A little christmas patch for you! Today we launch a new patch update for CyberTD. It doesnt provide new content, but fixes several issues. These are some newly introduced issues mostly due to the re-roll feature as well as issues related to multiplayer. We also finally launch our Steam Trading Cards today. Now when playing CyberTD on Steam you can unlock them and then unlock new background, emoticons and more. We wish you all merry christmas and a happy new year!
Full changelog
- fixed game crashing when continueing with endless mode and the start score there would be the first rank and the players first score there at the same time
- fixed banning card not always working properly in virus zone
- fixed playtime in save slot not properly increasing anymore reaching a certain playtime
- fixed re-rolling with controller toggling range
- fixed game not working properly anymore with Chinese language
- fixed game speed resetting when restarting run/continueing with endless mode
- fixed icon for picked trait missing on Mac
- fixed banning cards in multiplayer sometimes disconnecting multiplayer
- fixed visual re-rolls getting off the real value in multiplayer when defeating bosses
- fixed some shuffled cards not working properly in multiplayer
- fixed some problems in multiplayer
[ 2024-12-19 09:08:26 CET ] [ Original post ]
Today its time for a new content update for CyberTD! The new update adds some quality of life features like a preview of the damage bonus (e.g. when getting a buff depending on the cards in the deck) as well as a monster tooltip to see their actual stats. We also added a re-roll and ban functionality so you get a little more control over your deck. We hope it will help you reach higher waves more easily. Also the automatic deck got a lot of improvements and rules, when some cards can drop. Thats probably mostly helpful for challenges as advanced players most certainly will anyway use custom decks. But for those who dont or play challenges, these improvements will give you way better fitting cards now. Together with the update we also launched the Cartridge DLC package you can now download for free! Besides that there are plenty of other improvements and bugfixes to make CyberTD even better!
Full changelog
- improved dependant card preview in ingame deck
- slightly improved cannon paralysis
- reduced grind to level up
- improved balancing of straight path layout
- added dynamic info screen to show some additional info for some upgrades
- added re-roll functionality
- added ban functionality
- slightly increased default range of Gatling
- added monster tooltip showing health and speed
- improved stats overlay on upgrade screen
- allowed to zoom out further
- fixed display issue in ingame deck menu on resolutions < 16:9
- fixed some usernames not working with scoreboards
- fixed Mac showing Windows button prompts for Ctrl and Alt
- fixed shuffle card preview sometimes being displayed even though card not hovered anymore
- fixed challenge score submitted after the deadline of the previous challenge counting for the next challenge already even though achieved with a different configuration
- fixed maybe level unlocking not working properly in coop when other player quits too early
- fixed Alpha Modulator resistance not being adjusted properly for new waves
- fixed pressing continue with endless mode via controller opening info screen/deck
- fixed some upgrades dropping with automatic deck even though the necessary ability isnt equipped
- fixed visible LOD on ultra settings
- fixed mutators running async in multiplayer
- fixed wrong deck count being displayed for player 2 in multiplayer clicking on deck panel in multiplayer as player 2 opens deck of player 1
- fixed mutator achievements not unlocking in multiplayer
[ 2024-11-07 11:14:12 CET ] [ Original post ]
We are happy to announce a new game in our tower defense series: Elemental War Clash! It combines the best features of Elemental War 1 and 2 to create a new and better experience:
- Dozens of different towers with different abilities and strengths
- 3 singleplayer modes: Hero Mode, Classic Mode, Survival Mode
- Plenty of passive and active items as well as tower equipment
- Monster abilities from Gold Rush to Invincibility to make each run unique
- Different and visual stunning environments from desert to ice world
- Different skills with multiple upgrades to customize your playing behavior
- Plenty of different monsters and elementals
- Several quests to unlock new items for Hero Mode
- Level editor to create and share new maps
[ 2024-10-24 15:48:02 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi everyone, Welcome back to cyberspace! Our next game HexaScape: Cyber Defense has just been announced - and it comes with a demo! HexaScape: Cyber Defense is an addictive mix of hex grid puzzles and tower defense mechanics to create a compelling turn-based strategy game. So if you are a strategy player or a board game addict, this game is for you! And it also features ViKing 2000 as your helper drone again . https://store.steampowered.com/app/2647510/HexaScape_Cyber_Defense/ [previewyoutube=MajT21aXqeU;full][/previewyoutube]
[ 2024-04-18 12:38:55 CET ] [ Original post ]
After the big content update for CyberTD in December we have a new update for you. This time its just a patch to solve some bugs that got reported or we stumbled upon ourselves. This includes one achievement (Endless jumps) not unlocking properly as the upgrade was a little broken and the Modulator achievement unlocking too early. There are also a few other things here and there. Most annoying for me was that one of the three new viruses sometimes didnt get hit by projectile weapons (so laser and arc emitter worked, all others often didnt). Next step for us to experiment a little with some ideas we have for the next content update. Its too early to announce it as we dont know yet if it will work out and be fun. And we also dont have a date for it yet as were currently also very busy with other stuff. If you have any ideas or wishes you want to see in CyberTD, feel free to share them with us. Were always looking forward to your feedback in order to improve our games.
