A lot has changed. Included within 2.1:
Sounds, Visual, and UI Improvement
- New Ring Menu
- Revamped Maps
- Additional and Improved SFX
- Updated Sprites and Mechanics New Features Mysteries in Darkness 2.1
- New and Improved Monsters
- Item Collection System
- New Encounters
- Revamped Bullet Hell Mini Game
- Brand New Combat
[ 2024-05-28 04:17:06 CET ] [ Original post ]
In the depths of darkness, tales of mystery unfold... An all new Mysteria Awaits in Mysteries in Darkness 2.1! Full of new encounters, a Revamped Bullet-hell System, and a combat system built from the ground up, this mini game will feel different than before with Rebirth Update 2.1. Coming Soon. [previewyoutube=lWCGi2dvYaY;full][/previewyoutube]
[ 2024-04-09 14:31:54 CET ] [ Original post ]
[previewyoutube=bZTPJsH3kiQ;full][/previewyoutube] A lot has changed. Take a look at some of the new features and improvements coming to My Heart Your Soul with Rebirth Update 2.1! This major update makes the game feel like a whole new experience than before. Stay tuned for more news leading up to the update's release.
[ 2024-03-15 15:32:25 CET ] [ Original post ]
Website At long last their story is complete. The culmination of years of hard work and collaboration with Bijou-Bot Entertainment has brought the story of My Heart Your Soul to an end. In My Heart Your Soul, experience the immersive storytelling firsthand in the game adaptation, where players become part of their narrative, forging a personal connection with Javi and her story. [previewyoutube=kXB-nisXtUc;full][/previewyoutube] In An Angel Inbetween and The Beautiful Things, explore their adventures and emotions through beautifully illustrated children's books, each page bursting with vibrant colors and heartfelt narratives that captivate both the young and the young at heart. Available wherever you buy books online. An Angel Inbetween:
The Beautiful Things: In Memory of Dreams, delve deeper into Javi's world with the light novella, weaving intricate details and nuances, adding layers of depth and understanding to her evolving relationships. available wherever books are sold online. Track: "First Love Last Kiss", HUKU Music provided by https://Slip.stream Free Download/Stream: https://get.slip.stream/rWbrfL In Together Again: The Lofi Series, let the melodic notes of four specially curated lo-fi soundtrack serenade your senses, creating the perfect ambiance as each playlist tells a story through each season. Playlist: https://bit.ly/MHYSTogetherAgainPlaylists Not forgetting the unforgettable OST of the game, each track carefully composed to evoke emotions, heighten tension, and etch moments into memory. Available on all platforms. I'm Still Alive by Rachel Philipp Fates Intertwined by RAYM Join us as we celebrate the conclusion of this unforgettable journeya culmination of creativity, passion, and the unwavering dedication from everyone involved to bring this story to life.[ 2023-12-06 16:00:47 CET ] [ Original post ]
As the holiday season blankets the world in snow, Javi and Leah find themselves in a winter wonderland, capturing moments that freeze time. A year has gracefully drifted by since their souls rekindled their connection, and they're grateful for every moment they share. Join them on this enchanting journey as they close the chapter with the final playlist in the Lofi Series. Allow the soothing melodies to cradle your soul and transport you to a world where love and harmony flourish. Sit back, relax, and savor the magic of this heartwarming season. [previewyoutube=rI94I6BOSOk;full][/previewyoutube] Playlist curated by: Hevo I'm Still Alive by Rachel Philipp: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=19GiTzUsXWw Fates Intertwined by Raym: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9K2caAdD0mI Lofi Remixes by Julien Safsaf: I'm Still Alive: 00:00 Fates Intertwined: 02:08:20 Illustration by: Wunderly. Find Wunderly on Fiverr: https://www.fiverr.com/wunderly - MY HEART YOUR SOUL ON STEAM: https://bit.ly/MyHeartYourSoul - My Heart Your Soul: The Beautiful Things: https://bit.ly/MHYSTheBeautifulThings - My Heart Your Soul: Memory of Dreams: https://amzn.to/46qTUyK - My Heart Your Soul: An Angel Inbetween: https://bit.ly/AnAngelInbetweenAmazon
[ 2023-12-06 10:01:29 CET ] [ Original post ]
