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 Pitstop in Purgatory 



 Tymedust Games 



 Tymedust Games 




















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Store page open for Poetry in Purgatory, this game's sequel!

Rise and shine, Dwellers!

We're happy to announce that the store page for Poetry in Purgatory, the standalone sequel to Pitstop in Purgatory, is finally open and available here!

While the release of the full game is far away still, we expect to share a major demo sometime during 2024, as part of one of the year's Steam Next Fest events.

Poetry in Purgatory is a much bigger game than Pitstop in Purgatory, in fact the aforementioned demo alone will contain more words than the entirety of Pitstop! We're taking everything we've learned so far making unique visual novel/point and click adventure hybrid titles and applying it to this one, and we can't wait to bring it into the world! :)

Wishlisting the game, especially in this early stage of development, helps us a ton! So thank you on beforehand for considering it.

All the love,


[ 2023-12-15 18:16:49 CET ] [ Original post ]

Pitstop in Purgatory is getting a SEQUEL... and you can play it NOW!

Hi everyone!

This is Tymedust reporting to you, all the awesome people who have given this game a chance by buying it here on Steam. Currently we've got a Summer sale going on, so be sure to spread that around if you have any friends who might be interested in taking the plunge. :)

And now, some very fun news... check this out!


Isobel Salvie seems to have everything; youth, beauty, wealth... unfortunately, none of that matters much when you're dead, poisoned by an unknown person for equally unknown reasons. Arriving in Heaven, Isobel is greeted by God herself. All seems well, because as it turns out, Paradise is wonderful.

However, the afterlife's pleasures don't come for free...

Poetry in Purgatory is a unique, ever-evolving story about what it means to live, love and make peace with things you can't run away from... even when you may desperately want to.

Experience the prologue, full first act and the entire Bliss Alwes character route in version 0.1 of the game. And then be sure to check back regularly as the game receives frequent updates, adding new routes and story content for free! Don't worry, there will be no need to replay old content for returning players.


That's right, Pitstop in Purgatory is getting a standalone sequel - Poetry in Purgatory - and in fact... it's out NOW on itchio. Well, kinda. You see, we're going episodic this time around, or rather... incorporating a sort of live service feel to it (although for a single-player game, of course). :)

The game is absolutely free, as will all the many upcoming content updates be. Then, once it's eventually completed, it will get a full retail release (Steam included, of course). Until then, however, you're more than welcome to join our journey by checking out the game in its current state. We're very excited about working with the community to make this game as special as it possibly can be!

As before, we're entirely self-financing this project, based solely on our passion for the universe we're creating. So if you enjoy our work, consider visiting our Patreon where you can help us in development while also receiving some real cool benefits!

But enough talk, have at you here's the current game features:

  • Enter a truly memorable story currently consisting of 56k+ words, with a morality system that determines key traits of the main character, Isobel.
  • Explore the interactive world of Purgatory through a day-night cycle with four segments per day... lots of stuff to click on (or not, if you don't want to).
  • Play your way! Commit fully to the story or partake in as many character routes as you desire, and watch as their outcomes change the main narrative in meaningful ways.
  • Twist your mind as you uncover a myriad of plot threads, all carried by an afterlife setting as rich in lore as it is in pure, unadulterated fun.
  • Marvel at sprites, backgrounds, special scenes and inventory items all drawn in a beautiful and unique style.
  • Unlock 50+ hidden items, including database entries and gallery images.
  • Bop your head to a dynamic soundtrack composed by popular YouTube artist Endigo.

As well as a list of upcoming planned features:

  • Fleshed out world: Purgatory grows each day! Frequent, smaller updates will bring new interactions, side quests and artwork to existing characters and their routes.
  • Major story updates: Expect 3 full story acts loaded with twists and turns, as well as a monumental epilogue where your choices will be put to the ultimate test.
  • Major route updates: Bliss Alwes's route will be joined by 7 others for a grand total of 8 characters that you may romance... or choose to stay friends with. Romancing several characters at once is also a possibility!
  • Godly missions: Undertake optional content that will reward you with special scenes which are otherwise unattainable.
  • Achievements: Show off your Purgatorian efforts to your fellow Dwellers and Denizens. Coming very soon (and more will be added over time)!