Full changelog
- fixed cannon jump damage reduction not working properly
- fixed special cases when picking certain upgrades
- fixed Modulator achievement also unlocking when defeating Alpha Modulator
- fixed deck screen jumping to first page when picking last card on last page
- fixed some button sometimes overlapping some text
- fixed fast switching of scoreboard view while its loading still showing some of the prompts for it
- fixed one virus almost never getting hit by projectile weapons
- fixed rounding issues on info screen
- fixed some units causing issues on spawn on Mac
- fixed defense drone gatling not working at all
- fixed rare issue with achievements
[ 2024-02-02 09:07:24 CET ] [ Original post ]
The second CyberTD content update is now live introducing five new level-ups with 20 new upgrades. These upgrades allow new strategies you can figure out and introduce the new quest and shuffle mechanics.
- Shuffle cards add additional cards to your deck for the run. Some of them are extremely powerful, while others have no effect at all. But even the latter ones can be used to your advantage when combined with other upgrades.
- Quest cards usually are a set of upgrades that on completion (after picking all related ones) will trigger some bonus effect.
Full changelog
- score progress now is also displayed in coop mode
- added new upgrades
- added dpad horizontal navigation in weapon menu
- added deck screen ingame to check remaining cards in deck
- added tooltips for icons filter screen to find out which weapon, ability or status effect is referred to
- improved wording on some upgrades
- added three more enemy variations
- added deck copy and clear option
- fixed missile on tower not being visible in hub when missile launcher is preselected as weapon
- fixed crosshair for controller not being visible when entering hub
- fixed some frame rate dependent stuff
- fixed Nanite Optimization and Nanite Repair not being stackable
- fixed score preview sometimes being wrong when starting endless mode the first time for the biome/map/mode combination
- fixed rare case where challenge result notification and cutscene could overlap
- fixed EMP Bubble not being selectable in deck
[ 2023-12-20 09:42:15 CET ] [ Original post ]
The Christmas season is just around the corner, and so is the second content update for CyberTD! It contains 20 brand new upgrades for levels 46 to 50, allowing for new strategies: You'll be able to complete quests to unlock powerful upgrades, or choose upgrades that become more powerful the larger your upgrade deck is...
So it may not seem like it, but this junk upgrade can also be part of your strategies:
Or are we just trolling?
But that's not all: We've added some new virus units to the game. This one is called "The Scream" because its "facial expression" is reminiscent of a famous painting of the same name...
The second content update will be released on Wednesday, December 20th.
[ 2023-12-04 10:40:40 CET ] [ Original post ]
The first CyberTD content update is live now featuring two new game modes and plenty other adjustments. The big new feature of CyberTD 1.1.0 are the two new game modes:
- After beating wave 100 you can now continue the game in endless mode and see how long your build will last.
- And in strategy mode (which you can select in the hub right after the tutorial sequence) you have pre-defined waves and paths now, so the only random factor there are the cards. That will make planning a strategy how to beat the waves a lot easier as you know exactly when what spawns.
Full changelog
- added endless mode
- added strategy mode
- added support for mutators also in multiplayer
- made pausing behavior when game is in background configurable
- ViKing ability takes can be disabled now
- improved wording on level-up screen
- added option to disable card animations
- added hint on level-up screen how the upgrades work and when to unlock the deckbuilding
- added possibility for Alpha Modulators with resistance against burn and corrosion effects
- added loading spinner to scoreboard indicating scores get loaded in background
- fixed game not saving playing singleplayer with chat
- fixed challenge win ratio always being displayed as 0
Whats going to happen next?