[previewyoutube=YZQm6at6Exo;full][/previewyoutube] Echoes of the Past Reemerge as Dreams. Two years after her mother's funeral, Javi has managed to build a new life for herself in a different city. However, fate had other plans in store for her. Haunted by the memories of her past and a sense of unfinished business, Javi makes a spontaneous decision to revisit her hometown amongst old friends, a place she thought she left behind. The final story left untold from My Heart Your Soul releases this November wherever you buy books online. Learn More: https://bit.ly/MemoryofDreams Javi's Voiceover performed by Camila Riosir Find her here: https://www.fiverr.com/camilariosir?source=gig_page Connect with Bijou-Bot: https://bit.ly/BijouBotEnt Follow on Instagram: https://bit.ly/bijoubot-IG Like on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BijouBotEnt/ Connect with Javeah Interactive: Follow on Instagram: https://bit.ly/JavINTIG
[ 2023-10-20 14:00:02 CET ] [ Original post ]
As the crisp autumn leaves begin to fall, there's nothing quite like the cozy feeling of spending the evenings immersed in your favorite pastime. Javi and Leah take it easy as they embrace the beauty of the autumn season. Let the combination of soft beats, gentle instrumentals, and mellow vibes transport you to a world of relaxation and introspection. [previewyoutube=hzrgCweNIP4;full][/previewyoutube] Playlist curated by: Hevo Original OST by Hikari Kami: "Mysteries in Darkness": https://youtu.be/DSP8wAGHllU?si=L3ffgTnh6I27b-Zb "Dungeon Floor": https://youtu.be/5ZU1LP6mhHQ?si=TzyJH1ERr5b-BtVV "The Accursed": https://youtu.be/BMcYgjA6P-M?si=7wuglNQmtwaRnt2M "The Accursed Pt2": https://youtu.be/6SHVJj9nFps?si=F5JqxCChCyYYR5sL Lofi Remixes by Julien Safsaf: Mysteries in Darkness: 00:00 Dungeon Floor: 20:00 The Accursed: 01: 07 :25 The Accursed Pt2: 01: 28 :45 Illustration by: Wunderly. Find Wunderly on Fiverr: https://www.fiverr.com/wunderly MY HEART YOUR SOUL ON STEAM: https://bit.ly/MyHeartYourSoul My Heart Your Soul: The Beautiful Things: https://bit.ly/MHYSTheBeautifulThings My Heart Your Soul: An Angel Inbetween: https://bit.ly/AnAngelInbetweenAmazon
[ 2023-09-08 07:05:09 CET ] [ Original post ]
In this official tie-in, read the final piece to the My Heart Your Soul story. Set two years after her mother's funeral, Javi's past manages to catch up to her. When she decides to revisit her hometown and old friends, Javi comes face to face with what she thought she left behind. In this official light novella, step into Javi's shoes and learn more about her and her friends: Curtis, Beverly, and her very close friend Jason you see appear in game and much more. Coming this Fall wherever books are sold. Stay Tuned for Updates. Website: https://www.bijou-botentertainment.com/my-heart-your-soul
[ 2023-08-07 16:00:38 CET ] [ Original post ]
Watch the Official trailer for My Heart Your Soul Rebirth Update. This major update of the game sees the story given a new experience with fixed performance issues and new features for returning players. [previewyoutube=_A2XJYRG0Yg;full][/previewyoutube] WHATS NEW
- Diary Page Collecting - Before this update, the game had a QuickTime mini game before collecting the page. That has been removed. The page collecting is still there, including a change in the numbered amount being collected in that segment as well. At first, it was felt it could make collecting more interesting, but the QuickTime event system there ended up only hindering the experience. Also a page count was added to keep track of how many pages were collected.
- Soul Evaluation Fixed - There were issues where depending on the answers you gave during Angels Soul Evaluation youd only end up with just Blue. For story purposes, Blue is the correct answer for Javi, but as a player yourself, the additional soul colors are now fine tuned that now, depending on the answer you give in the evaluation, you can get any color within the soul spectrum.
- Mysteries in Darkness Additional Content - The mini game is the same at its core, but new things were added to enhance the gameplay. Hidden rooms hold items that can assist your journey through Castle Eternal to retrieve the Eternal Sword. The monsters are now more aggressive than your last encounter with them.
- Memory of Dreams Integration - With the upcoming light novella, My Heart Your Soul: Memory of Dreams, liberty was taken to integrate elements of that story to create clear continuity of where that story stands in the overall narrative with the inclusion of updated dialogue and additional interactions in scenes with certain characters.
- New Minigames - New ways to interact with the story! I felt these inclusions would help make the story more engaging naturally and bring additional sense of fun interaction between characters and the player. Within the State Fair a Dance segment was added (Much better than just waiting for the scene and song to play and move on) and within the Winter Festival memory, a small scavenger hunt was included.
