So, for a few smaller games in the past (including tomorrow's Dinos Shakespeare 2 DLC), we have used AI backgrounds. We had both in-house discussions about it, as well as extensively made sure that the singular artist we used for said games was being ethical in what she fed her AI.
Scarecrows came out, and at the time, we assumed the generated art was made using the same level of care (as their prior art that we used from the same artist was painted), and while we have no reason to believe otherwise and do not wish to slander said artist, we will be working to attain new background art for Scarecrows. This might look like a combination of new and existing art or it might be new art altogether. Regardless, it will not happen overnight.
We will not be using AI art of any kind in any future games. We apologize to both our fellow developers as well as our customers for any ill will gained via our actions.
So, if you're on this store page, I guess you want to know what this game is about, huh? Well, let me tell you: it's a doozy. Everyone read about the American Revolution, right? Here's what the history books won't tell you:
There were dinosaurs.
Not really, but go with it. Journey with Poe and Imogen, two reluctant Dinosaur Farmers, as their quiet corner of the world is thrust into the heart of the American Revolution! Now, they must brave the bullets and cannons and try to find peace in a world gone mad. You'll go from scenic winter cabins to tropical rainforest in an effort to win the war, because that's the only way you know how to get away from the war!
10 dinosaurs, each with their own skills to utilize in battle!
5 historic fronts of the American Revolution, now with 100% more whimsy! Because that's what war lacks, right?
This game has politics up the bum.
Maybe you'll learn some Shakespeare. Probably not. This is our most inaccurate adaptation yet. OR IS IT?