We will continue working on bug reports as they occur. And of course well work on the second content update which is scheduled for December and will introduce five new level-ups with 20 new upgrades allowing new strategies. The new main mechanic for the upgrades will be a shuffle mechanic. That means some of the new upgrades will shuffle other cards in your deck during the run. These can be good cards and even permanent upgrades (for this run) and also some trash cards that just fill up your deck and reduce your drop chances for the upgrades you want. But even in that case they have a purpose because there are upgrades that make use of the trash cards. If you have any ideas or wishes what you would like to see in CyberTD, join our Discord and chat with us there.
[ 2023-11-14 09:07:58 CET ] [ Original post ]
CyberTD 1.0.2 fixes more bugs to make it an even smoother experience. Most of these issues were more of a cosmetic nature, so some stuff not getting displayed properly. We also slightly improved the speed you level up with, adjusted balancing of three cards and made the infection level visible also on the upgrade screen, so playing the virus zone biome is easier now.
Full changelog
- slightly sped up levelling
- increased rarity of a few upgrades
- added infection level also to upgrade screen
- fixed wrong rank and score being displayed for current challenge in data center
- fixed wrong rank and score being displayed in biome switcher
- fixed wrong percentage being mentioned for virus buffs in challenges
- fixed overload optimization with different buff level for both players breaking in multiplayer
- fixed ViKing abilities not being usable in challenges via UI when abilities are disabled
- fixed jump damage reduction of Cannon having inverted effect
- fixed some rare bugs
First update with new game modes
Then we'll start work on the first content update, which is due in mid of November and will introduce two new game modes for you to play:
- Endless mode: Proceed after wave 100 and find out how long your build can survive. You won't be able to choose new upgrades and the viruses will continue getting stronger and bring a few new abilities with them.
- Strategy mode: Instead of all normal waves being random, you get predefined waves like in classic tower defense games, so you always know when which virus with which ability will spawn and can plan ahead.
[ 2023-10-26 13:57:02 CET ] [ Original post ]
CyberTD 1.0.1 fixes almost all reported bugs including a disconnect issue in multiplayer, includes first balancing tweaks and more. One disconnect bug during upgrade selection might still occur. We added a bunch of new logs to track it down. Whenever it happens for you it would be great if you could report us anything you notice around it and also in which biome it happened for you.
Full changelog
- reduced size of save icon
- added backspace as secondary key to delete savegames
- backspace displayed on Mac to delete savegames instead of Delete
- in case only second key is assigned for an action is designed that icon is displayed now
- playing with keyboard only mouse now gets hidden after a while
- nerfed Electron Extractor
- improved deck readability on Steam Deck
- fixed when being the only score (e.g. for new challenge) rank up icon never displays
- fixed path layout missing from challenge description
- fixed some ViKing ability takes being cut off
- fixed ability ViKing having wrong face sometimes
- fixed black text background on loading screen thats never used
- fixed lives not being displayed properly when playing with start lives mutator
- fixed challenge rank when current score being same as score on last rank being displayed as rank 10000
- fixed some exploitable builds
- fixed level-up cards being slightly cut off on the sides on Steam Deck and similar aspect ratios
- fixed disconnect in multiplayer when mobile launcher spawned its missile
- fixed rare issue in virus biome cards not working as intended
- fixed malicious cards showing wrong text
- fixed Arc Emitter Overclocking not showing speed malus in stats
- fixed weapons sometimes not firing anymore
First update with new game modes
Then we'll start work on the first content update, which is due in early November and will introduce two new game modes for you to play:
- Endless mode: Proceed after wave 100 and find out how long your build can survive. You won't be able to choose new upgrades and the viruses will continue getting stronger and bring a few new abilities with them.
- Strategy mode: Instead of all normal waves being random, you get predefined waves like in classic tower defense games, so you always know when which virus with which ability will spawn and can plan ahead.
[ 2023-10-06 15:04:14 CET ] [ Original post ]
The launch week of CyberTD is almost over and we would like to thank you for your kind words, your feedback and your kindness in the few cases where major issues have arisen. Our small team of three is doing its best to answer your questions while starting the bug-fixing process and to extend the content of the game. So that's what's planned for the next few days and weeks:
First patch incoming
We're currently working on the first patch for CyberTD to fix a few reported issues and tweak the balance a bit. It will be released as soon as possible. As the multiplayer disconnect issue is more complex to fix, we don't have a specific date yet as we want to make sure everything is running smoothly.
First update with new game modes
Then we'll start work on the first content update, which is due in early November and will introduce two new game modes for you to play:
- Endless mode: Proceed after wave 100 and find out how long your build can survive. You won't be able to choose new upgrades and the viruses will continue getting stronger and bring a few new abilities with them.