- Additional Interactive Dialogue - Certain items depending on the character you have in your party could create an interaction when used. Some characters you interacted with previously from past playthroughs will have new or additional dialogue and options.
- AutoSave Feature - For players who might forget to manually save or hate saving manually, fear not there is now an Autosave feature integrated into the game. At various points during your play through, your game will automatically save itself. The manual saving is still an available option.
- Artwork Improvements - As an artist I like to improve even if I feel a piece is great. As this game was being improved upon, I took the liberty of updating the artwork for some of the characters as well even if its a minor touch up. Some expressions were redone and added a new one or two to give a sense these characters are alive in some capacity.
- Visual Improvements - Certain parts of the game felt lacking in atmosphere so liberty was taken to enhance it. The state fair is the most improved now feeling like an actual Fair with a few lighting touch ups throughout the game to give a mystical feel. You will also notice the pause menu is different including new options in the options menu such as keyboard configuration and many more.
- Secret Room - In this game now lies a secret room. Find the key. Find the door. See what lies within.
- Achievements - The desire for this to had been out alongside the game, but there was trouble integrating Steams achievement system. Now, a way was found. As you play through the game, enjoy unlocking these achievements. (Not all achievements can be unlocked through one play through for they are achieved by certain choices made within the story. The hardest one I can say right now to unlock will be getting White during the Soul Evaluation.)
[ 2023-07-10 14:47:03 CET ] [ Original post ]
One year ago today, "Fates Intertwined," performed by the talented artist Raym released. Marking its one-year anniversary, her heartfelt vocals and poignant lyrics beautifully depict the longing of two souls destined to reunite in the afterlife or beyond. Today, we celebrate the milestone, honoring the artist's contribution and the enduring connection we've forged through this enchanting soundtrack. Let us honor Raym's heartfelt performance, which brought the game's essence to life and touched our souls in profound ways. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9K2caAdD0mI
- Apple Music: https://apple.co/43rPtBN
- Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/1jP4unSrvQhlVf2FnikNSB
- Subscribe to Javeah Interactive on YouTube: https://bit.ly/Javeah-Int
- Subscribe to Bijou-Bot Entertainment on YouTube: bit.ly/bijoubotent
- Subscribe to Raym on Youtube: raymmusicofficial
- Subscribe to Raym on Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/raymmusic
[ 2023-06-24 13:08:22 CET ] [ Original post ]
It's officially summer, Javi and Leah soak up the sun at the beach, accompanied by a familiar face, creating everlasting memories amidst the endless waves. Enjoy a relaxing lofi playlist featuring chill relaxing beats to soothe the mind, be productive, or even fall asleep to in the summer air. LISTEN NOW: https://youtu.be/Bu7HFf1j09c Illustration by Wunderly. Find Wunderly on Fiverr: https://www.fiverr.com/wunderly Previous Playlists: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLinkRvi2KPVFxfdh7RZyzWVylrV3jN1HZ My Heart Your Soul: The Beautiful Things: https://bit.ly/MHYSTheBeautifulThings My Heart Your Soul: An Angel Inbetween: https://bit.ly/AnAngelInbetweenAmazon
[ 2023-06-24 12:38:08 CET ] [ Original post ]
So, there have been some performance issues with the game in certain areas so have been hard at work trying to fix them while also polishing up certain details. This major update is coming real soon with more details about it to follow.
Stay tuned for when the update goes live and hope you the players have a wonderful day!
Be sure to check out the other medias from My Heart Your Soul:
The Beautiful Things: https://bit.ly/MHYSTBTAmazon
An Angel Inbetween: https://bit.ly/AnAngelInbetweenAmazon
Together Again: https://bit.ly/MHYSTogetherAgainPlaylist1
[ 2023-03-03 21:44:58 CET ] [ Original post ]
[previewyoutube=is-6JnCEMg8;full][/previewyoutube] In another life, Javi and Leah reunite once more in this first chapter of My Heart Your Soul: Together Again. Enjoy a relaxing lofi playlist featuring chill study beats to soothe the mind, be productive, and feel at peace as you witness these two souls reunited again. Illustration by Wunderly. Find Wunderly on Fiverr: https://www.fiverr.com/wunderly Tie-In Books: My Heart Your Soul: The Beautiful Things: https://bit.ly/MHYSTheBeautifulThings My Heart Your Soul: An Angel Inbetween: https://bit.ly/AnAngelInbetweenAmazon Throughout the year, as Javeah Interactive prepares for it's next endeavor, stay tuned for more news about My Heart Your Soul like the Together Again lofi series or catch up on tie-in stories such as An Angel Inbetween and The Beautiful Things for as much their story was told, much was left unsaid. Stay Tuned and Enjoy!