We're hoping that you'll join us for this next exciting chapter of the Purgatoryverse. :)

Have a fantastic Summer and thank you for the support... it means the world to us!

And hey, if you want a place to talk about our games, and visual novels in general... we'd love to have you join our Discord! <3



[ 2023-07-03 17:16:29 CET ] [ Original post ]

Free DLC/Content Update (v 1.4) Out Now + Patreon Launch!

Rise and shine, Dwellers!

Version 1.4 is finally upon you, with a host of exciting new features included:

Your continued support means the world to us, and we hope you'll enjoy this free update which closes out part 1 of our story. It wouldn't have been possible without you!

Pitstop in Purgatory is currently 50% off as part of Steam's Spring Sale (running to Mar 23, 10 AM Pacific), so the timing couldn't be better to visit Purgatory for the first time. Spread the word! :)

In addition, we've launched an official Patreon! Using this platform, you can support us, help make the scope of our games larger, and earn cool rewards. Everything we earn on there goes toward game development!

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for playing our games and enjoying them. You make us feel like there's a place in the world for our unique vision, and we appreciate you all so, so much for that!

Have a Guide-tastic weekend!

/The Team

[ 2023-03-17 21:44:31 CET ] [ Original post ]

Android Release + DLC News

Hi everyone!

Just popping in to tell y'all that Pitstop in Purgatory is finally available on Android! This is our first mobile release and as such we're really proud of it, and so thankful for your continued support. :)

You can check it out in the Google Play Store with the demo version also available there, or as always on itch.io.

Also, we'd like to share that we're aiming for the game's free DLC to release in March!

The DLC will provide closure to part 1 of our story, setting the stage for the game's sequel while also allowing you to hang out with the cast one last time. We hope you're looking forward to it!

Pitstop in Purgatory is a game that you haven't truly completed until you've played all routes, so we strongly recommend doing so before trying the DLC.

Thanks for reading and have an awesome week! :)

/Tymedust Games

[ 2023-02-20 23:21:05 CET ] [ Original post ]

New Free Game Out Now + Upcoming DLC!

Hi everyone!

Let me start by saying that as a solo developer heading into the world of visual novels it's been a very daunting year to say the least. I never thought I'd be able to finish a game, much less be able to get it on to Steam. So this has been amazing, and I'm SO thankful to all of you who have checked it out!

Be sure to drop a positive review if you like the game, it's very helpful. :)

As a solo dev I pay for everything myself, including my team for their efforts as hired guns (so to speak). Because of this, I'm extremely happy and proud to announce that sales of Pitstop in Purgatory has, as of last week, started to make me a small profit. I never thought I'd get my money back (my games are 100% passion projects), much less actually be able to start building capital for my next project.

So for that, too... THANK YOU!

To celebrate, me and the team actually made a new game. It's a prequel to PiP, and it's free to download over on itch.io (along with all of our other previous titles, too).

Please enjoy this next chapter/side story set in the Purgatoryverse. :)

I also want to share that we're going to be making some DLC for PiP which will bridge the game's story into its upcoming sequel (yes, we're making a sequel...!).

The DLC will be entirely free for game owners and should be out sometime before Summer next year.

Making games is my passion, and sharing it with you is a feeling beyond words.

Happy new year,


[ 2022-12-31 19:58:48 CET ] [ Original post ]

Nominate Pitstop in Purgatory for Outstanding Story-Rich Game

The season of Steam Awards is upon us once again and there are so many great games out there worthy of attention.

If you enjoyed your time in Purgatory, then perhaps you'd consider nominating the game for the Outstanding Story-Rich Game award?

Thank you for all the love and support! It means the world to us! :)

Don't own Pitstop in Purgatory yet?

Make sure to get the game for 20% off during Steam's Autumn Sale, happening right now!

[ 2022-11-22 20:07:02 CET ] [ Original post ]

Game Release!

Pitstop in Purgatory, the acclaimed visual novel/graphic adventure game, is finally on Steam!

Soundtrack and deluxe edition bundle also available.

Thank you so much to everyone who's followed the game's development and added it to their wishlists.

You mean the world to us!

Enjoy your stay in Purgatory!

[ 2022-10-15 00:27:02 CET ] [ Original post ]