive gas mutation, or melt it to lava. Yes, every wall has a melting point.
- Hack the limbs off monsters—every monster and NPC is as fully simulated as the player. That means they have levels, skills, equipment, faction allegiances, and body parts. So if you have a mutation that lets you, say, psionically dominate a spider, you can traipse through the world as a spider, laying webs and eating things.
- Pursue allegiances with over 60 factions—apes, crabs, robots, and highly entropic beings—just to name a few.
- Follow the plot to Barathrum the Old, a sentient cave bear who leads a sect of tinkers intent on restoring technological splendor to Qud.
- Learn the lore—there's a story in every nook, from legendary items with storied pasts to in-game history books written by plant historians.
- Die—Caves of Qud is brutally difficult and deaths are permanent. Don't worry, though—you can always roll a new character.
- OS: Ubuntu 20.04. Ubuntu 18.04. and CentOS 7
- Processor: 1GHz or faster. SSE2 instruction set support.Memory: 4 GB RAM
- Memory: 4 GB RAM
- Graphics: Graphics card: OpenGL 3.2+. Vulkan capable
- Storage: 2 GB available space
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