[ 2023-02-27 17:06:30 CET ] [ Original post ]
[previewyoutube=XaS6u1ioqc0;full][/previewyoutube] When Javi was very young, she had everything she ever wanted when one day she loses someone. Follow this gentle moving story about loss and the importance of always remembering that no one is ever truly gone. Available NOW!: https://bit.ly/MHYSTheBeautifulThings Amazon: https://bit.ly/MHYSTBTAmazon iBooks: https://bit.ly/MHYSTBTiBooks My Heart Your Soul: The Beautiful Things Story by: De'Shaun Ruiz Written by: Lauryn Tolliver Illustrations by: Sani
[ 2023-02-23 17:00:42 CET ] [ Original post ]
Happy New Years Everyone! As it is now 2023 there is lots more in store from My Heart Your Soul that was delayed so stay tuned for future announcements and game updates to come. Until then, wish you the best and good fortune into the New Year!
[ 2023-01-01 05:01:50 CET ] [ Original post ]
Many wishes and Happy Holidays to everyone! Stay warm and enjoy a wonderful Christmas! Illustration by Andch24 Announcements to come in the New Year. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mTBDyZ_nmD4
[ 2022-12-25 16:01:11 CET ] [ Original post ]
Minor fixes and tweaks for cinematics and dialogue. Tune in for more news on future updates and fixes. Thank you <3
[ 2022-12-07 19:07:31 CET ] [ Original post ]
Launch Day is here! Enjoy 10% Off the First Week of the release! It's been a long journey getting this story to the world and we hope you the players enjoy and experience My Heart Your Soul to the best of your ability. Any issues arise don't hesitate to mention as we will be on it. This is our first game but surely one we put everything into developing. - Javeah Interactive
[ 2022-12-06 22:14:10 CET ] [ Original post ]
Official Lyric Video for "I'm Still Alive" by Rachel Philipp is available now on Youtube! Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QEA6IfloXCI Listen and Download: https://bit.ly/Im_Still_Alive Video by: De'Shaun Ruiz Illustrations by: De'Shaun Ruiz SadPugNation Sani (with the help of NightCafe Studio's AI) Subscribe to Javeah Interactive: https://bit.ly/Javeah-Int Subscribe to Bijou-Bot Entertainment: http://bit.ly/bijoubotent Subscribe to Rachel Philipp on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@RachelPhilip... #RachelPhilipp #MyHeartYourSoul #ImStillAlive
[ 2022-12-06 03:52:17 CET ] [ Original post ]
Before you see her in My Heart Your Soul, witness her origin... In "An Angel Inbetween" experience wonder through an Angel's eyes as she journeys through a world unlike any other. AVAILABLE NOW: bit.ly/MHYSAnAngelInbetween Amazon: https://bit.ly/AnAngelInbetweenAmazon This tie-in children's book by Bijou-Bot Entertainment is AVAILABLE NOW! My Heart Your Soul: An Angel Inbetween Story by: De'Shaun Ruiz Written by: Brigitte Evans Illustrations by: Alexandra Silakova #MyHeartYourSoul #AnAngelInbetween
[ 2022-12-06 03:43:25 CET ] [ Original post ]
Welcome everyone!
I'm happy to be bringing My Heart Your Soul to life. It's been a long journey that's finally reached the end. As we near release tune in for more news and I hope a positive fruitful community of players can socialize and share their moments as they play. See you very soon.
The Creator
[ 2022-11-27 06:10:05 CET ] [ Original post ]
Key Features:
- A unique heartfelt story driven experience
- Innovative mix between adventure game elements and classic RPG mechanics
- Fun Minigames to interact with from Matchcards to Quicktime Events
- Featuring songs that closely tie to the story:
I'm Still Alive by Rachel Philipp
Fates Intertwined by Raym
- OS: Major Linux Distribution from 2010Memory: 3 GB RAMGraphics: OpenGL 2.0 capable graphics cardStorage: 3 GB available space
- Memory: 3 GB RAM
- Graphics: OpenGL 2.0 capable graphics card
- Storage: 3 GB available space
- OS: Ubuntu 14+
- Processor: 2 GhzMemory: 2 GB RAMStorage: 150 MB available space
- Memory: 2 GB RAMStorage: 150 MB available space
- Storage: 150 MB available space