- Strategy mode: Instead of all normal waves being random, you get predefined waves like in classic tower defense games, so you always know when which virus with which ability will spawn and can plan ahead.
[ 2023-10-04 13:58:51 CET ] [ Original post ]
Release day was such a blast! We couldn't concentrate on anything but watching the highscore live ticker on our Discord... . And there were so many videos, streams, and articles coming in! If you want to learn more about the game before you play, here's a selection of reviews:
Video Review from Higher Plain Games
[previewyoutube=I9IpUnzAtOs;full][/previewyoutube] "With near-endless possibilities to customise your unique deck, a penchant for harking back to the good old days of tower-defense titles, and online multiplayer to boot, this may be one to keep an eye on." News article from thexboxhub.com
Update: Twitch Streaming Contest
More than 20 streamers have already participated in the Twitch Streaming Contest! Meanwhile, Locono1 and his community have taken the lead with more than 44,000,000 points - that's more than we ever achieved in our test sessions! Will anyone be able to beat this score?

What's Next?
Now it's time for us to get back to work. There are some minor and even some major issues that need to be fixed. And we already got a lot of feedback and feature suggestions from you that we have to evaluate to make CyberTD even more compelling!
[ 2023-09-29 10:19:00 CET ] [ Original post ]
It feels so unreal: CyberTD is out now! We hope you get that "just one more round..." feeling like we do, that makes time fly by... If you first want to take a look at the game, check out the extensive demo which already shows a lot of the gameplay. And then get ready for the epic high score battle and find the one strategy to rule them all !
Twitch Streaming Contest
There's a Twitch Streaming Contest running from now until October 1st, 12am. Your streamer needs your help to get the high score and win unique prizes! Here's the full list of participants. View High Scores If you're a streamer yourself - come and join us! It's not too late. Here's everything you need to know.
What's going to happen next?
If you like the game, spread the word! As an indie developer, we're totally dependent on your word-of-mouth. If you find any bugs, encounter any problems, or have any suggestions for great additions to the game, let us know on the forums or on our Discord. Or you may find the answer in our FAQ. This release is just the beginning! If you want more, we have many ideas for expanding the game and the universe, and we want to hear your ideas!
Check out the latest trailer
[previewyoutube=qu390Z1-kSA;full][/previewyoutube] Have fun! Sebastian & the Clockwork Origins team
[ 2023-09-28 08:55:40 CET ] [ Original post ]
Are you ready for a relaxed tower defense game with a unique deckbuilding mechanic that you want to play over and over again? That you can even play with your favourite Twitch streamer? CyberTD features Twitch integration to make the game even more compelling! The streamer and the community each have their own tower to upgrade after each wave, so together you must find the best tactics to defend the core of cyberspace. That's why we've come up with something special for the release: From September 28th to the 30th, Twitch streamers and their communities will try to set the high score in co-op mode. Both the streamer and the community will have to coordinate their strategies to get the best results. Not only will it be a lot of fun, but well reward the top three high scores with unique prizes: [olist]
[ 2023-09-12 10:25:52 CET ] [ Original post ]
Dear community, It was such a blast with you at Gamescom! Many of you visited our small booth in the Indie area and it was overwhelming to see you all having a great time with CyberTD. Such a great experience that we want to repeat as soon as possible! But after Gamescom is before launch. There are only three weeks left before you can start protecting cyberspace from mutated viruses once and for all. The release date for CyberTD is September 28th, so be sure to check out the extensive demo now and add the game to your wishlist. Since our ViKing 2000 drone is getting more and more popular, we asked her to promote CyberTD herself. But it seems that we had really bad luck... Why? Check out in the new trailer for yourself: [previewyoutube=qu390Z1-kSA;full][/previewyoutube] On September 28th you will get the answers to these highly important questions:
- What's the story behind the drone's split personality? There's more to it than you might think...
- Will the game contain viruses? (Spoiler: yes!)
- How addictive can tower defense games be?
[ 2023-09-04 12:43:09 CET ] [ Original post ]
Be the first to have a look at CyberTD! For the Steam Next Fest starting on June 19th, we have prepared a huge demo of CyberTD that you can check out now. The demo includes all the game mechanics, the first 30 waves of the game, and the first 10 level-ups, so you can really get a feel for the game and how addictive it is to build your own deck of upgrades. Just check it out. We would love to hear what you think! Furthermore the demo already contains our singleplayer Twitch integration. With that your chat is able to vote for your upgrades and you can decide whether they shall be able to automatically pick them for you or if you want them to just be hints. Steps to use:
- start the game (obviously )
- navigate to Settings => Account
- Register a new Clockwork account or log into your existing
- Navigate to the Chat integration submenu in Account
- Link your Twitch account to your Clockwork account
- This will forward you to Twitch to log in and accept our token request
- Then back in the game go to the Chat integration menu again
- Connect to Twitch
- Now the game will automatically run polls
- You can configure whether the chat can pick votes or just give hints and in case they pick how long the poll shall run
[ 2023-06-16 15:03:29 CET ] [ Original post ]
Watch Daniel of Clockwork Origins play the CyberTD demo, which you can also play yourself during Steam Next Fest, June 19th to 26th. Join us on June 25, 10pm CEST here on Steam! While playing Daniel will answer your questions and talk a little about the development of CyberTD as well as maybe leaking some release date already ;) Play the free demo during Steam Next Fest and share your feedback with us! https://store.steampowered.com/app/2109510/CyberTD/
[ 2023-06-16 14:53:08 CET ] [ Original post ]
Watch Daniel of Clockwork Origins play the CyberTD demo, which you can also play yourself during Steam Next Fest, June 19th to 26th. Join us on June 19, 10pm CEST here on Steam! While playing Daniel will answer your questions and talk a little about the development of CyberTD as well as maybe leaking some release date already ;) Play the free demo during Steam Next Fest and share your feedback with us! https://store.steampowered.com/app/2109510/CyberTD/
[ 2023-06-16 14:49:56 CET ] [ Original post ]
Its finally time to announce our new tower defense CyberTD, a mix of tower defense, roguelite and deckbuilding taking place in our cyberspace setting now called Triverse. Working on it since April this year were finally ready to announce our new game, CyberTD! Its a tower defense game, mostly turn-based, roguelite with deckbuilding and inspired by Taur, Core Defense and Slay the Spire. You have one tower to defend the cyber core against viruses. Each wave you can select an upgrade to enhance your tower and its customizable loadout of weapons and active abilities to strengthen your defense and explore different combinations. Play it alone, in local or online multiplayer both in coop and a versus mode or on Twitch with or against your chat! You can already wishlist the game. Doing so will help us a lot, even when youre not going to buy it in the end, so please consider it and tell all your friends about it as well! CyberTD shall be released on PC (Windows, Linux, Mac) in 2023. Check out our announcement trailer: [previewyoutube=0-INm_7mdt4;full][/previewyoutube]
[ 2022-10-04 19:13:56 CET ] [ Original post ]
🎮 Full Controller Support
- [0 B]
Innovative tower defense experience
CyberTD takes the classic tower defense experience and combines it with roguelite elements, creating a captivating mix. With each level-up, you'll unlock new upgrades and gain access to more options for customizing your defense according to your own unique style.Easy to learn, tough to master
Though learning the game's simple mechanics is easy, you'll need to come up with an elaborate strategy if you're looking to reach high-score territory. You'll be entertained for plenty of time in your hunt for better upgrades and tactics – and you’ll get some questionable support from a retired killer drone with two feisty personalities.Various game modes
You'll always find yourself facing new challenges through these different game modes:- Single Player: Viruses charge at you, wave after wave, with mutations that boost their strength and endurance – but you, too, have access to a growing range of effective defense mechanisms designed to stop them.
- Co-op: Face the waves of enemies as a pair and work together to fight them off for as long as possible.
- Versus: Face the waves of enemies side-by-side and compete to see who's more successful at fighting them off.
- Weekly Challenges: A different set of special challenges each week for experienced players – tougher rules come into play here!
- Community Clash: Fun and exciting games for streamers (Twitch) where your chat takes control of a second player in co-op or versus mode, or determines how the rest of the game unfolds for you through choices!
Endless possibilities
You have the power to choose what you need to defend against the enemy effectively. Looking to inflict heavy damage or trigger nasty status changes? Eager to level up your weapons or gain powerful abilities? Over 140 different upgrades await you in four different levels of rarity, ready to be unlocked and integrated into your inventory. You can choose one upgrade per enemy wave from a random selection in this pool – so no two games will ever be the same!Direct link to the developer
Feel free to contact us – we appreciate any and all feedback! Join the community, share your thoughts and requests, or interact with other players.- OS: Ubuntu 16.04+. SteamOS
- Processor: SSE2 instruction set supportMemory: 4 GB RAM
- Memory: 4 GB RAM
- Graphics: Vulkan. OpenGL
- Storage: 10 GB available space
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